The western part of Wuyun Mountain.

   A crowd of demons appeared here.

   is headed by a rock giant.

  The demons here are as hard as stone, with thick skin and swords.

   "Pakistan logistics should be around here."

   The rock giant holds a wooden sign in his hand.

   There is a vague figure carved on the wooden sign, punching powerfully, like a broken bamboo.

   "The person who carves the wooden sign should be nearby."

   At this time, a rough man came to the rock giant and said respectfully:

   "Commander, shall we do it now?"

   "Two missions." The rock giant's voice was a little gloomy:

   "Block the logistics of Pakistan and kill the people who carve wooden signs."


   The wooden sign was crushed directly by him.

   "Is the town ghost stone damaged?"

   "Never, have been checked many times, and there will be no accidents."

   "This trip is of great significance to the frontline, and there must be no problems."

   "Ba country lacks intelligence, as long as we find it, and there are no internal problems, we can definitely complete the task."

   "Don't take it lightly and go all out."

   "Leading Yingming."

   "Go." The low voice of the rock giant reached everyone's ears.

   Then a group of people disappeared in the woods and began to look for the logistics location of Pakistan.

  This trip is of great significance.

   The task must be completed as soon as possible, no further delay.



   Jiang Lan left the inn.

   Normally, he came out to see Ba ​​Taizi for Xiao Yu.

   There is no need to stay too long.

   But what he wants to know, he already knows.

   was chased and killed, perhaps because the eight princes got a chance, although it was just a wisp, it was much better than the others.

   The natural fairy has dragon luck, maybe the future is big trouble.

   Furthermore, killing someone who has the chance to let the chance return to the Yaozu.

   This matter is very complicated.

   But Kunlun may indeed walk in front of everyone.

   It is difficult to know what is going on.

  This kind of thing may be difficult to find in ancient books.

   Take time to take a look next time, and wait a few more years.

   Jiang Lan didn't think about this anymore, he walked to Kunlun step by step, and went back to the Ninth Peak to continue his cultivation.

  Walking in the woods under the Ninth Peak Mountain, he suddenly remembered something, and then Yujian headed towards Yaochi.

   Forgot to tell the elder sister that he has come out of the temple.

   The speed is not fast, and his sword moves towards Yaochi against the Xiaguang.

   There have been many things recently, so he can't handle some trivial matters at ease.

   Need to calm down.

   But not long after, he suddenly saw someone in Yaochi's direction with his back facing the setting sun, coming in his direction.

   The moment he saw this figure, Jiang Lan stopped and waited for the other person to come over.

   Tsing Yi has long hair and a smiling face.

   turned his back to the setting sun, as if he was wearing a layer of red gauze.

   is a bit amazing.

   "Brother." Xiao Yu leaped volley and stood in front of Jiang Lan, smiling:

   "Why did Junior Brother come to me again?"

  The coming person is naturally light rain.

   "Come and tell Senior Sister, I have come out of the temple." Jiang Lan said softly.

   "Hey, Junior Brother, you step back a bit." Xiao Yu said.

   Jiang Lan retreated some distance.

   Xiaoyu: "..."

   "Junior, go back and move forward." Xiao Yu said when he came to the edge of Jianglan.

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled, then took a step back and stood behind Jian.

   At this time, Xiao Yu smiled and landed directly on Jiang Lan's sword.

   is right in front of Jiang Lan.

   "Okay, Junior Brother, let's fly." Xiao Yu smiled happily, and then Yu Jian went to the Ninth Peak.

   Jianglan: "......"

   Sister's speed is a bit fast.

   He has been in the business for many years, and rarely does he have a fast sword speed because it is too obvious.

   Fortunately no one now.


   Jiang Lan looked at Sister Ao, who is on the small one.

   Probably he was the one who was sorry for the goddess, and his reputation would be countless times worse than before.

   "Brother, let me teach you great swordsmanship." Xiao Yu looked back at Jiang Lan and smiled.

   "Good." Jiang Lan nodded.

   He is not very good at swordsmanship, because he uses nine steps in the sky.


   Xiaoyu took Jiang Lan all the way to the Ninth Peak Yujian.


   just found the feeling.

   Xiaoyu stopped.

   The ninth peak has arrived.

   "Is Yao Chi so close to the Ninth Peak?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised:

   "I feel like it took a long time for me to return to the third peak last time with Yujian."

   Xiaoyu looked back at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Is it because of the younger brother?"

   "Why did Sister Sister say this?" Jiang Lan asked.

   Xiaoyu raised her right hand and shook her next words:

   "Because the heart is toward the younger brother, so the distance is close."

   Hearing these words, Jiang Lan was a little surprised, and then returned to normal:

   "It may also be due to two-way reasons."

   Jiang Lan said that his sword stopped in the clearing.

   Xiaoyu smiled.

   then jumped down and went directly to the yard:

   "Junior brother, you have been to the temple for so long, have the plant eggs withered?"

   "Their vitality is very tenacious." Jiang Lan took the sword and fell by Xiao Yu's side.

   The two walked all the way to the yard.

   "The Eighth Prince was at the Old Wine Inn, saying that he was chased by the demons..." Jiang Lan briefly said about the situation.

   reported safety.

   Xiaoyu really cares about her younger brother.

   "Do you want to go out?" Jiang Lan asked.

   Xiao Yu shook his head lightly and whispered:

   "When I go out, I have to become normal, I don't know what to talk about.

   It's okay.

   But, isn’t it bad not to go out? "

   Jiang Lan could feel it, Xiao Yu wanted to care about it, but didn't know how to do it.

   Preaching is definitely not good.

   After all, the other party is a real fairy, and Xiao Yu only returned to the late stage.

   Actually, Xiao Yu saw that Ao Man was weak.

   At least Xiao Yu feels that way.

   has a weak personality.

   "I'll go out with my senior sister." Jiang Lan said.

   Although it is impossible for Eight Princes to be strong, Xiao Yu is uncertain.

   It should be much better if someone is with you.

   Xiao Yu lay on the table looking at Jiang Lan, with a smile in his voice:

   "Junior brother, I find you are very good to me."

   Jiang Lan didn't answer anything, Xiao Yu treated him better.

   What he did is trivial.

   "When shall we leave?" Xiao Yu didn't need Jiang Lan to answer anything.

   "Tomorrow, now the eight princes may be resting." Jiang Lan replied after thinking.

   At this time, the sun has set, and the injuries on the Eighth Prince really need to rest.

   "Then I will accompany my younger brother tonight and go down the mountain together tomorrow." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

   "Okay." Jiang Lan nodded Xiaoyu just came, so naturally he couldn't drive Xiaoyu back.


   Xiaoyu jumped to the roof position, she patted the side position:

   "Here, brother."

   Jiang Lan took a look and moved her lower body, but without seeing any movement, she appeared next to Xiao Yu and sat down.

   "Brother, you can move a little bit bigger, and it feels like an old man." Xiao Yu suggested.

   is not young anymore, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   then whispered:

   "Senior sister is younger."

   "Of course." Xiao Yu sat beside Jiang Lan and looked at the sky and said:

   "This way, I can bring my younger brother and younger together."

   "Well, it's good for the elder sister to stay young.

   I can protect my sister. "Jiang Lan said softly.

   "It's time for me to guard the younger brother, I'm a little bit stronger than the younger brother." Xiao Yu believes.

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu, his voice was a little soft, but also a little serious:

   "I mean, Sister Sister’s smile, I will guard it."



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