Hearing Jiang Lan's words, Xiao Yu blinked at Jiang Lan.

   Then generously said:

   "Well, I'll leave it to Junior Brother.

   Then, I was scolded by the master later, can I stop crying? "

   Sister Sister is carrying the bar? Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu, with doubts in his heart.

   He did not answer this question, but turned his head and looked at the sky.

   The starry sky is dazzling, as if it is close at hand.

   Is the starry sky so bright?

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised for a while, how long has he not looked up at the starry sky?

   Many years, right?

When    becomes stronger, there are many things to give up.

   Looking up at the stars and appreciating the beauty of mountains and rivers has become a luxury.

   "Doesn't it look good?" Xiao Yu's voice came over:

   "When I am not practicing at night, I will look up at the stars and feel very peaceful."

   "It's very peaceful." Jiang Lan nodded.

   The starry sky is shining, and he is so small in it.

   But in the vast world, I might be able to perceive something different from usual.

  The vast starry sky can expand the boundaries of mind and spirit.



   Xiaoyu in the morning stretched her waist:

   "Brother, what time is it?"

   Jiang Lan sat opposite Xiao Yu, watched Xiao Yu stretch, and whispered:

   "It just dawned."

   At this time, he was holding a wooden sword in his hand, blessing the true meaning of cutting the dragon.

   Xiao Yu stretched her waist and came to wake up for a while, looked down, then raised her head to look at Jiang Lan.

   She retracted her hand and sat down slowly.

   Junior Brother has a calm face.

   There seems to be no problem.

   If she was in a normal state just now, would it be the same?

   Xiaoyu didn't dare to think too much, for fear of blushing.

   But, you can try it next time.

   Jianglan saw Xiao Yu wake up, curiously said:

   "When is the elder sister going out?"

   He didn't sleep, he didn't have this habit.

   For so many years, at night, he has spent his cultivation or supplementing knowledge, which makes him feel more secure.

   Of course, he knows moderation.

   does not force myself.

   In this way, it will not be counterproductive, and it will only become stronger day by day.

   In the future, prop up the entire ninth peak.

   Xiaoyu patted her face with her hand to make herself more awake:

   "Will it be too early to go out now?"

   "If you go out, it shouldn't be too early." It will take some time to get out from here.

  As soon as the words fell, Jiang Lan saw Xiao Yu keep looking at him.

   seems to be worried about something.

   "I have a natural loneliness method, and the senior sister is by my side, so it is not easy to be noticed by other people." Jiang Lan explained softly.

   "Brother, you are a little withdrawn, and you will practice this kind of exercise when you go out." Xiao Yu stood up and said:

   "Then let the younger brother guard it today."

   After talking about Xiao Yu, she came to Jiang Lan and turned around.

   Jiang Lan watched Xiaoyu get higher a little bit.

   began to return to normal.

   Then the normal Ao Longyu stood in front of Jiang Lan.

   Shen Yu Luo Yan, peerless posture, completely different from the light rain state.

   But it looks a lot colder, and his voice is so calm:

   "Junior, you can go now."

   Jianglan got up, stood beside Ao Longyu, and started the law of nature.

  This method is indeed a bit withdrawn, but...

   Xiao Yu broke in.

   forced him not to be withdrawn.

  He has also been upset in the past.

   "Senior sister just follow me." Jiang Lan said softly.

   Ao Longyu responded and followed Jiang Lan to the ninth peak.

   "Senior brother think I should bring something?" After descending the ninth peak, Ao Longyu asked Jiang Lan.

   The voice is calm, without the liveliness of the rain.

   But it didn’t turn anyone away.

   "It shouldn't be used." Jiang Lan whispered.

   Sister sees younger brother, don’t bother too much.

   Ao Longyu nodded slightly.

   After walking for a while, Ao Longyu curiously said:

   "Does the younger brother like me now, or am I getting smaller?"

   "They don't hate it." Jiang Lan replied.

   Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan and stretched out his hand.

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled.

   What do sisters want?

   "Wooden sword." Ao Longyu explained.

   Jiang Lan didn't think much, and handed the wooden sword to Xiao Yu.

   took the wooden sword, Xiao Yu put it away.

   "In three hundred years, Junior Brother will be in the market for six hundred years, right?"

   "Well, I should have become a fairy by then."

   "I will be earlier than the younger brother."

   Jiang Lan watched the people coming and going, and no one noticed them.

   Only three hundred years later, he should be in the realm of heavenly immortals, or even higher.

   is roughly like Ao Ye...

   Ke Ao Ye is in Kunlun, and it seems that he is also the one who is angry.

   is not strong enough.


   a little while.

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu came to the inn.

   "Big brother is buying good wine today?" The boy who was cleaning up saw Jiang Lan.

   Hongya was also helping to clean up.

   Ao Longyu looked a little strange, there was an extra person in the inn.

   Tianyu Phoenix Clan?

   seems to have heard of it.

   "Come to the Eighth Prince." Jiang Lan said.

   "Oh, that dragon has gotten up and it's in the room." The boy said.

   After thanking him, Jiang Lan led Ao Longyu to the Eight Princes.

   Just when I walked to the door, suddenly there was a chattering around.

   is like a call, like a shout.

   There was no scene, and soon everything disappeared.

   "What's wrong with Junior Brother?" Ao Longyu turned her head to look at Jiang Lan, and she felt Jiang Lan pause just now.

   "The possible lack of rest, a bit strange." After a pause, Jiang Lan said again:

   "I checked with the master, and it's okay."

   Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan, and reached out to touch Jiang Lan's forehead.

   A dim light flashed.

   She retracted her hand.

   There is indeed no problem.

   Jianglan didn't care, Xiao Yu's cultivation base was not as good as him, but some things were fans of the authorities.

   can be checked out, it’s not a bad thing.


   knocked on the door.

   Ao Man opened the door, and the moment he saw Ao Longyu, he knelt again.


   Ao Longyu was startled, and approached Jiang Lan subconsciously, and then whispered:

   "Get up, it's not good for you to be seen."

   dignified dragons, born with celestial spirits, knelt down again and again, which was a blow to the reputation of the dragons.

   Ao Man will definitely be punished when he goes back.

   "Kneel down to please my sister, it's not a big deal." Ao Man seemed indifferent.

   After decades of fleeing, what is he afraid of?

   The concern of my sister is more important.

   As long as his sister is there, he is safe in Kunlun.

   "Where is Uncle Ao Ye?" Ao Longyu asked.

   "Beside." Ao Man immediately got up and led the way.


   The door opened, and there was a strong smell of alcohol.

   At this time, Jiang Lan saw Ao Ye lying on the bed~www.readwn.com~ The injury was very serious.

   But it's fairly stable.

   Jianglan and the others took a look and found that Ao Ye was not in a coma.

   It’s just that getting drunk is more serious.

  I’m so badly hurt, is drinking too long? Jiang Lan on one side was a little puzzled.

   "Brother, brother?" At this moment, Ao Ye's eyes were blurred and Jiang Lan looked sad:

  "Are you here to see me off?

   Recalling the days when we drank horse urine and ate **** together, as if, as if it was yesterday. "


   Ao Ye fell the bottle in a daze:

   "This is nothing but horse urine and shit."

   Jiang Lan didn't care about this, but he always felt that someone around him was staring at him.

   is Ao Longyu.

When    looked over, Xiao Yu's eyes were full of light, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

   If it's not in a normal state, I'm rather indifferent.

   may be about to yell, and then ask.

   Jianglan: "......"

   Can this explain?



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