"Brother Jiqiu?"

   Jianglan closed the surrounding formations and came to the front of Jiqiu.

   "This maze is a bit powerful, it was arranged by the younger brother?"

   Jiqiu saw Jiang Lan appear and asked curiously.

   "Senior brother laughed." Jiang Lan said softly.

   "The younger brother is humble." Ji Qiu didn't say much, but took out a piece of paper and handed it to Jiang Lan, telling him:

   "This is a list, Junior Brother can give it to Master Uncle Ninth Peak."

   Jiang Lan took the list, somewhat unexpectedly.

   He didn't know what the list meant.

   "What list is this?"

   Jiang Lan thought about it, and there has been nothing wrong with Kunlun recently.

   I’ve never heard of going out to a convention.

   If there is, Master should mention a sentence or two.

   but nothing.

   "Junior, remember the first time we met?" Ji Qiu asked.

   Under the ninth peak, kill spies?

  This list is...

   "That's what Junior Brother thought." Ji Qiu didn't let Jiang Lan speak out his doubts, and then planned to leave:

  "Junior brother, remember to hand it to Master Ninth Peak. By the way, the list can be opened.

   can be handed over to the younger brother, which means that the younger brother has the right to know. "

   "Thank you brother for telling me." Jiang Lan thanked him in a low voice.

   After sending Jiqiu down the mountain, Jiang Lan took the list and went to the top of the ninth peak.

   On the way, he opened the list.

   just glanced, his pupils just shrank.

   Reasonable, unexpected.

   The paper is full of handwriting, and the names of nearly two hundred people are up and down.

   And there is a general description.

   What surprised him was the description.

  1. Yao Jin, the first peak (new entry, bloodthirsty tendency, clean up.)

  2, the first peak Ganling (new entry, low hiding ability, clean up.)


   34. The third peak Liu Shu (I was spotted by the same door and cleaned up.)

   35. Don't pity on the third peak (dispute with the same door, fail to control emotions, clean up.)


   76, the fourth peak Jiao Mo (stored for three hundred years, no longer worthwhile, clean up.)

  77, Fourth Peak Yuyuan (No harm to the sect, all kinds of stability, knowledgeable, often spread news of major forces, stay temporarily.)


  135, the sixth peak Youli (trying to provoke an internal conflict, too obvious, clean up.)

  156, Fang Chen, the sixth peak (come with the purpose of killing the goddess, this time is different from the past, clean up.)


   Jiang Lan went to the last few lists again.

  188, Eighth Peak Licang (A spy from the Celestial Clan, missing, suspected of being killed.)

  189, Mowei, the seventh peak (the spy of the monster clan, died in the ice cicada forest, was killed.)

  190, Weihua of the Sixth Peak (A spy of the Demon Clan, missing, suspected of fleeing.)


   After reading these lists, Jiang Lan felt that his back was wet.

   The second peak, a bit scary.

   He even had some doubts whether he had been on the suspicion list.


   He has done so much, is it easy to be noticed by the other party?

   Be careful in doing things in the future.

   But he only now knows that Kunlun has already known that the spy exists.

   And the spies are not good enough, they are not qualified to enter Kunlun.

  Patience, perseverance, and lack of control will be cleaned up when they come in.

   will not give them a chance at all.

   But why should you let them in?

   There is another one that kills Xiaoyu, which is different from the past. It means that there was also before. Give it a chance?

   Jiang Lan felt that Kunlun was controlling everything for a while.

   Sure enough, a power that does not need to fight to obtain the position of God is not understandable by common sense.

   But why?


Is    related to Emperor Xihe?

   can't guess.

   Then he set his sights on the spies of the Celestial Race.

   He is more sensitive to the words of the Celestial Race, because it may be directed at him.

   But this one was killed.

   I don't know who made it.

   He also killed, I don’t know how it was recorded.

   Fortunately, the second peak is not staring at all times, otherwise it is too scary.

   Of course, Jiang Lan can be sure that he is not being targeted.

   There is a blinding feedback, if someone stares at him, he will know.

   Even if Emperor Xi He put his gaze on him, he could detect a trace.

   Other people, it is difficult to stare at him silently.

   One leaf is blind, he still has another leaf to cover the sky.

   exhaled softly.

   no longer think about it.

   Kunlun was not as simple as he imagined. Some things he couldn't understand were just normal.

   is not known how much it is false.

   After all, it should become stronger sooner and break everything.

   He is practicing very fast now, he has a chance.

   First see the master’s cultivation level, and then surpass it.

   is much easier behind.


   "Master, the list sent by the second peak." Jiang Lan handed the list to Master.

  Mo Zhengdong glanced at random, then stopped paying attention, but asked Jiang Lan:


   "Look." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

   "Any objection?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   "No." Jiang Lan shook his head.

   At the top of the list, no one knew him.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded slightly, and then with a big wave of his hand, the list was covered and burned by flames.

   "Do you have any questions?" Mo Zhengdong asked while looking at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan knew that Master was going to explain the list.

   So he asked the question in his mind:

   "Why let these people in?"

   He didn't question anything, he was just curious.

   did not worry about whether he was in danger.

   Because the danger is always there, it will not disappear because of the reduction of spies.

   There are naturally fights where there are many people.

   Survival of the fittest.

   Everyone has different personalities, different temperaments, and different choices.

   Whether there is danger, whether it is going to extremes, it is all within a single thought.

   "This is very complicated, you can understand it when you have a higher cultivation base," Mo Zhengdong said.

   Jiang Lan nodded.

   There is no need to know.

   The time is up, you can know if you have enough cultivation base.

   is like a spy thing.

   In the past, he only knew a lot of spies, but in the early stage of returning to Void, he knew all about it without asking.



   After returning from the top of the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan had no idea of ​​leaving the Ninth Peak.

  Second Peak began to clean up the spies again.

   means that the forest below the Ninth Peak will become a hunting place again.

   is a certain danger to him. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   Therefore, during this period of time, I still practice with peace of mind, experience the position of God and eliminate the influence of the position of God.

   He sat in the yard during the day with his eyes closed and experienced himself, so that he could understand the connection between the divine position and himself.

   thus mastered, completely integrated into the body, let a leaf cover the sky.

   The night is the time to practice.

   The speed of cultivation is one point faster than before.

  At present, he has been a master of 310 years. If it goes well, in another 80 years, and 390 years of mastering, he may be promoted to a heavenly immortal.

   The speed is incredible.

   Three months passed in a flash.

   It's not dawn.

   Jiang Lan, who was about to end his training, suddenly felt that there was a change in the formation.

   Then the formation lost its sound, and the next moment a leaf baffled automatically revolved.

   Jiang Lan opened his eyes instantly.

   He was awakened.

   "Someone is counting me?"

   looked up, he found a powerful presence and tried to find out his position.

   "The one that should come will always come."



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