Yiye Biaomu kept giving feedback that someone was spying on his secret.

   But it is impossible to get an approximate location.

   There are two possibilities, the opponent is very strong, or the distance is far away.

   At present, he is too far away to have clear feedback.

   and he will count, there are only so few people in the power.

  天人族, 妖族.

   Pakistan is unlikely.

   But do not rule out.

   Ichiba Biaomu has been running, and there are even signs of being broken through, so hard.

   is absolutely extraordinary and spy on his secret.

   The heavens and the human race are not like this.

   The most likely is Yaozu.

   Yutou should be a god.

   Yaozu also got the position of God, so there may be some awareness of his appearance.

   But the other party doesn't seem to know his approximate location.

  "Emperor Xihe said that he could know my approximate position, and other people with **** status should also know in theory.

   Yaozu counts me, don’t you know where I am for the time being? "

   "If this is the case, does it mean that many people actually don't know the specific situation?

   Only Emperor Xihe knows the most? "

   Jianglan feels that the possibility is very high.

   He has a leaf covering the sky, and he doesn't worry about anyone spying on the secret.

   But being targeted, after all, makes people care.

   However, after some time, the Yaozu should be able to know that the new **** position is in Kunlun.

   After all, just go to Pakistan to inquire.

   Judging from the current feedback, the other party may only be calculating the position, rather than the specific information.

   Jiang Lan didn't care.

   There is nothing he can do, he can only become stronger as soon as possible.

   Then he took the plant eggs and walked outside the Nether Cave, when the rain was coming.

Rest today.

  When he came to the yard, Jiang Lan saw a young girl jumping with her head up under the branches, as if she was about to touch the branches with her forehead.

   Jiang Lan came over, and the girl's gaze was cast over, and then an excited voice came out:

   "Brother, I found out that I am a little taller."

   It's getting shorter, Jiang Lan replied in his heart.

   Put the plant eggs away, Jiang Lan spoke softly to Xiao Yu:

   "Sister, come in."

   Xiaoyu tilted her head and looked at Jiang Lan, not knowing why.

   then stepped forward, came to the courtyard for the first time, and stood in front of Jiang Lan:

   "What do you want to do?"

   "Stand here." Jiang Lan averted his position and let Xiao Yu stand.

   Waiting for Xiao Yu to stop, Jiang Lan said again:

   "Close your eyes."

   Even though Xiao Yu was puzzled, she closed her eyes.

   She was thinking about what the younger brother would do.

   Then she heard Jiang Lan's follow-up voice:

   "Keep calm and feel your surroundings."

   Soon light rain entered the Xinshen yard, and the yard changed.

   It seems that there are more flowers and trees around, and there are cicadas.

   Looking over, it's ice cicada.

   Just when she was wondering, suddenly an ice cicada flew towards her.

   Xiao Yu was shocked, she opened her eyes immediately, trying to avoid it.


   The light rain in the yard was directly hit by an ice cicada.

   hit the forehead directly.

not heavy.

   Bing Cicada also flew away from the spot for the first time, hiding in the surrounding area.

   "Brother..." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with an angry expression.

   has a new expression, Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and thought.

   It wouldn't be like this before.

   "There is still behind." Jiang Lan sat at the stone table and reminded softly.

   He looked at Xiao Yu, his calm face did not change.

   Xiaoyu stomped his feet and pointed to Jiang Lan said:

   "Brother, you actually...Oh!"

   Another ice cicada hit Xiaoyu.

   Jiang Lan watched Xiao Yu start catching the ice cicadas, and took out Jing Hua Shui Yue.

   didn't read the book, just used to put the book in front.

   His eyes were on Xiao Yu.

   a little while.

   Xiao Yu was able to avoid the ice cicada, with a triumphant smile on his face.

   As expected, he was just a child, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   At this time, he took out the book and read it. He wanted to look at it, but it was easy to fall into deep thought.

   will ignore the elder sister.

   So he changed a book on planting flowers.

   see if there is a way to grow flowers in Yaochi.

   It is difficult to grow flowers in the Yaochi, because of the Yaochi itself, ordinary flowers cannot withstand the power of the Yaochi.

  Although he is reading, he is aware of Xiao Yu's situation.

   began to catch ice cicadas.



   Xiaoyu caught all the ice cicadas, and then confined them on the table.

   "Senior Sister is very powerful." Jiang Lan looked at Bing Chan and exclaimed sincerely.

   He thought it would be enough for Xiao Yu to play for most of the day.

   Xiao Yu pointed his finger to his forehead and said:

   "Brother, does this count as you hit me?"

   "Should, not count." Jiang Lan said, looking at Xiao Yu's slightly red forehead.

   It's not easy to make Xiao Yu's forehead red.


   Xiao Yu flicked Jiang Lan's forehead with her hand, then sat beside Jiang Lan, whispered:

   "It's the younger brother who hit with fingers, it has nothing to do with me."

   still put his hand in front of Jiang Lan.

   slender fingers, delicate and white.

   What does it look like to become a dragon claw?

   Jiang Lan thought about it.

   Maybe the nails are longer.

   After that, Jiang Lan came from Xiaoyu to the Wooden Sword and began to bless the true meaning of Slashing the Dragon.

   Xiaoyu lay half of her body on the table, watching Jiang Lan bless the true meaning of Zhanlong.


   Suddenly a drop of rain fell on Xiao Yu’s face.


   Jianglan's hand holding the wooden sword was also taken care of by the rain.

   followed by three drops, four drops, and kept falling.

   "It's raining?" Jiang Lan raised his head and glanced, then moved his fingers to separate the rain that fell on the stone table.

   seems to have opened a transparent umbrella on a stone table.

   Rain water will flow down from the surrounding area.

   "It seems to be Xiao Yu." Xiao Yu sat up and looked around and said.

   Xiaoyu? Sister? Jiang Lan was quite curious.


   The rain began to fall heavily.

   changed into Ao Longyu, Jiang Lan looked at the heavy rain and thought.

   Sister's name is Long Yu, but he has never called.

   "It's cold." Xiao Yu yawned, then lay on the table and said:

   "Senior brother, I will sleep, remember to call me when the rain stops."

   Then he fell asleep directly beside Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan glanced at Xiao Yu, and then continued to exert his true will of Slashing the Dragon.

   The rain kept falling, and the sound of crashing did not disturb Jiang Lan, but rather quiet.

   I've seen rain before, but it's not as quiet as this.

   What echoed in my ears was the sound of rain falling, the form of water dispersing.

   Jianglan slowly closed his eyes, and the rain scattered, like high mountains and flowing water, like Wanzhang waterfall.

   Sprinkles scattered ~www.readwn.com~ as if seeking a place for oneself.

   Mind melted into it, as if to become a part of heaven and earth.

  Blessed to the soul.

   He was at the threshold of the avenue, as if he could clearly see the countless roads ahead.

   seems to understand the difference in the road, as if looking to the end at a glance.

   Jiang Lan stopped thinking, feeling all the changes.

I do not know how long it has been.

   seems to be only one day, and it seems like a hundred years.

   Everything around him began to blur, his eyes were no longer as clear, but the road that belonged to his feet began to emerge.

   is the enlightenment of Tao.

   In the end everything started to dissipate.

   Jiang Lan woke up.

   At the first glance, it is a scene of delicate, agile, and pleasing to the eye.

   is holding his cheeks in both hands, looking at his light rain.

   "Brother, Master, they have decided that we will be married tomorrow."

   just opened his eyes, Xiao Yu's voice came over.

   "Huh?" Jiang Lan was dumbfounded.



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