Jiang Lan sat peacefully in the courtyard, Xiao Yu sat beside Jiang Lan, pouting.

   "Why didn't Junior Brother be fooled?"

   "Because I feel that many people use this trick, Sister, you can change it next time."

   Jianglan continued to bless the true meaning of Zhanlong.

   It is naturally not raining at this time.

   The sky is shining, and the sun is blooming.

   There is no trace of water on the ground, as if it rained a long time ago.

   Yes, although it was not what Xiao Yu said, he got married the next day, but half a month had passed before his epiphany.

   Fortunately, it is not ten years.

   "Brother, how do I feel that you have been enlightened?" Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with surprise:

   "Will the younger brother sneak over me one day?"

   Things happened hundreds of years ago, Jiang Lan replied in his heart.

   As always, calm.

   But he didn't care about this, but Xiao Yu accompanied him for half a month.

   "Senior Sister really didn't invade the demons?" Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu.

   For half a month, Xiao Yu's strength in the late stage of returning to virtuality is theoretically fine.

   But I also need to pay attention.

   "I checked, it's okay." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Then brother, check it?"

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, then stretched out his finger and lightly touched Xiaoyu's eyebrows.

  The power flashed past, there was indeed no problem.

   Then he took his finger back.

   In fact, once Xiao Yu leaves during this period, he will withdraw from his epiphany.

   Xiaoyu felt it, so I stayed here forever.

of course...

   mainly because she wants to stay.

   That evening.

   Jiang Lan sent off Xiao Yu.

   Watching Xiao Yu disappear in the direction of Yaochi, he turned his head back.

   As the longer we get along, the light rain becomes more and more naughty.

   There is no discomfort, but it feels smooth.

   If this is the case at the beginning, he will feel uncomfortable.

but now...

   If you don’t do this, you will feel uncomfortable.

   In fact, even in a normal state, Sister Ao would not seem unfamiliar.

   would sit next to him, would be close to him.

   The only difference is the lack of expression on the face.

   speak without emotion.

   But he doesn't feel strange, he is alone after all.


   After Xiao Yu returned, Jiang Lan planned to continue practicing.

   Just digest the epiphany from before.

   The sun and the moon alternate, and the four seasons change.

   One day when Jiang Lan was in retreat, he saw the dragons come to Kunlun with great momentum.

   The following year, they left Kunlun again.

   Xiaoyu was not affected, and the Eight Princes and Ao Ye were never taken away.

   That year, the Eighth Prince asked Jiang Lan to cry.

   "Brother-in-law, I will become a dragon who grew up eating Kunlun rice."

   "It's not that I want to eat, but the game here is too fragrant."

   "I'll bring two for you and my sister another day."

   Jianglan is actually a little curious, does the dragon eat raw or cooked?

   Then the Eighth Prince stayed in Kunlun with peace of mind. He couldn't do much with a real immortal, but there was no danger in Kunlun, and he didn't think much about it.

   On a trip, Jiang Lan heard some people say that the Dragon Clan came for the purpose of catching light rain.

   also failed to take away Xiao Yu in the end.

   Jiang Lan felt that they came for the Eight Princes.

   But he was not affected by this, but continued to practice.

   The ninth peak is almost unchanged.

   in a flash for thirty years.

   In the Nether Cave, Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   The light of power flashed in his eyes.

   Real fairy late stage, reached.

   didn't get up, he became familiar with this realm, familiar with all the spells.

   and then continue to improve cultivation.

   Achieve Consummation as soon as possible, and wait for the opportunity to become an immortal.

   During the retreat, there were still people spying on him from time to time, but no one was able to gain the slightest gain.

   Yiye Zhetian has never been triggered.

   Compared with the eyes of Emperor Xihe, these people are too ordinary.

   For thirty years, perhaps his name and name of the gods have been known by the major forces.

   Things in Kunlun may also be noticed.

   There should be many spies in Kunlun at this time.

   Most of these spies may have come for him.

   "It feels like being used by Emperor Xihe."

   Jiang Lan shook his head and sighed.

   However, staying in Kunlun is indeed protected by him.

   God's place asylum.

   Personal safety is still up to the master.

   The situation outside, Jiang Lan heard from the Eight Prince mentioning a point, saying that the inn youth's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he began to attack the Tianyu Feng Clan.

  The eight princes of the dragon clan have made great contributions.

   Inside Kunlun, there is not much situation.

  The only thing there is is the Wuxian Conference.

   seems to be turned on again after a while.

  Master mentioned it to him.

   It was dangerous to come out of Kunlun, and he dared not respond.

   In thirty years, the emperor of the Yaozu should have mastered a lot of divine status information.

   It is certain that he will know his position through God's position.

   As for him.

   The fusion of the gods has indeed improved a bit, but the source of the gods cannot be perceived because of strength.

   This prevents him from knowing more information.

   The strength is too weak.

   and the babble often appears, the clearest is twice.

   borrowed Shanhaijing and made a move.

   once exceeded his abilities, it was related to future generations.

   Jiang Lan doesn’t understand, he is a boxer in Pakistan, right?

   Why did you mention such a thing?

   But responding to the dotted line does not make him fit with the **** position, but it can make his **** position solid, and the fit requires a little understanding.

   The time is a bit long.

   What are the other functions of the position of God, he also doesn't know.

   At this point, Jiang Lan closed his eyes and continued to practice.


  Time is a heavy rain, and it will leave traces when it falls on the ground.

   is covered over time and is difficult to find.

   The rainy season.

   The heavy rain keeps falling.

   The cool breath drifted with the wind and drifted into the nether cave.

   There is a dark atmosphere here, and the dim light appears in the thatched hut.

   There was a surge of power on Jiang Lan's body, as if breaking through the shackles.


   There seemed to be the sound of waves coming from Jiang Lan's body.

   The body is like a peak, and the strength is like a surge.

   At this time, Jiang Lan wants to cover every part of his body with power, and completely control the full strength of the true immortal's body.


   The top of the original empty mountain was covered by waves, and there was water surging through the mountain.

   At this moment, the light appears on the mountain, which is the embodiment of Tao.

   can touch the sky with one leap and become a heavenly fairy.

   Really perfect.


   The Ninth Peak Peach Forest.

   Xiaoyu walked on the road in elegant clothes, letting the wind blow the corners of her clothes.

   Junior Brother has been cultivating, and it is probably about to be promoted to the middle stage of returning to the Void.

   She won't become immortal much earlier than Jiang Lan, but she won't be later than Jiang Lan.

   Now she can be promoted to perfection at any time.

   just want to delay for two years.


   A dragon chant sounded.

   Xiaoyu glanced at the sky~www.readwn.com~ and found that many dragons came here.

   probably came again for her brother, so she would just go and see him symbolically.

   Don’t care too much.

   Only this time, she was taken aback.

   She saw a familiar dragon at high altitude.

   "Mother Queen?"

   Xiao Yu was a little startled.

   This is the first time she has seen Kunlun after her mother.

   Since she left the dragon clan and came to Kunlun, she has never seen her mother's queen again.

   It was the master who raised her up.

   In Kunlun, she encountered a lot of cold eyes and a lot of dangers.

   Every time, it is the master who will help her.

   Then Drizzle lowered his eyebrows.

   The queen mother should have come for her brother Ao Man.

   doesn't care about her at all.

   At this time, Xiao Yu felt that there was someone behind him, and turned his head to see that it was Junior Brother.

   "Junior Brother, I'm not happy anymore, would you like to comfort me?"

   Xiaoyu smiled at Jiang Lan.



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