Wushuang Fist God and Wushuang God Lord, the gap between the two is not small.

   It's a pity that he got the position of God by accident, otherwise he might be able to name it himself.

  Emperor Xihe and Emperor Qionggou should have been set by themselves.

   I don’t know what name the kingdom of Pakistan will decide after it gets the throne.


   should be no better than Fist.

   Then Jiang Lan continued to read.

   Regarding what the Yaozu said, he would naturally not care, let alone go out to get things.

   Self-invested in the net.

   Yaozu, how can you be trusted?

   As for whether it is dangerous...

   I don't know, maybe I want to use him, or maybe I want to do something else.

   But Jiang Lan is not interested, and currently he does not intend to participate in matters between the gods.

   Because of lack of strength.

   is involved in it, and it will be overwhelming.

   He continued to check Master’s cultivation experience, which is a precaution for promotion to the heavenly immortal.

   Need to enter the threshold of the avenue, need to control the real immortal body, and use the most peak state to pave the road to the sky.

   Stand up in the world, fly across the sky, and become a god.

   After watching for a long time, he closed the book.

   "There is no mention of visions, no other external manifestations."

   "It seems that in 20 or 30 years, I can indeed be promoted to the gods with peace of mind."

   In another thirty years, it will be 395 years of entry.

   Xiaoyu is roughly four hundred and fifty years old.

   In other words, it was the time when she became a fairy.

   was only suppressed and delayed.

   is still a later stage of cultivation.

   In the past few years, she shouldn't be able to hold it down, so at most 80 years, she will have to cross the catastrophe and become a fairy.

   "Eighty years, 445 years after I started, the second level of cultivation should be the late stage of returning to the void, there are still about one hundred and fifty years away from becoming immortal."

   One hundred and fifty years, it's okay.

   put the book back in place, he stepped away.

   Go back to practice.

   It takes some time to get familiar with the strengths of some current realms.

  After being familiar with, can you exert enough strength, otherwise...

   is prone to accidents.



   Jiang Lan, who was practicing, heard the babble again.

   Someone recites the name of his god.

   Then there was the sound of dialogue.

   "In the gift of the emperor, there are Kunlun secrets."

   "It is information about the safety of Kunlun, which can destroy Kunlun and make Kunlun strong."

   "It is a meeting ceremony of the emperor."

   The voice disappeared.

   Jiang Lan didn't want to listen, but he couldn't control it for the time being.

   Of course, I can’t extend it.

   He opened his eyes and looked outside.

   "This is not a solution, it is impossible to practice normally."

   The monsters came to Kunlun territory, but they did not stay under Kunlun Mountain.

   So Kunlun hardly cares, and can't.

   Whether you can find it or not, there are two things to say.

   Even if it can be considered a secret, Kunlun will not be so troublesome, after all, it will not harm Kunlun.

   "No, it's harmful."

   That person mentioned that information about Kunlun’s safety could destroy Kunlun.

   Jiang Lan can't control this kind of thing, and he won't have his turn.

   did not dare to get involved.

   If you don't deal with it, it will affect his follow-up practice.

   "Going out now."

   Jianglan got up, poured the elixir on the plant eggs, turned around and walked out of the Nether Cave.

   The cool breeze is blowing, and the stars are shining.

  天, it's not light yet.

   But the night will also be launched on stage.

   He did not go to the yard, but went straight out of Kunlun.

   Dealing with that great emperor's affairs, he can't do it for the time being.

   After all, he didn't know what cultivation base and purpose came, and the danger appeared rashly.

   So, he has to use a compromise.


   The sky began to brighten, and Jiang Lan came all the way to the small town of Qingcheng.

   It was a few days away for him before.

   He, who is about to become a fairy now, only needs a few hours.

   opened a lot, but it was also a lot of time.

   The sky is already bright.

   At this time, there is a blind leaf on him, and other people can see him and can't understand him.

   seems to be able to see clearly, but I can't remember what I saw.

   "Boss, want paper and pen."

   Jiang Lan stood in front of the stall and said softly.

   "A total of ten cents."

   The middle-aged man who looked like a scholar said softly.

   took out ten cents and put it in the hands of the boss, Jiang Lan took the things and left.

   disappeared into everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

  He didn't go to the East Road Bridge. Someone must be staring there at this time.

   There are even in the small town of Qingcheng, but he drives a leaf blind, and it is not easy for other people to see him.

   Don't tell me what I found.

   At this time, he was sitting at a free stone table, planning to write some words.

   was originally prepared for the experiment, but now it can only be used on other people.

   Then he wrote ten words on the paper, and he was relieved after writing.

   There is no feeling of being noticed, which is okay.

   Then he added another word below.

   wrote a total of three.

   got ready, he left the place.

   once again came to the street, this time he casually went to a shop with few people.


   "As long as you open and recite at noon, you will get ten cents?"

   The second child in the shop was a little surprised.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded.

   He gave ten cents first.

Before    left, he left a talisman on the wooden board in front of the store, and the talisman disappeared completely as soon as he stuck it on the door.

   is a thousand eyes rune.

   can be his eyes, watching the changes.

   After confessing all the three pieces of paper, Jiang Lan posted a thousand eyes rune on a higher place.

   then ran the sky for nine steps and disappeared in place.

   I won’t need him anymore.




   Kunlun Temple.


   Some surprised voice.

   Then it seemed that someone had clicked on something, and two voices came out:

  "The ancient imperial palace Kunlun Xihe emperor.

  According to legend, there was an emperor who sent a meeting ceremony, and there was a Kunlun secret.

   can destroy Kunlun, but also make Kunlun strong.

   is under the East Road Bridge. "

   The two voices are completely different and the content is exactly the same.


   Then there seemed to be eyes cast outside the temple.


   Jiang Lan had already returned to Kunlun's feet at this time, and he looked at the people in the shop with a thousand-eyed rune.

Not surprisingly.

   One party takes money and does nothing.

   Fortunately, two of them read it.

   As long as noon, the words on the paper will disappear, and people who read at the same time will have confusion in their memory.

   can't remember what I just read.

   is a leaf blind and spell influence.

   When he was paying attention, suddenly there was a look that seemed to meet him.

  The feeling of majestic and vastness~www.readwn.com~Xihe Emperor.

   was looking over through the thousand-eye rune.

   In an instant, the rune burned and the screen disappeared.

   This is true on both sides.

   Jiang Lan touched the cold sweat on his face.

so close.

   But the method is really effective.

   The other party said it was the emperor, so he naturally didn't dare to go, so he looked for Emperor Xihe, who might be interested.

   But how to pass the news to Emperor Xihe is the key point.

   He did not dare to speak.

   Finally I found ordinary people. I planned to let them recite their names to see how they would react.

   Before he had time to experiment, he directly used Emperor Xihe.

   Fortunately, it works.

   The most difficult thing is to write the name of Emperor Xihe.

   So, he used Xi and Emperor...

When    was written, it was never discovered, but when it was read, it was discovered.

   As for the meeting ceremony of that great emperor, Emperor Xihe should handle it.



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