on the way.

   Jianglan walked slowly, and the woods he was in were already at the foot of Kunlun, so there was no need to worry.

   It's just that the road is relatively remote.

   was to remove a leaf blindly, so he walked in an unmanned area.

   At this time Yiye Biaomu has disappeared. He plans to go to the old wine inn, and then go to the Kunlun preaching place.

   I saw the character of Junior Brother and Junior Sister, and listened to the current situation in Dahuang.

   In this way, it can be roughly calculated whether the major forces have obtained the opportunity.

  Furthermore, if you get a chance, it is unknown whether it is the beginning or the end.

   The person at the Nether Entrance said that heaven and earth will fall.


   Jiang Lan shook his head.

   is too far away.

   He still lives under the protection of his master, and has no way of dealing with such things.

   Jiang Lan walking on the road suddenly felt a trace of strength behind.


   He glanced back and found a person standing in the shadow of the tree, staring at him.

   What was not there just now, a powerful method.

   "It was discovered." It was a male voice:

  "I want to ask this fellow Taoist a few questions, I don’t know if your friend disagrees?

   By the way, I return to the virtual perfection. "

   "Ask." Jiang Lan stared at the other party and said.

   repaired to the late stage of returning to the void, wearing a mask and black clothing.

   "Family Daoist is a Kunlun disciple?" Yingli asked, his voice steady.

   As if everything was expected.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded.

   I don't know the purpose of the other party.

   "Proceed to the disciple?" Yingli asked again.

   "Hmm." Jiang Lan still nodded.

   "Can you tell me the consequences of killing the direct disciple?" Yingli asked for advice humbly.

   Jianglan looked at each other and said seriously:

   "As long as no one knows, there should be no consequences."

   "Uh..." The film calendar looked at Jiang Lan in shock.

   He didn't expect this person to say such a thing.

   "Then you can only be wronged." Yingli sighed and whispered softly:

   "I will try to make you live longer."

   Jiang Lan looked at this person, not knowing what it means to live longer.

   Only soon he knew that the shadow calendar under the shadow took out a dagger, and the voice was a bit grim:

   "How many knives do you think you can hold on?"

   "If it's thinner, it should be able to hold about three thousand dollars." Jiang Lan replied.


  The film calendar felt strange again.

   He didn't think much, just said:

   "I think a thousand dollars is your limit."

   Talking about the photo calendar, I'm ready to do it, not hurriedly.

   Seeing that the other party was about to do something, Jiang Lan kindly reminded:

   "You have another important question, you haven't asked me yet."

   "Important question?" The album wanted to ask, but suddenly remembered something, and then said:

   "My companion is coming, just to surround you, so you don't have to wait to escape from here."

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, feeling that someone was approaching here.

   Then a figure began to appear under the surrounding trees.

   is found under almost every tree, and some people are wearing celestial costumes.

   Earth Demon Race?

   or the kylin tribe of the earth?

   observed and found that it was the former.

  Using the costumes of the Celestial Race, do you want to put the blame on it?


   None of the peak masters is stupid.

   "Don't worry, there are a lot of people here, don't be afraid of being alone, we will kill many direct disciples.

  You will not be alone on the way. "The voice of the shadow calendar came out with a smile:

   "Oh, yes, what did you say I forgot?"

   Jiang Lan looked at the surroundings, saying that there are three hundred demons.

   The strongest is not so impressive.

   really bold.

   After everyone has appeared, he slowly said:

   "You haven't asked me what cultivation level I am."

   "Huh? Right, right, right." Yingli said with an enlightened look:

   "Then what is your cultivation base?"

   When he heard this question, Jiang Lan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and a peaceful voice came out:

   "True immortal, perfect."

   "Huh?" The photo calendar was taken aback.


   The dagger fell and fell on the stone.


   The entire forest seemed to have suffered an invisible blow.

  While breathing, Jiang Lan stepped out of the woods and walked towards Kunlun.

   Stop going to the inn, just go to listen to those people's analysis of the great famine forces.

   At this time, the woods behind him were silent, and there was not even a breeze blowing.

   After Jiang Lan's figure left, a loud noise erupted from the woods.


   The endless blood mist rose into the sky, reddening the entire forest.

   All the people who appear have nothing to live.

   Such a big movement will surely be known by Kunlun.

   As for their purpose, Jiang Lan didn't know and didn't intend to know.

   is not aimed at a person, Kunlun will naturally have specific actions, and it is not his turn to care.

   He didn't think that he was comparable to the peak masters.

  Are several peak masters stupid?

   Jiang Lan walked back to Kunlun, looking at the nine peaks of Kunlun.

   Some peak owners are not only not stupid, but even eat people and vomit bones, it all depends on the mood.

The   long clan is an example.

   I want to pick up the Eight Princes, but I have to peel off a layer of skin.

   Goddess is not something that the dragons can get back if they want, Kunlun is extremely powerful.

   But not reckless, there will be a buffer.

   Such as getting married.

   can reach an agreement for both parties.

   It's just that he became a victim...

   I thought this way before.

   Then he came to the place where he preached and wanted to hear if there was any gain.

   "The latest news, the Di Ming Demon Race is fighting with the Lingshan Wu Clan, and they are destroying each other's cities."

   "I also heard about this. I heard that it has nothing to do with people, but the city. I don't understand what they are doing."

   "It's a very intense fight. It's been many years. I don't know what they are doing."

   "If you don't know what you are doing, the Celestial Clan and the Wutong Mountain Tianyufeng Clan have been fighting for more than 100 years, and they are still fighting.

   I heard that Tianren Wangqing has been completed, but the Heaven and Human Race has no intention to leave.

   Wutongshan lost a losing streak, but I was able to hold on. "

   "The Tianyu Phoenix Clan in Wutong Mountain doesn't know why, it always feels out of state."

   "No, I recently heard that Wutong Mountain suppressed the Celestial Race. It seems that some special personnel entered the arena, and then they broke out of the arena after a short while.

   I don’t know if we continue to fight like this, the two major forces will be defeated directly. "

   "It's not that the demons are still beating. I heard that they were being suppressed and beaten by Pakistan."

   "Ba country, have you heard of Wushuang Fist God?"

   Jianglan "......"

   He has heard of Wushuang Fist God. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   never spoke or left, he chose to listen.

   "I heard that the Wushuang Fist God was worshipped by Pakistan, and said that some people in Pakistan survived the crisis.

   is very popular in Pakistan.

  The scariest thing is that I heard that Wushuang Fist God belongs to Kunlun. "

   "Never heard of it, is it unreliable?"

   "Who knows, let's talk about something else, the Qilin tribe of the earth is lingering in the Eastern Wilderness, as if they are looking for someone to fight, and they don't know if it is true or not."

   "It's too far, the news spread slowly."

   Jiang Lan frowned slightly.

   According to these people, many people are actually at war.

   Many places are looking for opportunities.

   Kunlun, Yaozu currently possesses the position of God.

   The dragon clan has ceased the war. Whether it can be obtained is open to question.

   But it should not be as fast as the Yaozu.


   Just one chapter today, I'm a little tired.



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