The bright moon shines brightly.

   The breeze is blowing, and the leaves are rustling.

   A figure shuttles through the mountains at the limit speed.

   Moonlight stretched his figure.


   is a panting sound.

   This person was a little flustered, but tried his best to stay calm.

   He has been far away from Kunlun.

   It seemed as if there was a powerful enemy chasing after him.

   Tianren Clan Fuyuan.

   After he got the sand table, he stopped staying and fled Kunlun as quickly as possible.

   Jiang Lan, who has been following behind him, frowned slightly.

   The other party ran away for a long time.

   is very far away from the small town of Qingcheng, but the other party has no signs of stopping for a breath.

   "Does he know someone is following him?"

   Jianglan didn't feel that he had been discovered, but the rising sun was about to rise, and the other party did not relax at all.

   is not normal.

   also showed no sign of looking for a companion.

   After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lan stopped following. Since the other party doesn't find a companion, there is no trailing value.

   He took one step, and the nine steps of the sky traveled to the extreme.

   But it surpassed Fu Yuan in an instant.

   was originally in Fuyuan, who was escaping quickly, when he suddenly saw a figure suddenly falling from the sky in front of him.

   seems to see the other person clearly, but also seems to be unable to see clearly.

   But the cultivation base shown by the opponent is immortal.

  Hidden repair order.

   This is his first thought.

   Then he changed directions and continued to speed up to escape.

   But not long after, a figure descending from the sky appeared in front of him again.

   Fuyuan didn't change positions this time, the opponent's strength far surpassed him.

   At this moment, the power on his body is looming, and there seems to be a phantom all over his body.

   The mid-term power of the true fairy is revealed.

   "Friends Fairy, why stop me on my way?"

   Fuyuan's voice was a little low, he looked at Jiang Lan, his whole body was full of strength.

   seems to be to let the other party know their own strength.

   played a shocking role.

   Jianglan stood under the moonlight. At this time, the moon was no longer bright, as if light in the sky began to appear, occupying the sky stage.

   The power of the real immortal mid-term emerged, making Jiang Lan sufficiently alert, and the power of nine oxen began to gather.

   Make sure to do it, one hit kills.

  A true fairy, no matter how you look at it, there will be some means of life protection.

   must not be underestimated.

   If you want to do it, you must go all out, and you must not leave behind troubles.


   The phantom on the other party made him somewhat familiar.

   Heaven and human race, ten thousand phantoms?

   "Are you a Celestial race?"

   Jiang Lan's voice came out.

  The people from the Celestial Race are here again, but this time it doesn't seem to be because of him.

   But... he can be an obstacle to being handled smoothly.

  "Are you from Kunlun?

   I didn't expect to check it so soon.

   Are you here, or are you the only one to stay here? "Fu Yuan looked at Jiang Lan with a gloomy face.

   The opponent has hidden his strength, but he may not be able to keep it under his desperation.

   This person is definitely not beyond the realm of the real fairy.

   Maybe he is really an immortal, but he is fast.

   Look for opportunities to shoot.

   "I'm alone." Jiang Lan answered the question, and then asked:

   "Where are the rest of you?"

   "Other people?" Fu Yuan looked at Jiang Lan and said:

  "You have to ask the Yaozu.

  Furthermore, as an alliance, you want me to tell their position, how can you beat me? "

   "Understood." Jiang Lan nodded.

   then took a step and disappeared in place.

   Fu Yuan was stunned, and wanted to release the attack on the spot.

   Only when he was about to attack, a person suddenly appeared on the right, and then a roar sounded.


   The blood mist drifted away.

   He was horrified to find that the hand he was about to raise was shattered in front of his eyes.

  Severe pain struck, and he immediately planned to fight back.

   In the next instant, his other hand also lost sense.

   I didn't know when, that person came to his left.

   The opponent's hand was grasping on his shoulder, and the opponent was slightly hard.


   The arm shattered on the spot and turned into blood mist.

   "You lost." Jiang Lan's voice came from the blood mist, cold and merciless.

   "Can you tell where they are?"

   is Jiang Lan's question.

   "You, do, dream." Fuyuan's face was fierce, pain struck, he didn't stop his movements, and power exploded on him.

   At this time, he flocked to Jiang Lan.

   I want to explode the true power of the body.

   Ended with Jiang Lan.


   just the roar came out, a hand was placed on his head.

"Do not..."

   Boom! !

   Pressed with one hand, the blood mist drifted away.

   Fuyuan is dead.

   didn't even have a chance to shoot.

   Real fairies fight against each other, if it is not resolved as soon as possible, the movement will be very big.

   Of course, it is far enough from Kunlun, and some movement will not cause problems.

   Jiang Lan walked back step by step, and didn't get too many useful things.

   But it’s not nothing.

   at least understand that the opponent is the Celestial Race, and also know that the attack of the Underworld Demon Race may have something to do with the Celestial Race.

   The other is the Yaozu.

   The last time he recites his name, it should be Yaozu.

   There has been no sound recently. I don't know if I was killed or hid.

   There is no whereabouts of them at the moment.

   Jianglan travels through the sky for nine steps, and wants to return to Kunlun as soon as possible.

   There is no news about the person mentioned by Emperor Xi He.

   I don’t know why the other party fled early.

   If this happens again and again, even if Emperor Xihe provides an approximate location, he cannot be killed.



  In the early morning, the light shines on the mountains.

   brings the preface chapter of the day.

   "Fuyuan is dead." Fusuke looked in the distance and said:

  "He has been there for a long time. If he is evenly matched, he won't be able to fight it alone.

   It seems that we have to be ready. "

   After finishing talking, Fusuke looked at Miao Nian, and Miao Nian was the focus of this time.

   "Ignore the others, let's get close to Kunlun first.

   Let's see how it goes.

   Even at the feet of Kunlun, the adult would know something more or less. "

   They have been targeted, that is to say, no matter how they hide, they may be killed.

   Their cultivation is less than Tianxian, theoretically they would not be targeted.

There is only one possibility for   .

   That is because of the force exerted by the adult.

   The longer the delay now, the more dangerous it is.

   must go to the foot of Kunlun Mountain immediately.

   "Do you want to find the person who climbs the ladder on the ninth peak?" Fusuke asked.

  "Try to calculate his position, if there is a hidden secret in UU Reading, forget it.

   If not, see where he is.

   It's convenient to do it.

   If it is inconvenient, please don't be surprised.

  Wait for the task to complete, and then see if there is a chance. "Miao Nian said.

  Fusuke agrees with this. They came this time and didn't think they could go back alive.

   But just after everything started, I lost one person directly.

   This is a huge blow to them.

   If it weren't for the supernatural power of that adult, they wouldn't be able to live now.

   It seems that they need to complete the task as soon as possible.

   There is not much time left.

   At this time, Fusuke took out a set.

   is the number of days in the intraday.

  Jianglan climbed the ladder of heaven and had a strong cause and effect with the Celestial Clan. It is not difficult to find Jianglan by using this as a medium.

   It depends on whether someone hides the secrets for him.

  If so, they give up on the spot.

   Never scream.



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