My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 283: Kill him before he does it, are you right?

  In the mountains, Jiang Lan's figure passed by like a gust of wind.

   is very fast without affecting the surrounding area.

   In theory, flying at high altitude is the fastest.

   But it is easy to be noticed.

   It is easy to be observed even if one leaf is obscured.

   I don’t know who is around, so it’s better to be careful.

   Especially when it is discovered by the Celestial Race or the Monster Race, it will always cause trouble.

   Although in terms of his perfect cultivation base, few people will be his opponents.

   But to look down on the enemy is the beginning of the crisis.

   There must be no slack in this kind of thing, no matter what cultivation level the other party shows, you need to go all out.

   seems to return to the virtual, but in fact it is a real fairy or even a fairy, not without it.

   on the way.

   Jiang Lan stopped suddenly, and he looked up at the sky.

   found someone spying on him, as if looking over.

  "This feeling is different from spying on heaven.

Where did    meet? "

   But in an instant, he recalled that it was Miu Xiu of the Celestial Race.

   "The Celestial Race wants to find me, do it on me?"

   At this point, he immediately turned on Jinghua Shuiyue.

   let the other party see him appearing in the ice cicada forest, planning to clean up the Underworld Demon Race, showing the initial stage of returning to the Void.

   After a while, that feeling disappeared.

   The other party only glanced at it.

   Soon, he almost didn't know the location of the opponent.

   Miao Xiu looked at him in this way before, and he could roughly know where he was.

   Now Yi Ye Bianbian does not feedback the position.

   But the problem is not big.

   Since the other party looks like it, it is certain to come to the door.

   "I thought I couldn't find it, but now they find the door by themselves, there should be no accidents."

   Thinking of Jiang Lan, he quickened his pace.

   needs to rush to the ice cicada forest first and wait for them to arrive.

in the afternoon.

   Jianglan walked on the road.

   is the road to the ice cicada forest.

   came out the next day, only a record.

not feeling well.

   He was thinking where he should go to find the order.

   There are too many people to calculate the record.

   There is still a big difference between fist killing and sword killing.


   "It's almost there, just wait for them in this area."

   Jianglan stood on the periphery of the ice cicada forest. The location he showed to the Celestial Race was here.

   So just wait for them to come.

   "They should have other purposes, but if someone dies, they will probably feel discovered."

   "This should speed up the pace."

   "I might just be comfortable."

  So, he should have to wait two days.

   Two days is nothing, but some achievements need to be added afterwards.


   is too conspicuous.

   Jianglan stood there waiting, not practicing, just observing the surroundings.

   Two days passed in a flash.

  He has been here for a long time without seeing anyone.

   His heart never fluctuates, leaning on the big tree, and continuing to wait.

   Another day, he finally felt someone approaching.

   But Jiang Lan still quietly leaned against the tree, waiting quietly.

   There is no wave in the ancient well.

   The heart is like still water.

   "Have you figured it out?" Fusuke walked in the ice cicada forest and asked.

   naturally asked Miao Nian next to him.

   "Kunlun seems to have a special power. The power that the adult gave me has actually been supplemented here, and it feels a little bit wonderful.

   Kunlun can indeed bring enough help to the clan. "Miao Nian's voice came.

   There is no emotion.

  The closer he gets to Kunlun, the calmer he is.

   is an additional power.

   "We will soon be discovered. After we have completed the last thing, don't leave this woods." Miu Nian's voice came out again.

   seems to be talking about a very common thing.

   Fusuke hesitated and nodded:

"it is good."

   "Let's look for it first, I don't know if he has left." Miu Nian's voice came out.

   They are naturally looking for the ninth peak Jianglan.

   kill it.

   This trip is considered a successful conclusion.

   As for the others, I can't control it anymore.

   Let it develop.

   will not work anyway.

   "Are you looking for me?"

   A sudden voice came from behind them.

   Miao Nian and Fusuke immediately looked back, and they saw a young man.

   was peaceful, standing there as if to blend in with the surroundings.

   has a breath, but why didn’t I notice it just now?

   Miao Nian stared at Jiang Lan, frowning:

   "Heaven and man forget love?"

   Fujie looked at Miao Nian in shock.

   He naturally knows that the person here is Jiang Lan, but this person really cultivates the heavens and forgets the emotions?

   "No, I don't practice this meaningless exercise." Jiang Lan looked at Miao Nian and said.

   He can feel that the other party is calm and out of touch with the surroundings.

   This person has something to do with Tian Ren Wang Qing.

   This is Jiang Lan's guess.

   is a feeling.

   "Your heart is too calm, ordinary people can't reach your level." Miao Nian looked at Jiang Lan, but didn't believe Jiang Lan's statement.

   "You can ask other people." Jiang Lan looked at them and said softly:

   "I told someone, I really don't know how to tell the truth."

   "Ask other people?" Fujie looked at Jiang Lan, frowning:

  "Who are you asking?

Where is   ? "

   "It's all on the road." Jiang Lan explained:

   "I asked them to wait a while, not knowing if they have gone far.

   But if you have a high cultivation base, if you speed up your pace, you should be able to catch up. "

   "What do you mean?" Miao Nian felt that this person was a little strange.

   The front does not take the back.

   And obviously they are going to kill each other, why...

   Why do you feel that you are about to be killed?

   is very strange, but it can’t be ignored.

   "Look around to see if there is something wrong." Miao Nian said immediately.

   Fusuke immediately felt it, but didn't get any results.

   "It is certain that there is no one around, and there is really only one person on the other side." Fusuke said.

   But they did not relax, but looked at Jiang Lan.

   The other party is as calm as ever.

   can't find any extra emotions in their eyes, giving them a strange feeling.

  " has other meanings, just want to send you on the road.

   promised before. "Jiang Lan took steps.

   Then a blindfold appeared, so that there is no need to worry about killing them and be locked.

   He could see that the young man related to the Heavenly Heart Sutra should have a good identity.

  Furthermore, this person is also what Emperor Xihe said.

   has a chance.

   just not a single thread.

  Kill him Emperor Xihe might cast his eyes.

   "Send us on the road?" Fusuke frowned, his power surged, and his expression of disdain:

   "It's up to you?

   We have always had your You have less than 400 years of entry, and the limit of human beings has not yet become immortal for 400 years.

   Do you know our state?

  Ignorance. "

   said that, but Fusuke surging the power of the true immortal later stage, he did not retain the slightest, and wanted to use all methods of phantom to kill Jiang Lan.

   so as not to have long nights and many dreams.

   However, just as he was about to complete the phantom of all magic, suddenly saw Jiang Lan appear in front of him.

   Then he saw a blood mist appearing, and then he noticed that one eye began to disappear.

   Finally, he noticed in horror that his body was shattered by a punch.


How can it be?

   The blood mist drifted away, and Fusuke was killed by a punch.

  "The phantom of the ten thousand magic can increase many powers, and once it is formed, it is quite tricky.

   After a few losses, I finally understood how to crack it.

   That is to directly kill the person who uses it before it is formed."

   Jiang Lan turned to look at Miao Nian on the side, as if asking:

   "What do you mean?"



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