"You..." Miao Nian looked at the blood mist floating around and said:

   "It's surprising."

   Very calm... Jiang Lan felt that the other party was really not surprised.

   Without hesitation, he punched again.


   punched past, the power screamed.

   I thought that blood fog would appear, but Jiang Lan realized that he had made a mistake.

   Hit himself on a piece of thin paper.


   "For death?"

   He was a little surprised, but not in a hurry.

   Instead, he looked to the side, and then stepped out.

   There is something under his cloth over there, or only something under the cloth over there reacts.

   between breathing.

   Jiang Lan came to the woods, and at this time Miao Nian was **** with an immortal rope (pseudo).

   There are also formations and lightning methods around   .

  He has a lot of things, and he put some in various places for safety.

   to ensure that the enemy has a powerful escape technique and can be blocked, it seems that it is not wrong to be more stable.

   But at this time, the other party still kept this calm, without the slightest panic.

   also didn't have any struggle.

   It seems to him, everything is normal.

   "Heaven and man forget love?" Jiang Lan asked.

   This state of the other party should be forgotten.

   That's why he doesn't want to open too much forgiveness.

   Although he is said to be withdrawn by the master, but he is not without other emotions.

   will be arrogant, will be angry, will have desire.

   is just weakening and will control it.

   Too high the state of forgetting emotions, too high.

   Forget about love and go to the public, get away from love, not be moved by emotions, and not disturbed by emotions. The sky is private, and the use is public.

   So, it is too unforgettable.

   From now on, he will not be obsessed with staying at the Ninth Peak, he will be obsessed with inheriting Master's Ninth Peak, and provide for the elderly for Master.

   will not act for Xiao Yu's happiness, nor will he act differently because of Xiao Yu's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

  Because, too cruel, all beings are equal.

   It's not as good as Tian Ren Qing Qing, but it's the same way.

   "It's not me." Miao Nian shook his head:

   "My only regret is that I can't spread the news related to you."

   Jiang Lan nodded and said:

  "It's really a pity.

   The two of them are waiting for you on the road.

   I will give you a ride. "

   "Thanks a lot." Miao Nian nodded and thanked him.

   "You are welcome." At this moment, Jiang Lan came to Miao Nian, his hand was already on Miao Nian's head:

   "Don't go too fast, there may be many people behind.

  The important thing for a family is neatness. "

   Fingers are slightly hard.

   At this moment, the power directly tore Miao Nian's body.


   The blood mist drifted away, and Miao Nian didn't even leave half of his body.

   The feeling that this person gave Jiang Lan is too dangerous, and he must not leave a trace.

   just quickly, he remembered one thing.

  Emperor Xi He seems to want this person's corpse, right?


  While he was thinking about how to be good, he suddenly felt the power to look here.

   didn't hesitate at all, just stepped back, intending to escape here.

   This power is extremely powerful, like a torrent.

   Before this torrent, he was like an ordinary person.

   If you don’t leave, you may not even have the chance to leave.

"it's me."

   The majestic and majestic voice belonging to Emperor Xihe was passed over.

   You are more dangerous, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   But he still stopped and stayed, and then faced the direction of Emperor Xihe.

   Same as before, it seems that there is only one power.

   The huge power looked at Miu Nian who turned into a blood mist, and then the power swam around, absorbing all the blood mist.

   A trace of blood mist could not be left behind.

   This kind of feeling, Jiang Lan thinks where he should have seen it, or imagined it.

   Soon he remembered.

   was when the peak master of the first peak and the second peak came to kill the golden core.

   So they actually care about flesh and blood?

   But why did the other people be killed by the northern brothers?


   It seems so.

   "Little guy, don't you use another method of killing?" Emperor Xihe's voice sounded.

   This is the fastest and safest... Jiang Lan lowered his head slightly and did not speak.

   He does not plan to change.

   "Can you feel it?" Emperor Xihe's voice sounded again.

   Jianglan nodded slightly:

"There are some."

   Yes, he felt it.

   When killing someone with chance, the **** position he has been unable to grasp seems to have made some progress.

   "You are not strong enough, otherwise you can speed up your progress in Kunlun." Emperor Xihe's voice was smiling:

   "Little guy, you are very strong, and you have secrets that I can't see through.

   Let's make a deal.

   Of course, the premise of the transaction is that you cannot stand opposite Kunlun.

   In order not to be difficult for you, as long as you are a personal disciple of Kunlun on the day of the transaction. "

   "What is the deal that the predecessor said?" Jiang Lan remained vigilant.

   As for the other things, there is nothing to care about, the focus is on trading.

   may also harm him.

   "The ancient imperial palace Ba Guo Wushuang Fist God, what do you think of the name of this god?" Emperor Xi He said.

  Occasionally, I dare not pick it... Jiang Lan whispered:

   "I didn't feel anything wrong."

   "Don't you want to change your name?" Emperor Xihe's voice continued:

   "When a transaction is concluded, I will teach you to modify the name of the god.

   Of course, what is it, you are too weak.

   Work hard to become stronger.

   This is just one of the benefits. "

   "By the way, let me tell you one more thing. In the Great Desolation, there are only three people who have the gods."

   The breath of Emperor Xi He began to recede.

   Seeing Emperor Xihe retreating, Jiang Lan left without any stay.

  He walked around to the mountain peak for game.

   intends to rest for a while.

   At this time, he has removed a leaf of blindness.

   "Emperor Xi He wants the flesh and blood of that person?" Jiang Lan didn't quite understand.

   But this time he did get a lot of benefits.

   There has been a lot of progress from mastering the position of God.

   It may not be impossible to master it for two hundred years.

   So other people's chances are actually very important to him?

   There are two Taos on the Eighth Prince.

   Of course, he would not do anything to the Eight Princes.

   But there is one thing he needs to care about, that is, Dahuang currently only has three gods.

  He, Emperor Xihe, Emperor Qionggou.

   So the current enemy should be the Yaozu, Kunlun has other purposes.

   "Emperor Xihe made me stronger, so he said that the transaction was specific, but...how to be strong?"

   He feels that he shouldn't mess around recently~www.readwn.com~ When will he surpass the Emperor Xihe, and then cooperate with him.

   In this way, it is much safer.

  Emperor Xi He should not be underestimated, even if the cultivation base is even, it is very dangerous.

   As for the name change...

   Is the name change card used?

   Wushuang Fist God is indeed one point short, but...

   For free.

   If you dislike it, it's too much.

   There is only one thing he is always puzzled by.

   The Great Desolation has been fighting for hundreds of years, and only one monster emperor appeared in the end.

   And he didn't do anything, how to win the position of God?

   He was puzzled before, but now he is even more puzzled.

   But Kunlun is indeed different, Emperor Xihe walked in front of everyone.

   Ao Ye was right.

   And the Celestial Race also discovered that there will be other gains in Kunlun.

   I don't know if the subsequent war will extend.

   It is better to become stronger as soon as possible, so that it is safe.



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