
   is still a common cloudy day.

   In a yard with a lot of firewood piled up, a woman stood in front of the yard, looking into the distance.

   Today is the day when the logistics of a certain team returns.

   She is waiting.

  Wait from dawn to noon.

   never waited for anyone.

   No thought, no action.

   still standing quietly in front of the yard, waiting.

   The breeze shook the corner of the woman's clothes. She always looked at the end of the road.

   Until dark, a figure appeared at the end of the road, waving at her.

   One hand was severely wounded and tied, and the other hand was also injured.

   Fortunately, none of them suffered serious injuries.

   "Aniang." A loud voice came from the end:

   "Aniang, I'm back."

   After a few breaths, the figure at the end ran to the woman.

   moved his severely injured arm as soon as he came over, and said excitedly:

   "Aniang, I have been favored by Fist God.

   One punch smashed the town ghost stone that even the commander could not smash. I am already recognized as the first punch in Pakistan.

   After the **** of fist dies, I will become a **** of fist.

   Make military exploits and kill powerful enemies. "

   Aoki was very excited, as if it was approaching the day when he became a boxer god.

   "After eating, the food is going to be cold." The woman said softly.

   "Good mother." Aoki looked around and said:

   "Aniang, where's Ada?"

   "I'm going to get you some delicious food, I'm coming back," the woman said.

   "Really? Then I'll wait for Dad." The young man said he was going to wait outside.

   The woman didn't stop, she just stopped in the yard, looking at the Wushuangquan God Wooden statue that Aoki had been storing.

   She looked at the wooden statue, and finally bowed her head respectfully.

   seems to be grateful.



   Jianglan stayed for a long time in a place with a lot of game.

  While thinking about the problem, I was thinking about how to find the record.

   Whether the name of the gods needs to be changed, this is not in a hurry.

   The important thing is to master the position of God first and prevent Emperor Xihe from aware of the approximate position.

   only has a total of more than two hundred years, I hope it can be done.

   For more than two hundred years, the strongest should be only Tianxian.

   Tianxian is not strong in the eyes of people like Master.

   That was the same in the eyes of Emperor Xihe.


   A dragon chant sounded.

   Jiang Lan looked over and found a dragon coming towards him.

   For a moment he wanted to use the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   "Brother-in-law." The dragon fell in front of Jiang Lan and turned into Ao Man.

   There are two rabbits in his hands.

   "Brother-in-law also came to catch game? What do you want, I'll come.

   will never make a mistake. "The Eighth Prince vowed.

  Is a real fairy catching a rabbit, will he make a mistake? Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   But he shook his head:

   "Just drop by."

   "Is my brother-in-law looking for the Divine Demon Race?" Eight Prince asked curiously.

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly without speaking.

  The Eighth Prince threw away the two rabbits and said to Jiang Lan:

   "I'll help my brother-in-law find it."

   Jianglan: "..."

   If there are eight princes to help, it will indeed be much faster.

   But when I was known, it was a bit conspicuous.

   even criticized it.

   "Eight Princes should go back to see the store." Jiang Lan said softly.

   He didn't care about it, mainly because of the lack of experience. Master should sigh.

   So, it's better to complete a good record by yourself.

   makes the master happy.

   For more than two hundred years, it is impossible for him to go out to experience.

   "I don't need to see the store anymore, the boss is back." Ba Taizi felt a little pity:

   "The young man was injured. I heard it was because of the Tianyufeng clan."

  Heroes save beauty? Jiang Lan was curious.

   "I heard the boy say that it was the Tianyu Phoenix tribe who ran to him on purpose.

   He rushed up foolishly.

   I told him that this Tianyu Phoenix Clan is very scheming.

   Do not believe me. "The Eighth Prince looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Brother-in-law, go and tell him, he listens to you."

   Jiang Lan knows why the boy listened to him because he has a fiancée. See what he thinks the boy might have misunderstood.

   But the Tianyu Phoenix clan really uses the young boy, will the boss agree?

   Still want to hurt the boy once?

   I don’t know.

   Saying goodbye to the Eight Princes, Jiang Lan began to look for the whereabouts of the Demon Clan.

   It took two days, and he finally killed five Earth Demons.

   One middle stage of returning to virtual, three early stages of returning to virtual, there is also a soul perfection.

   "Why don't you escape?"

   Jiang Lan has some doubts.

   But he doesn't care, but intends to return to the ninth peak.

   On the way, he came to the old wine inn to buy good wine.

   brought to the master.

   Just after entering, I heard the sound of dragons and power fluctuations.

   Boom! !

   The dragon flew out with Pai Yao.

   Probably it is Ao Ye again.

   "This dragon is too annoying, don't drink if you can't drink, drink once and make trouble.

   I now feel that Pai Xiu and the wild dragon lie to me Lingshi. "The young man's complaint reached Jiang Lan's ears.

   Jianglan: "......"

  貔貅 once you move your hands, you will be charged.

  He raised it.

   In the end, the boy suffered a lot.

   Stepping into the inn, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   saw the Tianyu Feng Clan and the boy who were packing things together.

   At this time, they have become different, or the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan is different.

   There is a chance for her.

   And the boy has only a vague chance, not a single strand.

   Where did they come from?

   Wutong Mountain?

  According to the Eight Prince, they went to Wutong Mountain, so where did they get it?

   No wonder the boss listens to the teenagers and chooses to go to Wutong Mountain at this time.

  He also has a purpose.

   But does Emperor Xihe really not care about these opportunities?

   should not care, after all, he is a person with a godly position, and he is also in Kunlun.

   If you want to care about him, you should care about him, not those who have a chance.

   The theory of chance is nothing.

   "Big Brother wants a good drink? Grandpa wants to come back later." The boy said to Jiang Lan.

   "Okay." Jiang Lan nodded at the boy.

   went to the corner quietly, waiting for the boss to come back.

   By the way, I will feel the Xinshen Inn again.

   Sitting in his position, he tried to comprehend the Xinshen Inn.

   Although he has realized it, the owner's Mind Inn is not as simple as he thought.

   At this time, he remained calm and his heart was still water.

   Standing on the water in his mind, he suddenly felt a bright light ahead.

   belongs to Xinshen Inn.

   "I have never seen it before..."

   He didn't dare to probe at will, bowed his head and didn't pay attention.

   Prevent accidents.

   is just calm, he seems to be in tranquility.

   is not silence, but tranquility.

   There seems to be a stream of water around it, as if there is a fragrance of birds and flowers.

   At this moment, blessing to the soul.


   In the inn, the teenager saw that Jiang Lan was closing his eyes again, so he immediately planned to take Jiang Lan to the Xinshen Inn.

   He has become much stronger.

   This time it will definitely succeed.

   Grandpa can't stop what he wants to do.

   Hongya is the same.

   As long as she can pull the other person to the Xinshen Inn, she doesn't have to be too passive.

   will not be harassed.


   When they tried to enter the Xinshen Inn, they found that they were forced to retreat.

   They looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

   "Grandpa said this sign, he put something in it, once he got his mind, it would cover the whole inn... Big brother he..." The boy was surprised.

   He had seen that thing, but no matter how he chased it, he couldn't touch it.



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