Back to the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan poured a lotion on the plant eggs.

   I haven't come back these days, the plant eggs and You Yehua are not too different.

   I have been able to spend the previous few years, a few days, and I don’t have to worry about it.

   Then Jiang Lan went to the Nether Cave alone.

   intends to practice.

  Netherworld entrance is about to erupt, plant eggs and Youyehua can't bear it.

   is not suitable for bringing in.

   sat in the Nether Cavern, Jiang Lan looked at the entrance of the Netherworld. He has never even looked at it.

   There is no need, but be vigilant in real time.

   Especially when it comes to the eruption period again.

   It seems that someone always wants to take this opportunity to throw Kunlun into chaos.

   What is the purpose of these people, Jiang Lan doesn't know, but he takes it seriously every time.

   Someone secretly opened the gap in other places last time.

   This time he blessed the formation, once the nether aura appeared to float.

   He will know it for the first time.


   Tell Master.

   He didn't plan to do it himself.

   After all, the master is quicker to do it, and it is easy to bump into the master in the middle.


   can't tell.

   Then he began to practice, because of the inn, he has a deeper understanding of Tao, this time it may not take 30 years or so to be promoted to a heavenly immortal.

   But he still doesn't know how it is.

   needs to wait until promotion to determine.

   The information currently found is that as long as you step into the threshold of the avenue and your cultivation reaches the critical point, your promotion will come naturally.

The advancement of   仙 is easier than usual.


   Whether it is dangerous or not is unknown.

   Retreat to practice, for Jiang Lan, it is like ordinary breathing.

in Apple pie order.

   One month passed quietly.

   At this time, he is already fully familiar with the realm of True Immortal Consummation.

   The follow-up is accumulation and impact on the gods.

   At that time, Sister Sister should also enter the Xuxu Consummation.

  The day of becoming immortal, is near.

   With the strength of the elder sister, it will be suppressed up to a hundred years later.

   If it wasn't for him...

   Senior sister has been able to be promoted and become immortal in recent years.


   Outside the Nether Cave, the sun is shining brightly.

   Jiang Lan looked at the sky and received a message.

   "Long clan Ran Jing is visiting, want to see me?"

   Fairy Ranjing is Xiao Yu’s mother, and her sudden visit must have a purpose.

   Then he headed towards the courtyard.

   But when he came to the yard, he was a little surprised.

   In the yard, there is only one fairy Ran Jing, who is sitting alone by the stone table in the yard.

   Looking at the flowers, it seems to be admiring.

   It doesn’t look like anything, but...

   The opponent came by himself, and his formation didn't stop the opponent, and he didn't even have basic feedback.

   At this moment, he has a feeling that the other party may be outrageous.

  "Come?" Fairy Ran Jing found Jiang Lan who had arrived, and whispered:

   "Come and sit down."

   "Senior, is there something to ask the younger generation?" Jiang Lan remained calm and sat at the stone table.

   At this time, he is ready to prevent accidents.

   "How long have you been engaged to Long Yu?" Fairy Ran Jing asked, with a gentle tone.

   "About two hundred years." Jiang Lan replied softly.

   "What kind of girl is Long Yu?" Fairy Ran Jing asked.

  As a mother, you don’t know anything about Ao Longyu?

   Although he didn't know what the other party meant, Jiang Lan answered seriously:

   "Looks indifferent, resisting people thousands of miles away.

   is actually soft-tempered and girly. "

   "What about the shortcomings?" Fairy Ran Jing looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

   "For juniors, not for the time being." Jiang Lan shook his head and replied.

   When I don’t know each other, I feel that the elder sister is a little nosy, and will do all her duties.

   When working part-time at the inn, I feel easy to offend guests.

   I don’t have these feelings now.

   At this point, Jiang Lan was shocked to find that he could not see Xiao Yu's shortcomings.

   "Human beings are different from us, they have various emotions, which can be said to be the most complicated of all living beings." Fairy Ran Jing stood up, and after walking around the yard, she looked at Jiang Lan and asked softly:

   "Humans and couples should have special emotions, which is a kind of affection.

  Do you have such a affection for Long Yu? "

   Jiang Lan also stood up, then shook his head and said:

   "The younger generation can't answer this question.

   But the younger generation knows that if the senior sister is in danger, she will not hesitate at all. "

   "Is that so?" Fairy Ran Jing looked at Jiang Lan and said:

  " Recently, something happened to the dragon clan, which can be said to be a chance.

   Are you sure not to return to the Dragon Clan with the Eight Princes?

   If you want to marry Long Yu, becoming immortal is a huge threshold.

   Go here, there may be a chance to become a fairy. "

   Is it really because of the Eight Princes? Jiang Lan sighed, then shook his head and said:

   "The younger generation needs to ask Master."

   "Yes." Fairy Ran Jing didn't care, as if to mention it at random.

   Not long after, Fairy Ran Jing left the Ninth Peak.

   Jiang Lan didn't know why the other party had come for a while.

   Is it Xiao Yu, or the Eight Princes?

   But it is not important.

   If Xiaoyu cares about her mother, tell her the conversation from the beginning to the back.

   The last question can be removed.

   So, Xiao Yu should be happy.

   As for the last question, Jiang Lan was thinking about whether to tell Master, he was worried that Master would really let him go.

  Because of the dragon family's chance, it is roughly speaking of the position of God.

   But, except for the Eight Princes, there is actually no chance for anyone else to mix up.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Lan hesitated.

   The Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan and the Inn Boy are not innate celestial spirits, why do they have?

   This matter is too complicated.

   Jiang Lan didn't think about it any more, and decided to continue her retreat.

   Promoted to heaven first.

   But he still met the master first.

  The meaning of the master is obvious, whether to go to the dragon clan, it depends on himself.

   Jianglan naturally does not want to go out.

   Then he went back to the Nether Cave to continue practicing.

  Mo Zhengdong watched Jiang Lan go back and sighed helplessly.

   How can Jiang Lan go out?

   It's almost four hundred years, and only went out once.

   Knowing too little about the outside world is not a good thing.

   Although there is no alternative, each disciple has a shortcoming, which is very normal.

  In other respects, Jiang Lan is exceptionally good.


time flies.

  The experience at Kunlun's feet began and ended.

   The Underworld Demon Race will never see anymore.

   And the Dragon race quarreled with Kunlun again, and finally the Dragon race left in anger.

   failed to bring the eight princes.

   Kunlun didn't care about this In the same year, Kunlun found Hongya from the Tianyufeng clan.

   is the one that the inn teenager likes.

   Starting this year, the other party was invited to stay in Kunlun.

   Without Kunlun’s consent, it is forbidden to leave Kunlun territory.

The meaning of   Kunlun is obvious. If you want to leave again, you need to pay a price.

   Inn boy...It's okay for the time being.

   Jiang Lan knew about these things, and they were all brought to him by the Eighth Prince.

  Eight Prince looked very open, it doesn't matter whether he walks or not.

   Anyway, Kunlun is not inferior to the dragon clan, there is a brother-in-law and sister here.

   Jiang Lan didn't care about this.

   a certain year.

   Jiang Lan in retreat suddenly opened his eyes.

   Heaven and earth seemed to vibrate, it was his god.

   This feeling...seems like something new has appeared.

   "The fourth position of God, is about to appear?"

   Jiang Lan looked at the sky, somewhat surprised.

   I don’t know which one it is.



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