There are only three people who currently have gods.

   The ancient imperial palace Kunlun Xihe emperor, the ancient imperial palace demon clan Qionggou the great, plus his ancient imperial palace Baguo unparalleled boxing god.

   will now appear in the fourth place.

   is the dragon?

   or the Celestial Race?

   or the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan?

   These three parties are the earliest three parties.

most likely.

   Yaozu was the first to find someone to go to war, so it had already gained the throne a hundred years ago.

   This time the Dragon Race has the highest possibility.

   As for whether it is or not, he might be able to hear it.

   But the other party seems to be still on the road.

   "It should take some time, just in time for me to be promoted to heaven first, so I am more likely to hear it."

   It has been twenty years since the last time Xiao Yumu arrived.

  He is about to be promoted to heaven.

   It's just that he didn't expect the appearance of the fourth **** to wake him up.

   I don’t worry about being disturbed by light rain for promotion in retreat.

   Recently, Xiao Yu has also started to be promoted. The next time I see you, I will probably return to perfection.

   And he...

   should be the early days of Tianxian.

   What exactly is Tianxian, he still doesn't know.

   But, close at hand.

   will know soon.

   In the Nether Cave, the atmosphere of the Nether raged wildly.

   Now is the most severe time for the eruption at the entrance of the netherworld.

  He is sitting here, unaffected by the slightest.

  Kunlun Heart Sutra continues to run, and Shen Shen Jin also swims through the veins, suppressing the power of collapse.

   In this way, he can accumulate more strength and strengthen his cultivation base.

   This accumulation made Jiang Lan no longer stand up, but was in the process of practicing with peace of mind.

   In seven years, Jiang Lan finally reached the tipping point.

   He has a feeling that the best time for promotion is right now.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that he was standing on the top of the mountain, and the road under his feet began to stretch, and the perception of the avenue was to guide him forward.

  The accumulated power will be turned into countless steps, paving the way for him to climb to the sky.


   At this moment, the mountain peaks began to shatter, and the broken mountain peaks turned directly into steps and appeared in front of Jiang Lan, allowing Jiang Lan to step up.


   Take one step forward.

   He had no distractions, looked up at the sky, and started chasing the gods that day.

  Go up, he is a fairy.

   Failure will plunge into the abyss, and whether it will come out again is unpredictable.

   It's just that he didn't look at the abyss, he looked at the endless sky.



  His steps are steady and he keeps going up step by step.


   The mountains are shattering constantly, and countless mountains are quickly forming steps.

   provides Jiang Lan step by step.

   went to the endless sky.

   Whether it can come to an end depends on the accumulation of these years.

  The mountains are power, the stone steps are control, and the road is the guide.

   can't reach the top of the sky without one.

   The next moment Jiang Lan quickened his pace and moved forward quickly.

   After getting acquainted, you can't delay.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan took everything to the extreme. He stepped onto the ladder and galloped high into the sky.

  The more he goes up, the harder he feels, as if the pressure between heaven and earth is exerting on him.

  He can hardly breathe under pressure.

   "It turns out that to become a god, you need to face the power of heaven and earth."

   Jiang Lan bit his beating, striding forward to the sky.

   I don't know how long it took, and he felt that he was about to come to an end.

   At this time, he no longer moved forward quickly, but stepped on the stone steps step by step. When he stepped on the last step, he found that he was still one step away from the end in the dark.

   But a step away is like the difference between heaven and earth.

   Looking at this step away, Jiang Lan suddenly had enlightenment.

   This is Feidu.

   He stood in the original plan, his heart was calm, and the great breath appeared on him.

   The original step at this moment really slowly approached him and greeted him.


   When it disappeared a step away, the endless stairs shattered.

   Jianglan stands high in the sky, standing in the sky, watching the vast mountains and seas.

   seems to be able to extract secrets from this world.

  The power of the heavenly immortals, you can initially spy the secrets of heaven.

   seems to have come under the heavenly way, waiting for the way to be accomplished, and the heavenly way will admit that he will have the opportunity to make a big step forward.


   Jiang Lan, who had been silent for seven years, opened his eyes all the time.

   In the nether cave, the power in him is looming.

   After a while, the power dissipated.

   Tianxian, reach it.

   At the moment of becoming a god, Jiang Lan felt that his perception of his body became clearer and clearer.

   can even see the source above the gods.

   He looked up and followed that **** position.

   At this moment, he seemed to penetrate the space, looking into the endless void.

   He saw a dim star in the void.

   And other places seem to have stars.

   But, I can’t see.

   Soon he withdrew his gaze,

   Looking at his hands, Jiang Lan felt a powerful force.

   can finally quickly grasp the influence of God's position.

   So there is no need to worry about being discovered after leaving Kunlun after more than a hundred years.

   only when he perceives the position of God, he seems to see two points in the position of God.

   surprised him a little.

   One dot is brighter, and one dot is dimmer.

   After hesitating, Jiang Lan tried to look at the darker spot.

   just cast his gaze over, and then went dark in the middle.

   can't see through.

   In other words, it is beyond his scope.

  Xihe Emperor's scope is only near Kunlun, so...

   This point points to people outside of Kunlun.

   After hesitating, Jiang Lan took out the mountain and sea mirror, maybe he could see it.

   Then he connected the spot with the Shanhai Mirror, and then ran the Shanhai Mirror.

   After a while, Shan Hai Jing appeared in the picture.

   is a teenager boxing in the yard.

"It's him."

   At a glance, he realized that this person was the boy from Pakistan.

   The first time I heard the sound, it was passed by this boy.

   The babble is still the same recently, but it won't affect him.

   Then the screen is interrupted.

   Unable to connect for too long.

   This time Jiang Lan put his gaze on the bright spot, who is this pointing at?

  He tried to look over...


   At this time, the eight princes who were preparing to take a walk in the ice cicada forest suddenly felt a creepy feeling. This feeling was also when he was chased by the monster clan.

   He was taken aback.

   immediately ran in the direction of Kunlun.

   This feeling disappeared just after two steps.

"How is this going?"

   The eight princes looked I feel I should go to see my brother-in-law.

   Maybe my brother-in-law can give advice.


   That's how it is.

   Jiang Lan, who withdrew his eyes, understood.

   The eight princes have the chance he got when he got the **** position, so he can see the eight princes by chance.

   But the distance is too far, and it doesn't work.

   can't even see the opponent's location.

   However, he has a mountain and ocean mirror, and he seems to be able to do a lot.

   Then Jiang Lan stopped paying attention to the matter of God's position.

   At present, he is 392 years after his introductory phase, and he is in the early stage of cultivation.

   After getting acquainted with this realm, the first thing to do is to go to the master to see if you can see through the master’s cultivation.

   It's Ronaldo who can't see clearly.

   If you can see it clearly, you are a perfect immortal, as long as you know the master's cultivation base.

   can roughly understand how strong Kunlun is.

   can also understand what kind of combat power the top forces of the Great Wilderness are.

   Heavenly immortal, in the great wilderness, he should not be so vulnerable.



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