After the fairy Chenxi finished speaking, he poured himself a cup of tea.

   took a sip by the way.

   She looked at Jiang Lan and never spoke again.

   seems to be waiting for Jiang Lan to digest what she said, so as to facilitate the follow-up communication.

at this time.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows.

   fell into thinking.

   Break the chains of talent?

   He did not get promoted too fast because of his talent in the past.

   Even if you are promoted to the soul, you need help from external objects.

   It's even harder to become a fairy.

  'S first attempt at the inn failed directly, and even couldn't find the fairy gate.

   In the end, I was able to become a fairy because...

   Master gave him a thousand years of luck, which allowed him to get a gift of luck, and once again received a pill of good fortune.

   Only in this way can I enter the realm of immortals smoothly.

   After that, he started to get promoted quickly.

   was never stopped by the bottleneck again.

   You don’t even need help from outsiders to get promoted.

   No matter how difficult it is, he can get through it.

   because the talent of cultivation can no longer restrain him.

   This is what Shishu said, break the chains of talent?

   If so, he has broken.

   and there is system help, there are nether caves, there are goddess atlas.

  His progress will be much faster than ordinary people.

   With the addition of enlightenment, the speed of his cultivation has never stopped.

   Now, the late heavenly fairy.

  Perhaps another six to seventy years will be achieved.

  Wait for the end of the golden body tempering, he will be promoted to the ultimate immortal.

   But it will take more than a hundred years to know whether it can be promoted successfully.

   There is no need to worry too much now.

   "Understood roughly?" Fairy Chenxi put the tea cup on the table.

   "Well, I understand it roughly." Jiang Lan nodded.

   did understand a little bit.

   "I feel like I may have an endless future, what is your mood?" Fairy Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

   After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lan just said:

   "I want to work hard to practice, to see more knowledge, to experience more changes, and to keep my original heart.

   thus matching the future may have as much self as possible. "

   Upon hearing these words, Chen Xi looked at Jiang Lan in surprise.

   This answer was a bit beyond her expectation.

   She thought Jiang Lan would be a little excited, and even felt inspired.

   But there was none, but the hard work as always.

   Then Chen Xi smiled:

   "Suddenly I understand your master a little bit.

   It is rumored that you have a good temperament. I thought it was just a child playing house.

   I never thought that it was not so superficial.

   Okay, let's get into the topic. "

   Jiang Lan didn't know what the subject was, but just listened quietly.

   is roughly related to his becoming a fairy.

   "Being a fairy is a bit difficult for you, but your answer just now let me know that your heart is quite calm.

   There is neither pressure nor too much worry.

This is good.

Once   Xianmen was confused, it was easy to fail.

   You have to remember this.

   Of course, I cannot help you in the process of becoming a fairy.

   The only thing that can help is to help you. Fairy Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan and said seriously:

   "I am good at deduction. Do you have anything you want to know or are confused about?

   can even let me help you deduce the most likely obstacles in the process of becoming a fairy. "

   After talking about Chen Xi, she continued to add tea to herself, waiting for Jiang Lan to think.

   This kind of thing can't be thought of in an instant.

   Always weigh the pros and cons.

   I want to come to Jiang Lan as a person who knows the importance of things.

   If you directly ask if you can become a fairy...

  Sometimes, it hurts myself.

   can become a big increase in confidence, and may be negligent.

   can not be achieved, the mood is impaired, then the deduction result will be achieved.

   The future of performance cannot represent everything.

  Sometimes it's just appearance.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked at the tea cup in front of him.

   Naturally, he would not ask about becoming immortal, which is quite dangerous for him.

   At such a short distance, it is easy to be discovered by Uncle Shi Yiye Biao.

   So, I can’t ask anything about myself.

   This is not difficult.

   He doesn't need to deduce the path of becoming a fairy, he has his own pace.


  What question do you ask?

   If you don’t ask anything, it feels unsuitable.

   after a moment.

   Jiang Lan raised his head and looked at Fairy Chenxi who was drinking tea.

   "Done? Are you asking about becoming a fairy?" Fairy Chenxi asked.

   Asking a question well can help you get promoted more easily.

   "No." Jiang Lan shook his head and said:

   "The younger generation has never been in a mess, so I don't plan to ask Master Uncle about becoming immortal."

   "Is that related to the goddess?" Chen Xi asked again.

   Do not ask Xianlu, and does not surprise her.

   From the words just now, she can guess the general idea.

   Jiang Lan is a very assertive person, and will not change himself because of simple things.


   The most important thing is that Jiang Lan has the certainty of becoming immortal.

   Or, there is something hidden on the body, and I dare not let anyone count it.

   Everyone always likes to hide something.

   "It has nothing to do with Senior Sister." Jiang Lan shook his head.

   He does have a lot of questions about Sister Sister.

   For example, whether it is born with or without shell.

   Back to the original shape, where did the clothes go.

   But these are all private matters between the elder sister and him, so I can't ask.

   Therefore, Jiang Lan intends to ask something that has nothing to do with him.

   In this way, Shishu will not count him.

   "Is that your master?" Fairy Chenxi asked.

   "It's Master Miaoyue." Jiang Lan answered.

   "Huh?" This answer made Fairy Chenxi a little puzzled:

  "Sister Miaoyue?

What do you want to ask?

   There are not many questions to ask, so don’t waste the opportunity. "

   Asking her to answer questions is not that easy, but she is also a little curious, what Jiang Lan wants to ask.

   After nodding to express his understanding, Jiang Lan asked the question he had always wanted to ask:

   "I heard that Master Miaoyue admires someone, does Master know who this person is?"

   "Your master." Fairy Chenxi said directly.

   She doesn't need to be anything.

   Jiang Lan was stunned, and then said:


   Master Miaoyue didn’t lie to him?

   He felt unreasonable, and Master Miao Yue felt dangerous to him.

   And there are always some thoughts hidden.

   A little carelessness, you may be led to the point where it is impossible to recover.

   He has always been alert to the words of Master Miaoyue.

   Fairy Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan curiously. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. com

When    came, Jiang Lan's expression did not change. After chatting for a while, he still remained calm.

   But when she said the answer.

   Jiang Lan's expression changed.

   Three points are surprised, three points are wrong, two points are pleasantly surprised, and one point is doubtful.

   There is one more point to stay sane.

   What kind of mental journey is this?

  "This is no secret. When Miaoyue started, he almost followed your master's practice.

   It is natural to have admiration for your master.

   In her eyes, your master is almost an omnipotent brother.

   This kind of emotion has always accompanied her to grow up.

   Looking at it right now, there should be no second person that she will admire. "Fairy Chenxi said.

   Jiang Lan frowned.

   Is this taking the master as the elder brother?

   If this is the case, then Master Miaoyue can't be considered in the choice of the wife.

   Admiration is more or less different from admiration.



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