It’s not that easy to find a wife for the master.

   But soon Jiang Lan was stunned. He recalled what Uncle Miaoyue had said.

   At that time, the uncle said that he had admired his master for a long time and wanted him to be a matchmaker.


   Is this already admiration?

  ‘Or, the first half sentence is true and the second half sentence is false? ’

  ‘But it does not rule out that the whole sentence is true. ’

   Jiang Lan sighed inwardly, it seems that Master Miaoyue cannot be ruled out.

   even has to be the first candidate.

   Next time, ask Master.

  Explore the wind.

  At this time, Jiang Lan saw Master Chen Xi. Since he has asked all the questions, don't you want to ask about Master's thoughts again?

   There is good preparation for the future.

   Just before he could speak, Fairy Chenxi suddenly said:

   "Since I asked about Miaoyue, as a junior, you should also be very curious about the face under the veil of Miaoyue?"

   "No." Jiang Lan immediately shook his head.

   He really has no curiosity.

   In his eyes, it makes no difference whether Master Miaoyue wears a veil or not.

   Chenxi was a little surprised, the veil brought a mysterious effect.

   makes many people want to know the face under the veil.

   Jiang Lan has never had such curiosity.

   "Then what else do you want to ask?" Fairy Chenxi asked.

   She has no idea what questions Jiang Lan will ask.

   "My master... does he have someone to admire?" Jiang Lan hesitated and asked.

   This question made Fairy Chenxi think for a long time:

   "I used to be good brothers with your master, but when men and women were different, I stopped paying attention to him.

   At that time, he had no opinion on women.

   Do you want to ask this?

   If it is, it is indeed not.

   Forget it, it will be discovered. "

   Jianglan: "......"

   This good brother, I don’t know what’s going on.

   I feel like Master Chen Xi has many stories.

   "Speaking of which, your master will do everything possible to send you to me, so will you discuss this with me?" Fairy Chenxi asked.

   This is to discuss the emotional past of the peak masters.

   And it was Miaoyue and Mo Zhengdong who asked.


   Could it be Miaoyue telling him that he admires Mo Zhengdong, and then he feels relieved, and even wants to find himself a teacher?

   But asking Mo Zhengdong is not suitable, the opportunity is rare, so just ask me?

   just right, but don’t want to ask about himself?

   Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan.

   Be careful and the machine is quite deep.

   "I'm causing trouble to Uncle Shi." Jiang Lan bowed his head apologetically.

   "Are you confused about Chengxian?" Chen Xi asked.

   "I have never been lost." Jiang Lan shook his head and replied.

   "That's good, yes." Chen Xi continued to pour herself tea:

   "The goddess is Zhuqing's disciple, right?

   I heard that I'm very petted. "

   "Yes." Jiang Lan nodded.

   Xiaoyu is at the third peak, and he is indeed favored.

   "You let her be free, and help me ask Zhuqing whether there is anything beyond friendship between women." Fairy Chenxi said.

   Jianglan: "......"

   The true and false of this sentence made him doubt.

   is because Master Chen Xi guessed the behavior of Master Miaoyue, and then treated me with the same behavior?

   I feel that I may have been teased.

   "Don't you drink tea?" Fairy Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan in a daze, and helped Jiang Lan to pour a cup of tea again.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, saw the teacup being poured again, and then took a sip.

   The tea was poured for the second time. If you didn't drink it, it would refute the face of Uncle Chen Xi.

   So I can only try to take a sip.

   "How does it taste?" Fairy Chenxi put down the teapot in her hand and asked with a smile.

   "It feels a bit bitter." Jiang Lan said.

   is extremely bitter.

   I feel bitter even if I just take a sip, if it's a cup of mouth, then...

   Perhaps what I drank was bitter water.

  "The person who cultivates immortality will look at it for a long time, but this road is not easy to walk, and naturally it will be a bit bitter.

   Go and feel the art of deduction.

correct. Fairy Chenxi looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "You may have misunderstood one thing from the beginning.

   Your master asked you to come, not me to calculate you.

   Although it is for me to answer the questions for you.

   But all the deductions are done by yourself.

   I just provide you with this ability.

   So feel the hardships on the road to becoming immortal. "

   Jiang Lan heard the words of Master Chen Xi, and at this time he felt like he was trapped in the endless starry sky.

   I can't even hear any sound anymore.

   Then the stars flowed around him.

   Everything changes around him.

   He watched everything and felt all changes.

   Then he felt that his pace was moving forward.

   In the late days of Tianxian, he seemed to see his golden body complete, and the avenue was recognized by the world.

   The realm of immortality is near.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that he was feeling the change of promotion.

   is to be promoted to the ultimate immortal.

   is different from the innkeeper, here is a deduction.

   And it's deducing all kinds of possibilities.

   Jiang Lan found that promotion to the ultimate immortal is the fusion of Tao and golden body.

   A little carelessness will cause failure.

   In the deduction, he saw countless failures, like a line, constantly advancing in the maze, but he went to a dead end countless times.

   The line didn't stop, and it continued to look back and move forward.

   Unless it succeeds, it is impossible to stand still.

   I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many failures Jiang Lan saw.

   He found that it was much harder to get promoted to Jue Xian than he thought.

   There are countless changes during the period, and countless accidents.

   If you try to get promoted at random, it may be overwhelming.

   As the years passed, Jiang Lan watched the changes for a long time.

   The last golden light flashed.

   He finally saw clearly the process of becoming a super immortal.

   saw the scene in Jue Xian.

   is endless stars, broad avenues.


   Everything is broken.

   At this moment, he opened his eyes.

   He realized that Master might have paid a lot of price before he touched Master Chen Xi.

   This is to make him a fairy.

   In the end, he got the chance.


   This opportunity may far exceed Master's imagination.

   The same, every time he can get the chance with his current realm, it shows that everything the master gives is the best.

   At this point, sunlight began to break into his eyes.


   I don't know how long it has been this time.

   was indeed beyond his expectation, he always thought it was Master Shu Chen Xi to calculate.

   Unexpectedly, the process and the result are all carried out by him.

   Shishu Chenxi just did a And the first moment he opened his eyes, he found a girl sitting opposite him.

   is looking at him with his hands on his cheeks.

   Seeing him open his eyes, the other party blinked.

   seems to be surprised.

   then smiled:

   "Brother, you finally woke up."

   This person is naturally Xiaoyu.

   It seems that a long time has passed.

   Otherwise Xiao Yu wouldn't find it here.

   "Sister, how long has it been?" Jiang Lan asked curiously.

   "Junior Brother." Xiao Yu pouted:

  "Have you noticed that every time you wake up, you will ask this sentence.

   This shows that Junior Brother often falls into this kind of epiphany that doesn't know the time.

  I am by your side every time.

   Without me watching for you, a bird's nest can be built on your head. "

   Jianglan: "......"


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