"Ten years?"

   Jiang Lan nodded.

   does not seem to be long.

  There is not much effect in this way, but the benefits obtained this time are also very obvious.

   has huge benefits for his promotion.

   But it’s still far from being promoted to the ultimate immortal.

   Don't worry about it for now.

   The most important thing is to cultivate into immortals on the surface.

   So far, the entry time is 540 years, and after another 30 years of retreat, you can go out and practice.

   Surface cultivation will become immortal soon.

   Also, after becoming a fairy, it's a big wedding.

   I don’t know if he was perfect at that time, or at the beginning of the ultimate immortal.

   Theoretically, it should be the heavenly perfection, after all, it only takes one hundred and eighty years for all the nine beams to gather.

   is now five bunches, and there are still seventy-five years.

  With these ten years, his entry time is five hundred and forty years.

   Seventy-five years later, that is 615 years.

   At that time, he should be promoted to Consummation not too long, and it may take some years before he can be promoted to the ultimate immortal.

   But, will the wedding be delayed for decades.



   Kunlun wants to let the goddess completely break away from the dragon clan, and will definitely get married as soon as possible.

  Dragons might delay.

   If the dragons are anxious for their marriage, there must be a problem.

   "When was the elder sister here?" Jiang Lan asked, looking at the light rain in front of him.

   "I have been cultivating here all these years, Master brought me here." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with her hands on her cheeks and said:

  "But I often look at Junior Brother, Uncle Chen Xi has a lot of strange birds here.

   kept stopping on the younger brother.

   The younger brother doesn’t worry about going out. "

   "Let the senior sister bother." Jiang Lan said.

   "Of course." Xiao Yu was in high spirits.

   "Where is Master Chen Xi?" Jiang Lan did not see anyone else.

   Since he has woken up.

   It's time to say goodbye.

   "In the room, what is the younger brother going to do? I'll go in and help the younger brother relay." Xiao Yu pointed to the bamboo house behind and said.

  "The matter of coming here is finished, it's time to say goodbye.

   Sister Sister will continue to stay here? "Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and asked.


   "Uncle Shi's mood is not too high." Leaving the Sixth Peak, Jiang Lan said.

   They said goodbye to the Sixth Peak Chenxi Master, but Master was a little depressed.

   seems to have been hit by something.

   "Well, the uncle asked me to help her ask a question, and I asked the master.

   then relayed the answer to the uncle.

   That's it, uncle.

   I said I went to watch the stars at night. Xiao Yu walked beside Jiang Lan and explained.

   Jianglan: "......"

   is probably the problem mentioned before.

   Although he was a little curious, he did not ask.

   It doesn’t matter if you understand this kind of thing.

   However, he has been here for so long and has not yet signed in.

   is leaving now.

   Naturally, sign in.

   Maybe there is something good.

   Soon he heard a familiar voice.

【Ding! 】

   [Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting the gift of Dadao Context, and getting the pill and the Jinshen Pill. 】

  【Dali Jinshen Wan: The golden pill is cast by Tao Yun, which is a pill that is condensed from Tao Wen. It can be used for a short time to complete the golden body.

   The real fairy is edible above. 】

   Vigorously Jin Shen Wan?

   is similar to Dali Jingang Wan.

   But the utility is quite different.

   Dali Jingang Pills can strengthen the power of blood, and Dali Jinshen Pills should bless the physical power.

   Crossing to complete the golden body.

   He is still a long way from the perfect golden body, but once the golden body is perfect, his strength should be extremely strong.

   I just don’t know what the aging time will be like in the past.

   can be kept for later use.

   just in case you need it from time to time.

   is about to go out to experience, prepare more things, it's always right.

   "Sister, I am about to become a fairy." Jiang Lan said on the way back to the Ninth Peak.

   "That will take a long time. Master said that the fairy road must come one step at a time, so I can't rush." ​​Xiao Yu put her hand behind her, in an elder's tone.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded.

   did not speak any more.

  He wanted to remind senior sister that there is no chance to win the next challenge.

   At that time, everyone was a fairy.

   The next morning.

   Xiao Yu took the wooden sword blessed by Jiang Lan, and was about to leave.

   just hesitated, she walked to Jiang Lan again, then leaned her head, and then reached out and hugged her.

   Jianglan felt the wooden sword behind him. If he hugged Xiao Yu with the wooden sword, could he easily cut off Xiao Yu’s waist?

   "Brother, remember to return me a candied haw, the principle of fairness, can not forget." After saying that Xiao Yu took a step back, and then Yu Jian left.

   is still wearing the shoes Jiang Lan gave her.

   Seeing the shoes, Jiang Lan remembered that Xiao Yu still owed him a fair deal.

   It's just that he hasn't asked for anything.

The principle of fairness.

   Jiang Lan felt that he was actually at a loss, and he had to pay and travel far.

   Xiao Yu just needs to hug him.

   But he does not object to this kind of fairness.

  Thinking that Jiang Lan came to the top of the Ninth Peak.

   This time I went to the sixth peak, and I learned something.

   Naturally, I need to report to Master.

"how do you feel?"

   On the ninth peak, Mo Zhengdong asked Jiang Lan.

   "I have a greater grasp of promotion." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

  The reason why he became immortal is actually the master’s credit. Thousands of years of luck allowed him to easily step into the immortal.

   "Do you want to continue to retreat?" Mo Zhengdong continued to ask.

   Jianglan nodded slightly, and then said:

   "The disciple wants to go out for some experience after the next exit."

  "Experience before becoming immortal?

   Have you considered where to go? "Mo Zhengdong did not refuse.

   Jiang Lan said about this very early. It is rare to go out, and it is really not good to destroy Jiang Lan's enthusiasm.

   "I want to walk around, but I'm not sure which direction." Jiang Lan said.

   really didn't plan on where to go.

   mainly wanted to find a place to retreat and practice for a period of time.

   then come back.

   That's it.


  Master agreed, let him talk about it then.

   So Jiang Lan no longer worried about being unable to get out.

   is about to go out as a fairy, which is really not good.

   Fortunately, Master didn’t say much.

   He usually said to the outside that the master would not let him leave. If this time out, some spies would find out.

   I don't know if they think Kunlun wants him to do some secret mission.

   But there should be no spies staring at him this time.

   Even staring at him can't be sure that he is out.

   Today is different. In the late stage of the first level of cultivation, he is no longer able to look at the book www.uukānshu.com.

   is not something that ordinary people can use.

   So, he went out and came back.

   may not be noticed.

   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan descended to the Ninth Peak.

   Many years have passed.

   It has been a long time since the kingdom of Pakistan gained the throne.

   It's time to listen to the changes in the great famine situation.

   Jiang Lan came to the preaching place along the way, and now it just happens to be the time to preach.

   After listening for a while, I discovered that it was a practice of some magic techniques for returning to the Void.

  "True fire samādhi, divided into upper, middle and lower samādhi, the upper ignorant heart is the king of fire, the middle ignorant kidney is the subject of fire, and the ignorant is the sea of ​​people's fire.

   Condensing the qi in the three places, igniting the three fires of the essence, qi, and spirit, which is one of them, and the other is out.

   Hence the name, Samadhi is really hot.

   also known as Sanmai Shenhuo. "


   There is still a chapter to continue code, ask for monthly ticket at the beginning of the month.

   Hope to support it.

  Update, try to keep it this month.



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