"It seems to be ready?"

   On the top of the Ninth Peak, Mo Zhengdong said while looking at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan will be out for practice these days, so he naturally needs to ask more questions.

  Experience before becoming immortal is very important and dangerous.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded and said:

   "It's all ready."

   He did prepare a lot of things, and his skill level was much higher.

  All kinds of immortals.

  All kinds of magic weapons.

   Various symbols?.

   No matter what, as long as it can be used to save his life, he is prepared.

   Of course, there are also things that deceive heaven.

   In this way, you can walk out of Kunlun with peace of mind, and you can use a leaf blind to prevent you from being spied on when you leave Kunlun.

After   , he will go to the area where the refuge is located.

   Central Plains direction is not going.

   The North Wilderness direction belongs to the monster clan, so I try not to go.

  Southern Wilderness direction, you can go now.

   But after all, he didn't leave the Western Wilderness. In theory, any direction is fine.

   But to be safe.

   We should still go west and south.

   "With this one."

  Mo Zhengdong took out a metal bead.

   Jiang Lan looked at the beads and felt a little strange. There seemed to be many cracks in the beads.

   At this time, light flashed on the metal beads.

   Then the cracks seemed to be traces of petals, and the beads began to bloom.

   is like a lotus flower.

   "Heavenly Tribulation Golden Lotus." Mo Zhengdong moved his hand, letting the golden lotus come together and become a metal bead again:

  "This golden lotus is a treasure left by the ancestors of Kunlun.

   Kunlun Nine Peaks each have one.

   This one can be used once as a teacher.

   In case of a catastrophe fall ahead of schedule, there is some loss, this golden lotus can be used.

   can help you through this disaster. "

   After talking about Mo Zhengdong, he handed over the golden lotus to Jiang Lan.

   "Thank you, Master." Jiang Lan thanked the golden lotus for taking the tribulation.

   Take it back and return it to the master when the time comes.

   It feels like a peak master can only use it.

   Although he is one of the most advantageous disciples competing for the peak master, the time has not yet come.

   He is not in a hurry to get things that the peak master can have.

   When the time is up, the master will naturally give him everything, and then retire.

   "Go, remember to tell the goddess." Mo Zhengdong said.

   Jianglan naturally responded.

   Only when he was about to leave, the master stopped him again.

   added a sentence:

   "Let the goddess not want to speak up."

   Jiang Lan was puzzled, but still nodded.

   After walking down the top of the Ninth Peak.

   He thought of a possibility.

   Master willing to let him out does not mean that other peak masters are willing to let him out.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   You must know that he is about to cross the catastrophe and is about to get married.

   Going out is not a wise choice.

  Master has to withstand a lot of pressure.

   "It seems that I was found out, it is a bit difficult to get out."

   Jiang Lan had an answer in his heart.

   came to the yard, he simply took care of it.

   then went to the square to clean the leaves.

   Some formations were also activated by him to prevent accidents.

  Although the master is there, there is no need to bother Master for some minor troubles.

   The entrance to the Netherworld has reached the eruption period again.

  Nether Cave and the surrounding formations have all been in operation.

   Except for Master and Xiao Yu, it is not easy for anyone else to get in.

   It took a day, Jiang Lan took care of the Ninth Peak.

   So you can go out with peace of mind.

   early morning.

   Jiang Lan held it in his hand to condense the true meaning of slashing the dragon all night.

   poured spirit liquid for the plant eggs, and then the Yujian headed towards Yaochi.

   The heavy snow is still falling, and everything is white.

  When he arrived near Yaochi, Jiang Lan was waiting, waiting to go in, or the senior sister to come out.

   a little while.

   A young girl flew out from inside.

   "Junior Brother is going to show me the snow?" Xiao Yu stood directly on Jiang Lan's sword.

   a happy face.

   There is nothing particularly happy about it, just because I saw the younger brother.

   "Sister, want to keep making snowmen?" Jiang Lan asked.

   said, let Feijian go down.

   Below is the river jungle.

   Because it is close to Yaochi, no one will come here.

After    fell, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu asked for a wooden sword.

   "Junior Brother is going out?" Xiao Yu handed the wooden sword to Jiang Lan.

   She naturally knew that Jiang Lan would find time to go out for practice.

   If you want a wooden sword, you must be out.

   "Well, I should be going out today." Jiang Lan said after taking over Mu Jian.

   "Then give this to Junior Brother." Xiao Yu took out a sword again.

   is her saber, Hanqiu sword.

   I also lent it to Jiang Lan when I went out last time.

   I will naturally borrow it this time.

   Jiang Lan took Han Qiu Jian and put it away.

   Wood Sword began to bless the true meaning of Zhanlong.

  Because I was condensing the true meaning of Dragon Slashing last night, this time I will bless you very quickly.

   And the time limit will be very long.

   "When will Junior Brother come back?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "It should take a few years." Jiang Lan said.

   They came under a big tree, which was not covered by snow.

   There is a grass field.

   They just sat on the grass and chatted.


   "Junior, it is impolite to speak without looking at people's eyes." Xiao Yu stood up and pointed to Jiang Lan.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   At this time the wooden sword has been blessed, Jiang Lan handed the sword to Xiaoyu.

   then stood up.

   "Is it time to go out?" Xiao Yu asked while looking at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan nodded, without saying a word.

   "Then remember to bring me a candied haws as a fair trade..." Xiao Yu put the wooden sword away and planned to complete the transaction.

   Hold the younger brother.

   It’s just that Jiang Lan interrupted before finishing speaking:

   "Sister, do you remember the shoe deal?

   At that time, the senior sister had not paid the price. "

   Xiaoyu looked down at his favorite shoes, and said:

   "Remember, what did you think of, brother?"

   "Well, I think it over." Jiang Lan nodded, then continued:

   "The elder sister closes her eyes."

   "Close your eyes again?" Xiao Yu pouted, then covered her forehead with her hand.

   This way, I won’t be afraid of being bounced by my younger brother.

   Just when Xiao Yu was guarding his forehead, he suddenly felt that Junior Brother was approaching.

   Then something seemed to touch her lips. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   This sudden change shocked Xiao Yu and made her subconsciously open her eyes.

   naturally saw the younger brother who touched her lips.

   In an instant, Xiao Yu's pupils stood up.

   Dragon scales began to appear on his face, and dragon horns appeared.

   Both hands began to change into a half-dragon form.

   The whole person became more normal.

   In an instant, Xiao Yu took a small step back.

   She looked at her change in a daze, and then immediately went to Yaochi with the sword:

   "I'm back, remember to tell me when the younger brother comes back."

   Xiao Yu who had left passed a word and disappeared in the direction of Yaochi.

  'S voice was a little flustered.

   Jiang Lan watched the light rain disappear.

   will become dragons.

   After getting married, the house is very dangerous.

   After thinking about it, Jiang Lan felt that the current house might need to be modified.

   "I forgot what the master said."

   It suddenly occurred to him that his master told him to tell Xiao Yu, not to say that he was going out to practice.

   Finally, he shook his head and walked outside Kunlun.

   On the way, he ran his fingers across his cheeks, watching the fingers and muttering to himself:

   "Some, hot."

Sister    is really pretty.

   is also half-dragon.

  The patterns on the cheeks just came out.

   Stop thinking, Jiang Lan Yujian left Kunlun.


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