Ao Longyu returned to Yaochi, and she shrank in the depths of Yaochi.

   Only in this way can I calm down, and then slowly return to normal.

   There is an unconcealable shyness in her eyes.

   "Junior Brother is too bad."

   Ao Longyu exhales.

   The bubbles are gurgling out.

   She touched her lips.

   Although very unexpected, very nervous, and very flustered.


   does not hate the behavior of the younger brother.

   It was too sudden, she was unprepared, and her heart became tense.

   was ashamed.

   After returning to normal, Ao Longyu slowly emerged from Yaochi.

   She touched her face, made sure she was not red, and walked out of Yaochi.

   She looked at the direction of Kunlun Gate.

   Junior brother should have left Kunlun by this time, and it will take some years to come back.


   A sudden voice appeared in her mind, it was Junior Sister Siya.

   Without hesitation, Ao Longyu opened the way and let Lin Siya in.

   a little while.

   Lin Siya came to the edge of Yaochi Mountain.

   "Sister, are you okay?" Lin Siya looked at Ao Longyu with some doubts:

   "I feel something is wrong with my face."

   "No." Ao Longyu shook his head lightly, his voice steady.

   "By the way, Senior Sister, you hold Junior Brother, Junior Brother did not respond, I think I can do something else." Lin Siya said.

   She learned something more.

   "What can I do?" Ao Longyu asked.

   She knows very little about these, many of them are taught by Siya Junior Sister.

   is indeed effective sometimes.

   Junior and younger brothers will pay attention and be happy.

   Although the younger brother doesn’t laugh.

   But if she is happy, she can detect it.

   "I happened to see a scene on the road today, and it feels very suitable for the senior sister." Lin Siya seemed to be a little impatient to share.

   At this time, Lin Siya actually came to the edge of immortality.

   In a few years, it's time to start trying to get promoted.

   "What is it?" Ao Longyu was also a little curious.

  Looking at the expression of Junior Sister Siya, she knew that there must be something unusual.

   "It's like this. I was out today and just happened to see a pair of juniors and younger sisters. They seemed to be playing games." Lin Siya looked at Ao Longyu and continued:

  "The younger brother asked the younger sister to close her eyes.

   Then the sister knows what happened?

   The younger brother leaned forward directly and kissed the younger sister.

   I was shocked just now.

   Sister Sister can also follow suit, then...

   Sister, what's wrong with your face? "

   Hearing this, Ao Longyu directly remembered what happened just now.

   His face flushed again.

   "No, it's okay."



   Outside Kunlun.

   in front of the old wine inn.

   Jiang Lan stopped and stood, he came to say hello to the Eight Princes.

   Otherwise, I went to the Ninth Peak and didn't find him, so I could easily ask other people.

   In this way, it must be known that he is out.

   At this time, the inn is as deserted as ever.

   "Eight Princes?"

  Walking into the inn, Jiang Lan found that there was only one person on the counter.

   "Brother-in-law? There is no good wine now.

   Boys, they are going to the Central Plains today to find the Tianyu Phoenix Clan. "The Eighth Prince is a little helpless:

   "I don't know if I can come back this time. If I can't come back, I have to inherit this inn."

   "Are they leaving?" Jiang Lan asked.

   The young man went to Central Plains, it should be for the Tianyu Phoenix clan before.

   There is no problem with the innkeeper.

   The strength of the innkeeper is not weak at all.

   And the life-saving ability is definitely better than everyone else.

   Jiang Lan has a deep understanding of the power of the mirror flower water moon.

   Of course, this doesn't mean that other people are weak, but Jiang Lan has not been able to see how strong other people are.

   just speculate.

   If it were him, no matter who he faced, he would not take it lightly.

   We must treat every enemy as a strong enemy, and we must not be underestimated.

   "No, we are leaving in the afternoon, the boy is cleaning up, and the boss is out.

   Right brother-in-law. "The Eight Prince looked around and said:

   "Will that name be useful if you let the boy read it?"

   He refers to Wushuang Fist God.

   Jiang Lan understands that the Central Plains is dangerous.

  Eight Prince wanted to give the boy a life-saving thing.

   "You can let him try." Jiang Lan started counting.

   after a moment.

   Jiang Lan walked out of the inn.

   After talking to the Eight Prince, there should be no problem.

   did not dare to stay, and left directly with Yujian.

   is not afraid of spies, but worried about the discovery of several peak owners.

   So that the matter can be discussed in the long term.

   From the superficial level of cultivation, he is now approaching Dujie.

   This is no longer a matter of the Ninth Peak, but a matter of Kunlun.

   But before Yu Jian left, he felt that someone from behind looked at him.

no offence.

   looked sideways, it was Senior Brother Beifang.

   was discovered?

   At this time, Senior Brother Beifang just nodded, and did not linger.

   should be passing by.

   After a sigh of relief, Jiang Lan left Kunlun.

   His direction is west.

   Among the four directions, the Central Plains is the most dangerous, followed by the Northern Wilderness.

   Nanhuang cannot be determined.

   The direction of Pakistan can be said to be the safest.

   Especially Pakistan won't go out easily when it gets the position of God, so as long as it doesn't get close to the borders of Pakistan, there will be no danger.

   and want to get closer...

   The distance is extremely long, and it is impossible for a short time.

   There is no problem over there.

   And the west does not mean that they are all Pakistan. As long as they don’t move in the positive direction of Pakistan, they will not enter the border of Pakistan when they reach the end of the Western Desolation.

   Far away from Kunlun, Jiang Lan opened a blindfold and used the nine steps of the sky to hurry.

  He needs to figure out something.

   That is whether you are the same as those who have attained the status of God, will be subject to geographical restrictions.

  Emperor Xihe is restricted to Kunlun, and Emperor Youdu is restricted to Ba country.

   The others are the same.

   Only he doesn't feel this way.

   So I need to confirm it.



   Kunlun Hall.

   "Brother, it's the second time."

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Mo Zhengdong in the corner with serious eyes.

   "It's really not good, just bring it back?" Jiu Zhongtian said while drinking.

   "Do you know which direction Jiang Lan went?" Liu Jing asked.

   "I simply count it, Jiang Lan has something to cover up the secrets of heaven." Fairy Zhuqing said.

  "Jiang Lan's formation to cover the secrets of heaven, even Senior Sister Chen Xi praised by three points.

   Others are hard to count. UU reading www.uukānshu. "com" said Fairy Miaoyue.

   "Speaking of which this kid should have a purpose in everything he does.

   As his character has no important things, it is impossible to go out and practice at this time.

   If he can't get the ninth peak, he won't get the ninth peak.

   Now I’m going out to practice before the big wedding..." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Fairy Zhuqing, and suddenly smiled:

   "What does this act like?"

   was suddenly mentioned by Fairy Miaoyue, Fairy Zhuqing stood up immediately:

   "Senior sister said, he wants to escape marriage?"

   These sudden words shocked everyone.

   Even Mo Zhengdong looked over.

   Although it feels alike, he doesn't believe it.

   "Of course it's impossible, but I just want to make the brother nervous.

   somehow discuss with us next time. "Fairy Miaoyue said.

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Since it wasn't a runaway marriage, why did Jiang Lan run out to practice at this time?" Zhu Qing sat down again now.


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