My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 498: Shadow in the grass

However, when Ling Mo patiently waited for the takeover, a group of uninvited guests were smelling quietly approaching the Air Force...

At this time, the sky has begun to gradually dim, and within the Air Force, the work of cleaning the battlefield is gradually coming to an end.

"Hey, you found no, there are not many people who die..."

Somewhere in the airport, a man suddenly grabbed his companion, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "A lot of it is just hurt, or stunned..."

"Get out of the way, isn't the injury worse? You have to concentrate first to see if it will mutate."

The man glanced at him and said: "Once these people have changed, they will be killed by the soldiers who are next to them. According to me, it is the difference between early death and late death."

Although they are also members of the Air Force, they are only responsible for logistics.

Usually responsible for repairing the infrastructure, planting vegetables in the blank area, cleaning, cooking, helping soldiers and officers wash clothes...

A large air force base, all kinds of chores need someone to do.

And the survivors who joined the Air Force do not have the ability to fight.

The elderly and women and children, as well as some disabled people, will be divided into logisticians who will be responsible for maintaining the daily operations of the Air Force.

This huge machine can work, and it is inseparable from these logistics work.

It is up to them to clean up the battlefield now.

It is said that it is to clean up the battlefield. In fact, it is responsible for sending the wounded soldiers and cleaning up the blood.

The most important thing is to block the gap on the wire mesh.

After a day of tossing. The guard force tonight is stronger than ever.

No one knows how these zombies came. I don't know how the zombies who sneaked into the building entered.

But these things can be explained in four words: not clear.

The zombies are a race that is unclear. They are constantly evolving, no matter what they do.

In addition, although the riots were serious, the actual casualties were not large.

In particular, their logistics is not affected at all.

Therefore, although these two people are also somewhat white, they do not show too much horror, at least there are spirits and gossip.

"It’s also..." The man immediately snorted and then said with some doubts. "But basically it’s all the wounds that are taken out of the iron pipe. Isn’t it infected?”

"Anyway, no matter what, you have to isolate them first. Isn't this a rule?"

The man said with some impatientness, he licked his half-left arm: "When I came in, I left me in the small room for two hours. Mom!"

"Right, you heard that there is no, this captain-level, basically dead clean..." The man pressed his voice lower, said.

The man snorted. Said: "They usually take the nostrils to see people, they are all dead! Save the day and do nothing. You know the bully. These days are not tossing and killing an ordinary person? Really deceptive, not shameful... ..."

"Hey! You are looking for death!"

The man quickly looked around and said: "The basic cleaning is almost the same. The reinforcement is also temporarily repaired. Let's go..."

The two walked and said, the voice is getting farther and farther.


A figure suddenly burst out of a group of wild grasses.

The sharp eyes stared at the backs of the two men for a while, then turned and waved.

Subsequently, the two figures followed in a row and then drilled out, standing on the open space around the airport.

The headed one is not tall, thin like a monkey, wearing a red coat and wearing a black-rimmed eyeglass, but unfortunately it seems that there is no book, but there is a sense of incomprehensibility.

He blinked and glanced around and said, "It's right, it's near here."

"The man came to the Air Force? Will it be caught? Then we are not running in the white?"

The man was tall before, and the two of them stood together and had a very comedy contrast.

"No, not there." "The monkey" pointed at the buildings in the middle of the airport, then turned his head and looked at the wilderness. "He is here."

"Dare to dare to come near here..."

"It should be said that he is daring, still stupid..."

The three talents just arrived and missed a good show.

Although the situation inside the Air Force was strange, the distance between the two logistics personnel and them was a little far away, and the voice of the conversation was also very low.

What did they say, the three did not hear, and what happened, they knew nothing.

But soon, their attention shifted to something more important to them.

"Isn't they better here? They killed them at the crucial moment when they attacked the Air Force. This credit... oh."

"Monkey" helped the glasses, and he smiled twice, saying: "I can still be close to each other. Right, Captain Liu?"

When he had just finished asking, the woman standing at the end of the conversation laughed twice and turned to separate the grass, bringing out a guy who was as tired as a dead dog.

"Bro Zhen……"

Liu Baodong’s throat is coming out quickly. This road is running wild and searching constantly. It has already reduced his physical strength to the limit: “Here...”

There was a look of expectation in his eyes, but before he spoke, he listened to Zhai Zhiyuan: "Captain Liu, after we kill those people, you can bring us back to the Air Force."

"Hey..." Liu Baodong struggled to stand up and nodded.

In fact, he also understands that it is just too tiring to follow these crazy people.

Seeing that the Air Force is in front of him, he is still unable to go back.

Don't say that these three abilities from the fire base will not let him go back, even if they are willing, Liu Baodong did not complete the task, do not dare to go back ah......

"The other people in your fire..."

Liu Baodong just opened his head, and Zhi Zhiyuan interrupted him: "They are short-sighted, no matter how good the wolves are, no wolf king can't exert their strength. Co-operation is just a matter of words. When we complete this mission, the Air Force The benefits of the promise are at hand, and in the fire, the Wolf King will naturally be born."

Speaking of this, Yan Zhiyuan's mouth showed a sneer, making his somewhat grotesque face look even more unsightly.

Especially when he has helped the glasses and loaded the intellectuals...

The woman also nodded and said: "Even if it is a game, the scattered players gather together, and the resources and prestige they receive will never compare with the real guild. We are so small and can never really become what. Large organization."

"Black cat is right, haha." The man named Dongfang Long laughed. "There is less and less food that can be collected now. It does not expand its strength. Where is the capital? Falcon can plant it by itself, but we If you want to change food with them, you have to get something to do. It’s interesting to gather together for a living... But, I am not interested in power."

He said with a sigh of relief: "You said that the group is very powerful, I really want to try to see how powerful. Fire's abilities, I have all handed over, have not met to die with me."

"It’s too much to play with the game. It’s too much to play with it. 1 And how do you sound like this motivation? The most normal of you is the wretched man!”

Liu Baodong has some headaches. These loosely used guys are more dangerous than the general Air Force members.

Although each has its own purpose, the goals of the three are consistent.

"You mean, is Lingmo in this area?"

He turned his head and glanced at the wilderness behind him, and involuntarily stepped back two steps.

Seeing Zhi Zhiyuan nodded, Liu Baodong said: "I have said it over and over again, this group of people is really amazing, you have to be careful."

At the thought of going to ambush Ling Mo, Liu Baodong was actually very scared.

"What do you want?" The black cat has a good name, but it is actually a woman with a sneer. She stares at Liu Baodong and asks.


With the further perception of Zhai Zhiyuan, they have entered the wilderness. (To be continued.)

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