My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 499: Sudden darkness


The cold wind smashed, and the grass that was tall and high immediately shook like a wave.

After the Cataclysm, not only did the climate become strange, but the growth rate of plants seemed to have changed.

As soon as the weather warmed, the weeds began to grow wild.

In order to defend the zombies, the Air Force cleared a blank belt around the airport, about 20 meters wide.

But this piece of blank belt, there are also weeds have emerged, and it seems that in just a few days, it has grown to the depth of the knee.

Not only weeds, but other plants also have this tendency to grow fast.

It's just that this kind of everywhere, and the plants with strong vitality are more representative.

This change seems to be brought about by the drastic changes in the environment, but it has nothing to do with the virus, but no one can make it clear.

The so-called "catastrophe" seems to be just the beginning, and a series of chain reactions that have subsequently been caused are turning the world into a "jungle" that is more suitable for killing.

But everything has two sides. For humans, this change also has its benefits.

Now that the disaster has erupted for almost a month, the food available in the city is rapidly decreasing.

Those places with more food reserves are the places where most humans will not get involved.

For example, in the x-city variant zombie assembly area, even if this place goes, the loss and the harvest are definitely not proportional.

Therefore, it is already urgent to resume production.

Among them, Falcons do their best. The area they occupy is not only able to produce food, but also has some necessary daily necessities factories.

Although not necessarily able to restart. But it was a good start.

"Well... they produce. I am robbing."

Ling Mo has turned his attention back to the body. Listening to the sound of the wind and the sound of the grass, his thoughts are also drifting far away.

These human forces seem to have nothing to do with him, but unconsciously, even the Air Force has established a connection with him.

"This is really unintentional... but it is a good thing for me. Hey, today it consumes a lot of mental power, but unfortunately it has not been able to **** it back. It seems that even if it is the Air Force, the spiritual system is also a minority. what……"

The abilities that Lingmo knows at present. He was divided into three categories: elemental, intensive, and spiritual.

The elemental system is like Yu Wenxuan, which can make a flame out of thin air; the strengthening system is like Lucy, and the physical strength and strength are greatly enhanced.

Although it can be roughly divided into these three categories, but because each person's abilities are different, the meaning of classification is not too big.

Knowing what the other side is, is at best getting a very rough idea.

Just like the same spiritual system, everyone's use of mental energy is also very different.

And the proportion of these three types of abilities, Lingmo himself is not quite clear.

After all, the information is blocked. Can understand that things are limited.

However, from the information about the members of the f group that Lucy had given him before, the mental and elemental abilities were significantly less.

Especially the number of elemental abilities. Even less than the spiritual system.

"I don't know if there are other departments, such as inexplicable ones... but that kind of ability can also be called an ability? Then again, will awaken what power is completely random, light from talent Look, my abilities are medium? But any abilities, as long as they can be developed well, can unearth their strengths..."

From the point of view of the initial ability, Ling Mo’s ability to play is indeed not strong.

The ability to manipulate the zombies is cheaper in searching for supplies, but his body is weakly messed up.

His current spiritual tentacles are also developed from the spiritual connection established during the practice of the couple.

Ling Mo is a constantly improving maverick. At first he can only control the action of the puppet with the help of the line in his hand, but with his strength, he can not only control more puppets, but also kill people directly with the line. Or do more complicated and finer things.

However, it has changed. Lingmo is essentially a singer.

"The initial strengths that are stronger than me are estimated to be more, but there is a saying that is good, there is no winning ability, only the method of victory."

Ling Mo was thinking, but suddenly felt a bit strange.

The surrounding wind seems to have stopped?

And the sky, it seems to be quickly darkened, just just dim, but now it seems to have crossed for a few hours, suddenly into the late night.

Every day, I live on the steel rope between life and death. Although Ling Mo has maintained a relaxed and happy attitude as much as possible, the perception of danger has been cultivated into instinct.

He let go of the arm behind his head and slowly sat up.


"Hey." Ling Mo reached out and patted the white head.

The human being touched his head so casually... The mutant panda blocked his eyes with his claws and made a roll of shame.

But it just rolled in half and hit a pair of long legs.

At the moment when the paws were put down, there was a horror in the eyes of the mutant panda: "Hey...hey..."

But without waiting for it to come out, Shana had already slammed it back.


The mutant panda swayed his head and climbed up, then quietly hid behind the poem.

Don't look at it's usual violent, but Heina's pressure on it, but it has been very afraid of this long-haired girl.

If you put it in peacetime, Lingmo will definitely say two sentences, but now he looks at the surroundings with dignity.

Like Lingmo, these chief female zombies seem to have sensed something.

There was silence all around, but in the grass, there seemed to be something staring at them.

Even the worms in the grass before were completely inaudible at this time.

The darkness is like gathering from all directions, and soon the area is in the darkness of ink.

When other people are in this kind of environment, it is inevitable that they will suddenly feel that they are left alone.

But Ling Mo and his party have a spiritual connection with each other, so although everyone is a bit stunned, no one has panicked.

Ling Mo stunned his eyes, from the fact that he realized that something was wrong, and that he could not reach the whole area, but in a short period of one or two seconds.

And in the moment when the darkness finally came, Lingmo immediately felt a strong mental fluctuation.

But he just wanted to find out the spiritual tentacles, but the situation in front of him suddenly changed a lot.


After a short darkness, when the sky was revealed again, it was already a blood red.

And Ling Ming, who should be in the wilderness, suddenly appeared in a dirty alley.

The ground is full of dirty and unidentified objects, and the sky above the head is only a small piece.

The feeling of sudden change in this scene makes Lingmo vaguely familiar.

"Where have you seen it... yes!"

Lingmo’s brain flashed in the blink of an eye, no wonder the darkness was just familiar...

This is similar to the spiritual world of Shana!

"So to say... could this be the spiritual world of a spiritual person? No..."

If it is really forcibly pulled into the spiritual world, isn’t the physical body of the Lingmo group not safe?

Spiritual power completely enters the spiritual world of another person, which is equivalent to the ontology being trapped in the vegetative state at that moment.

And Shana was pulling in to Linger because she had seized a good opportunity.

And that success was based on Ling Mo and her spiritual connection.

Ling Mo's mental strength is already strong enough to be dragged into the spiritual world.

"Sure enough, the body is still... What is going on here? Is the other party moving the spiritual world into the real world?"

Ling Mo felt the fluctuations in mental energy around him and quickly figured out the joints.

This guy who suddenly ran out of the attack was also an illusion.

But this person is obviously much stronger than the previous long-haired youth.

He did not distort the other's line of sight, nor did he affect the other's mental strength. Instead, he directly released his spiritual world and put the Lingmo group into the head. (To be continued.)

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