My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 817: Talking master ball

"A sudden excitement when I saw the lesion..." Ling Mo had some surprises. He originally wanted to test the power of this "sickness" and help the man with a sunglasses... Consolidate the other's guess. This idea has already appeared in Lingmo’s mind when they first landed. Now it seems that the effect is really good...

After all, the sunglasses man is not a complete big boss. After losing contact with each other, his original personality characteristics are completely exposed. It can be said that he is more like a container with the memory of the big boss. Although there are similarities between the two, there are also distinct differences. At least in terms of mind, this sunglasses man is far from his body.

"When he wakes up, he will consciously hand over all the information to me... How can he talk to him about the transaction, and he can't let him completely betray 'self", but it is not as safe as this. He is first and foremost, and has identified me. It is Nirvana, so once there is an abnormal event, he is more likely to think about it. After guiding it, it will cause this kind of 'misunderstanding'..."

Ling Mo thought, his eyes turned to the "lesion" again: "But it has nothing to do with it, is it... is it just a biological organ that assists pronunciation?"

After hesitating, Lingmo simply crouched down and then used a tentacle to open a hole in the sunglasses man: "The best use of it..." He said in his mouth, but he had already pressed the "sickness" on his hand. . The man in the stunned sunglasses suddenly twitched and seemed to have sensed the unfortunate thing that was about to happen to him...

However, Ling Mo's hand stopped at a distance of less than five centimeters from the wound. What puzzled him was that although this "lesion" also had a conditioned reflex to **** smell. But there is no master ball and so active and excited...

"It’s weird... even if it’s different in function. But since it’s essentially the same. Is it at least the same instinctive response? But they are different now, what is the reason?”

Ling Mo frowned and thought for a while, and then sent a tentacle to the "lesion". This time, its reaction is more thorough, it ignited the tentacle...

"There must be something I have neglected... Think about it..." After a moment, Lingmo’s eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes! Their mother!"

He had considered this issue before, but his scope of thinking at that time was only limited to the level of zombies. It ignores the difference between ordinary zombies and variant zombies. Even if the larvae are mutated because of drinking oil, what is the source of the master ball? That is a source of infection!

High judgment!

"Although it can't be regarded as direct, but it can be swallowed up a lot of things... even the king's level has been swallowed by it..." Ling Mo suddenly understood that this "sick" is still too low, but the master ball has already The real mutant creature has evolved. If he wants to cultivate another one, he must find a "high-grade lesion" like the master ball.

However, the source of infection and the mother are not so easy to find. They have fewer offspring and fewer "lesions". From this point of view, the existence of the master ball is absolutely precious...

"The master ball is so excited, is it going to swallow this ‘sickness?' Yeah. Maybe this is the real food...”

Thinking of this, Ling Mo threw the "lesion" in his hand. The master ball that just jumped suddenly expanded. After the "啪叽" sound, the "lesion" was swallowed in. Its transparent body suddenly had a shadow similar to it, and after a few seconds of pause, it suddenly began to shrink and the body surface quickly turned red.

The master ball, which was originally like a transparent ruby, quickly became a **** color. As the color deepened, the situation inside it was gradually obscured. Lingmo is also not very interested in this phagocytic process. He is more looking forward to the changes after the master ball.

"Can you let it look so much, it must be of great help to it? Unfortunately, there are so many larvae and zombies born, this stuff can not be found..."

The devour of the master's ball lasted for nearly an hour, until the blood of his body slowly became translucent, and the little thing shook back into its original state.

Ling Mo quickly grabbed it. From the color and shape point of view, the master ball is still the same, but its body seems to have a small group of blood fog, numerous blood vessels entangled together, the core is It is like a drop of blood. But if you look closely, it seems to be a miniature version of the heart...

"I didn't expect the effect to be so big! I just don't know what changes can be brought to its strength..." Ling Mo suddenly showed the color of surprise. He thought about it and reached out and grabbed the master ball.

This time, the master ball suddenly made a sound without waiting for him to release his finger.


Ling Mo first stunned, and then revealed a trace of suspicious color.

The sound that the master ball used to make in the past is actually caused by its body contraction, but sometimes the amplitude is too small for the naked eye to find out. However, Ling Mo is considered to have observed the master ball. This detail has of course been noticed.

But the master ball at this time is still in a state of artificial contraction. How can it be heard?


Lingmo's eyes suddenly widened, he loosened a little, and then tightened again. This time his attention was all on the "heart", and the spiritual tentacles also entangled the master ball.


Another whisper came, and this time, Ling Mo's face changed completely.

The body of the master ball... did not move! Only the "heart" is moving! And that voice is from the "heart"!

"The sound system has evolved! The master ball that speaks!" Lingmo stared at the "Jellyfish" in his hand, and his heart was full of shock. This speed of evolution... is terrible!

From scratch, it only took an hour!

"If I was discovered by Lao Lan, I don't know if he would go crazy... This master ball is simply a nightmare for learning to do!"

Ling Mo couldn't help but squeezed it twice, but the call of the master ball showed a slight change. It seems to be deliberately a little weak, while the tentacles gently sweep the silent palm...

"I rely! I rely on it! Actually, it will be spoiled! If you pinch it a few times, will there be new discoveries..."



Outside the dormitory.

Wang Haozheng wiped the blade in a corner, but suddenly there was a black-eyed man with a cigarette.

He stared at Wang Hao’s head and looked at it for a while. He suddenly coughed and said, “Wang Hao...”

"There is something to say." Wang Hao said without raising his head.

Old Zheng suddenly showed a glimmer of color. He hesitated for a while and whispered, "Have you ever thought about staying here? I mean... stay with your sister and brother-in-law?"

Wang Hao’s movements in her hand, she looked up at Shana not far away, then glanced at the closed door... Then she quickly sighed and said: “I didn’t think Ok, they both will only bully me..."

"That's what I thought about it?" Lao Zheng sighed and said, "You want to be clear, you were forced to escape, we are in the middle..."

"If there is such a day, I will return the human condition." Wang Hao suddenly bit his lip and said coldly, "That thing... I will return sooner or later."

"Don't tell your brother-in-law?" Lao Zheng asked again.

"He will only bully me." Wang Hao rubbed his knife in a sullen manner.

Lao Zheng smiled and then changed the subject, but this time he just opened his mouth and was stunned by Wang Hao: "How do I feel that this is a bit wrong? Your brother-in-law will not Let's hang us?"

"Where is it wrong! In addition to the second camp, who has a helicopter?" Wang said uncomfortably.

"I don't mean this... don't you think their behavior is very strange? Why do you have to stay here? I also secretly inquired about the pilot before, he said that he wants Lingmo to help the oil, but it also uses Don't live here? This thing, there is weird!" Lao Zheng brows and wrinkles. (To be continued.)

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