My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 818: Bad madness

At the same time, Falcon is in the second camp.

This is an office on the top floor, slightly empty, and two people are standing.

One of them stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and in front of his line of sight, the red eagle flag hanging on the flagpole was on the wind. And in his bloodshot eyes, there was a hint of cool color from time to time, as if he was looking at the red eagle.

The other person stood behind him and was holding a report and read: "The total camp has already counted the number of aircraft we have, including several fighters that are temporarily not used. In addition, they also investigated the situation of our personnel. I have begun to delay as much as possible... There is one more thing," the man suddenly raised his head and said with a gloomy face. "They also asked for inspection. Our warehouse, all the materials must be registered..."

The man in front of the window suddenly waved his hand and said: "These things will be said later... Zhang Yu, how is my brother-in-law?"

"Hey... Jason has already used the cipher to send back the news, saying that he has already arranged everyone, and now lives in the oil depot. But Yu Wenxuan, do we really want to pin our hopes on Lingmo? You know He can't be the opponent of the entire camp..." Zhang Yu reluctantly whispered.

Yu Wenxuan jerked back, his eyes madly saying: "The falcon will not send the entire camp! How much power they can integrate, I know very well... Distance is the first barrier between us! If not In this way, they would not choose to compromise at the beginning. Now they don’t want to continue to compromise. I want to further test my bottom line and force me to hand over the power... These things are not only mine, at least the Air Force is not me. of."

The corner of his mouth suddenly showed a smile, and his tone became strange. "The Falcon wants to grab not only me, but also him. This thing can't help me, let alone my one who never suffers." Brother-in-law? You wait, he will surely come back from the Falcons. This is a need for him. He must also have him."

Zhang Yu squatted for a while, then sighed softly. He slammed the report in his hand and said, "The time they have left us is getting less and less... you... make a decision early."

"No..." Yu Wenxuan shook his head and said, "It is them, they have no time." Then he opened his mouth again. Suddenly laughed, "Ah hahaha..."

Zhang Yumu stared at Yu Wenxuan with a sigh of relief, and suddenly whispered a little headache: "This crazy disease is not cured...but," he said, his eyes suddenly brightened. "Maybe really Can look forward to..."


"What kind of performance will they have? I really look forward to it..."

In another office, a young man in his twenties smiled and said.

He wore a straight suit and kept a very regular short hair. A small amount of water was sprayed on the top of the hair. While talking, he was sitting on a sofa, and some satisfied with the leather armrests: "This place is really good, although it is a little remote, but the facilities are quite complete. Life is quite enjoyable."

"Right, I heard that the surname Ling had lived here before, isn't it?" He asked suddenly as he leaned forward.

The answer was a woman. She laid down a piece of the device that was being looked at. She replied in return: "I heard that yes, when I said that I wanted to live here, I was rejected by the one who called Tom. If it is not you. I have to look at it. If you want to come to know him, I can't bring you in."

"What's wrong?" The young man sneered and said, "He is just an outsider. Why should he have the privilege? Yu Wenxuan gave him the privilege. What happened to him? And Su Qianrou, the woman, she It’s hard to protect myself now... maybe it will be. This room will be mine in the future...” He looked around for a circle and then stood up with enthusiasm. “Go, next time you come in. I It’s the owner here. But before that, I hope he can come back once.”

The woman opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end she kept silent, but just looked out and walked out. At the moment of closing the door, she couldn't help but read: "If that person will come back, it is unlikely that he will come into life here... but if he knows the things here, he should not come back again? Hehe... ..."


After eating dinner in the dormitory, Lingmo put his attention on the B area of ​​the oil depot. To be exact, it is placed on the mutant beasts who come to eat... But this thing does not need to be done by himself. It is in Shiran and Xiaobai, they can naturally bring out those mutant beasts. Then find a way to hunt.

However, in order to be safe, Ling Mo still let Ye Lian they all rushed over, and he kept an eye on the situation through spiritual contact.

The three female zombies finally got a chance to “wind”, they almost could not wait to get away from these people, and then quickly disappeared on the road to Zone B. This scene made Lingmo feel helpless. It seems that they still don't like to stay with humans anyway. The instinct's desire for battle and killing is not reduced at all.

Not long after, there was a loud and horrible sound from the direction of the oil depot, and occasionally mixed with the excitement of "white". However, these details can only be heard by the silence, and everyone else will only feel nervous.

"Unfortunately, Hessie refused to tell me what happened before, and did not know if they found something in the wilderness..." Ling Mo thought silently.

At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and then relaxed, and said: "It is you..."

"Well..." In the shadow of the wall, a person came out. She stood by Lingmo, put her hands on the railing in front of him, and looked at the distance along his line of sight. "What are you looking at?" ”

"Look at it." Lingmo replied.

Xu Shuhan suddenly silenced, her expression was blocked under the mask, but standing in the perspective of Ling, she could see her tight lips from the side.

After a while, she suddenly raised her mouth and said: "I don't believe it. I know they are all over there, I... smelled the blood. Do you know? The wind is blowing here."

Seeing that Ling Mo did not speak, Xu Shuhan gave a sigh of relief and said: "When I smell the smell, my body thinks about it, but I am afraid in my head. I know what I thought when I was a human, but I arrived. Now, I feel that I may have done something wrong at that time... But think about it again, I know at least what is fear, so I am different from other zombies..." She suddenly stopped, then whispered "Sorry, I don't mean that..."

"It's okay... For me, they are not the same as other zombies, you are also." Lingmo smiled casually and said.

Xu Shuhan seems to be touched. She thought about it and said, "You are not the same as other human beings... I mean, in dealing with zombies."

"I will praise you when you are." Ling Mo said.

He couldn't help but look at Xu Shuhan. Don't look at the female anchor has become a zombie, but some of the occasional gestures she has shown still have the shadow of the past. Only when she faces other humans and zombies, this shadow becomes a part of fear and is ignored by herself unconsciously.

"Lingmo, I am thinking..." Xu Shuhan said again, "Can I talk to others peacefully like I talk to you in the future? Instead of wearing a mask, but talking to other human beings face to face?" Said, she suddenly reached out and slowly picked up the mask.

In the moment when the blood-red eyes were exposed, Ling Mo vaguely saw a little water from the inside... But soon, the eyes disappeared in front of his eyes, replaced by a scent of the nose.

Xu Shuhan put his head on his shoulder, his arms gently covered him, and his mouth whispered: "Don't move, let me smell it, you are the only one that can make me smell this way." Human beings. Actually, I am really scared. I am afraid I will never smell it again. I am afraid that one day when I still want to hear it, I will not be able to control it."


Ling Mo had just had some speculation, but when he wanted to ask questions, he was interrupted by Xu Shuhan: "Do not ask questions. If you want to talk, tell me about your story. I can I feel that you like them very much, right? Don't worry, I won't record them. Even if I want to record them, I will only record them in my mind."

Having said that, she seems to have made a chuckle, and the strength on her arm seems to have increased.

Ling Mo indulged for a while, then nodded: "Well, just start from the day I know Ye Love..."

Under the night, Ling Mo and Xu Shuhan quietly stood on the uppermost corridor, and on the open space downstairs, there was another figure looking up at them.

Wang Hao glanced at them very uncomfortably, and then snorted heavily: "Fox! Flower radish! You both give me waiting!"

Ling Mo looked at the bottom with a slight impression, but did not find anything. The open space under the moonlight is empty, and only the old blue screams are coming out from some room below, followed by the sound of Muchen, the instructor’s anger is very low, but the voice is very low. : "Rely! Can you be quiet when you are old metamorphosis!...Hey, girl, what are you doing with the gun!... What do you think of the dead eye? Roll back and write your things..."

"Haha..." Xu Shuhan suddenly laughed, smiled and smiled, her arms became more and more tight...

PS: Recommend a book "Ming Yao Tian Xia", history, like friends can go and see.

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