My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 198: She's getting thinner and weaker by the day!

"When will this sports meet come to an end?"

The sports meeting is going on nervously, but Mo Nanbei has no interest in sports, and now she has to see the end here. For her, it is all torture.

Looking at Li Ziqian again, he saw that he kept his head down and was reviewing with a book in his hand.

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

It is unbelievable that this scene is true, Li Ziqian's abnormal behavior surprised Mo Nanbei.

Is that so today?

Is it going to rain? Or is it the end of the world?

Li Ziqian, actually, he took the initiative to read the textbook in school?

Although there are some elements of wanting to avoid the dullness of sports, his choice is not to swipe his mobile phone secretly, but to review?

This is definitely a big problem! !

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but lean back tactically, poked Li Ziqian and asked him in shock,

"What happened to you today? You actually took the initiative to look at the book. It doesn't look like you did it."

Hearing this, Li Ziqian raised her head and glanced at Mo Nanbei who was poking her. The undisguised surprise and horror on her face made Li Ziqian roll his eyes.

Oh, ignorant woman, what do you think of him?

Li Ziqian didn't hide the expression on his face, he directly put on a look of 'you know a Ji Ba', and replied to Mo Nanbei,

"Isn't this due to the midterm exam?

What a bunch of memorized and written things to be tested. If I don't review it, my position in the top 50 of the age that I finally worked hard to get out will not be guaranteed! "

It's hard to work hard...?

If that counts as effort? ? ?

I don't even dare to say whether I study hard or not! ! !

What the heck, hurry up and apologize to the students who have been working hard all year!

(#`O')! ! !

For Li Ziqian's self-report without any self-knowledge, Mo Nanbei had 10,000 grooves to vomit.

But after all, it turned into a sigh and said nothing.

After all, indeed, what the hell, she actually realized that after Li Ziqian finished talking about this, she was about to take the exam soon.

It won't be long after the mid-term is the end of the term. Recently, my thoughts have been on the novel, and my studies have long been forgotten.

But fortunately, these are not serious problems for her, and she has long been familiar with these knowledge points.

No way, I used to work too hard.

All I can say is that the learning objective was replaced with 'To rot! ’, people are often able to burst out with great potential.

No, the whole year of high school and the hard work in the first half of high school have allowed her to enjoy a very happy and fishy life now.

Although this is the truth, even the day before the exam, she can fish with peace of mind, but there is someone around who has been turning the pages of the book rustling, and Mo Nanbei's heart that has been dirty for a long time will inevitably feel a little guilty. feel.

——The guilt that comes from not learning from the fish.

This, how?

So with a little water ghost and a little Versailles, Mo Nanbei said to Li Ziqian,

"What are you afraid of?

When we go home and review together, it will definitely be more efficient than you are now doing it by yourself.

What's so good about this blank book, there are no class notes, how about you review your mother?

Hurry up and put down your broken book and chat with me, I'm about to die of boredom now. "

After Mo Nanbei finished speaking, he took the book from his hand, and Li Ziqian was lazy to continue fighting with her, so he gave up the struggle and went fishing with Mo Nanbei.

With Li Ziqian's company, the boring sports meeting has become a lot more interesting.

With a whistle, the two people who were chatting happily realized that the sports meeting was over, and looked up at the sky to find that it was already evening.

"How does time go by so fast? I remember it was still daytime just now." Mo Nanbei blinked and sighed with emotion.

In response, Li Ziqian rolled his eyes again.

"There's no way people are stupid."

"Are you special????"

At this time, the others had already left one after another, leaving only the two of them sitting in place.

"What are you still doing? Everyone else is gone."

Seeing that Mo Nanbei was still stunned, Li Ziqian, who had already got up and packed her things, reminded her.

Just when the two were about to leave the playground with their bags, Old Wang stopped them.

"Our class will leave in a while, and there will be a class meeting to open."


After hearing this, the two agreed on the surface, but they kept complaining in their hearts.

No, no, no, is this special still going to stay?


The two looked at each other, and both saw helpless expressions in their eyes.

After clasping their hands together, the two old hope engineers said in unison, "I hope it doesn't drive for too long."

Soon, a group of people gathered in the playground again. After seeing that the people were almost there, Old Wang said,

"I'll tell you two things about taking up everyone's rest.

The mid-term exam is coming in a week. I said before that this exam is a joint exam with other schools. I hope you all study hard during this time.

If I find out that someone's grades are not ideal after the exam, then the class hygiene will be handed over to him.

After returning home, you should study and study, and don't lose your spirits because of the opening of the sports meeting!

Did you hear that? "

"it is good--"


"Which game is better for us to go back and play?"

On the way home, Mo Nanbei found a topic to chat with Li Ziqian as usual, but he didn't respond. This abnormal behavior made Mo Nanbei feel something strange.

He tilted his head, looked at Li Ziqian's serious expression, and carefully figured out his state of mind at this time, Mo Nanbei continued to ask him,

"How about we play games together for a while?"


Seeing Li Ziqian's serious rejection, Mo Nanbei instantly understood what he was thinking.

It is true that Mo Nanbei knows that taking the exam at Li Ziqian's current level, death is an inevitable event, and review must be reviewed, but seeing him uncharacteristically trying to study hard, she couldn't help but tease,

"Eh??? No, no, no, no one is going to go home and study hard, right?"

"Oh, you think I'm you, you know how to play and play games all day long, and you have to take exams, but you don't know how to study hard!"

Instead of arguing with Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian directly turned against the customer and stood on the moral high ground, and began to condemn Mo Nanbei.

Mo Nanbei:  …

What the...?

Does this person really have the face to talk to her like that? ? ?


Although learning must be learned, how can I not find a chance to ridicule Li Ziqian?

So, Mo Nanbei continued to seduce Li Ziqian,

"How about going home and playing for a while?"

"No, I have to study and code, so I'm very busy." Li Ziqian refused in seconds without thinking.

Seeing that Li Ziqian's will was so firm, Mo Nanbei chose to change the tactical direction after stuttering twice, she continued,

"It's better than this. During this period of time, let's reduce the time to play games appropriately, and then you can ask me if you don't know how."

"The game must be played less, but if I ask you... I will tell you when the time comes, you may not be useful."

Li Ziqian has always been aware of his own learning level. Although he has been fishing for half a semester, he still has a foundation.

As long as the "complex and cumbersome" things such as the knowledge points, formulas, etc. that should be recited are completed, his grades will naturally go up.

After all, he's just lazy, not that he can't learn.

The only thing that embarrassed him was chemistry, Chinese, English and other subjects that had a lot of recitation. Like mathematics, which required brains, he couldn't be bothered at all.

It is true that although these words are true heartfelt truths, as long as they speak out, they will definitely be chased and beaten by a group of people.

And...about learning, he didn't particularly want to trouble Mo Nanbei.

After all, Mo Nanbei's notes are already very useful, just ask it, you don't need to bother Mo Nanbei himself.


Of course, Mo Nanbei disagreed with Li Ziqian's words.

What is 'you may not be useful'!

He is questioning his professionalism!

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei taunted Li Ziqian and said,

"Che, if that's the case, why are you so nervous? Reading at the sports meeting? Huh?? Don't play games at home?

Who! Who did these things? "

Mo Nanbei's precise and direct-to-the-point mockery made Li Ziqian not know how to answer for a while.

After being silent for two seconds, Li Ziqian said stubbornly, "Then just lend me your notes and copy them, and I can handle the rest by myself."

During the chat, the two had already returned home. After Li Ziqian took off his shoes and went back to the house to change his school uniform, he unceremoniously took Mo Nanbei's schoolbag next to his desk and took it out from it skillfully. got the notes he needed.

It's just... the moment he opened Mo Nanbei's notebook, the expression on his face immediately froze.

This... It's different from the notes he took for free during the monthly exam! !

This notebook is densely populated with knowledge points, which makes Li Ziqian completely at a loss as to how to start.

One thing to say, although learning is to learn, he doesn't want to remember all these in his mind!

People will die!

Taking a deep breath, adhering to the principle that a man can bend and stretch, Li Ziqian made a decisive decision without hesitation and chose to ask Mo Nanbei for help.

"In? Help? Make a point?"

Mo Nanbei:  …

Didn't you just say you don't need her? ?

Need it again now?

Calling and drinking?

Ok? ? ?

He thinks beautifully! ! !

Seeing this, Mo Nanbei immediately complained,

"Why didn't you say you didn't need my help before? Why did you come here now???

Ok? Ok? ? Ok? ? ? You duplicitous dog thing! "

"Ah yes yes yes, so, in? Make a point?"


Seeing that Li Ziqian didn't stray from the theme, thinking about 'study', Mo Nanbei snorted and snatched the schoolbag that Li Ziqian was holding in his arms, took out another notebook and threw it at Li Ziqian beside,

"Hey, look at this."

"Mid-term exam for review notes"

Should it be said that Xueba deserves to be Xueba?

Obviously, the two of them eat together, play games and fish together every day. How can this person still have time to sort out such things?

As if seeing Li Ziqian's doubts, Mo Nanbei snorted again and said proudly to Li Ziqian,

"Do you think I'm you? This thing was sorted out while listening to the teacher's beeps during class."


This, is it like this?

"of course."

"Okay, you are awesome."

Afterwards, Li Ziqian did not continue to fight with Mo Nanbei, and after finishing the few homework, he began to seriously look over the notes that Mo Nanbei gave him.

Mo Nanbei, who was sitting aside and ignored by Li Ziqian, now has some resentment.

If I had known that I had thrown the notes to him, he would not play with her. She was still trying her best to write a hammer review note for this person when she was in class! ! !

How is this different from the plot unfolding in her imagination? ?


Damn it!

For the first time, Mo Nanbei had the illusion that he needed to compete with Xue for a boyfriend.


Li Ziqian naturally didn't know Mo Nanbei's resentment, and even under the extremely focused review, he even completely ignored the game invitation that Mo Nanbei sent him.

Even though he has written a thousand words, he is unwilling to play games with her?

Does this mean that you are ready to code and then continue to study? ? ?

It's really not right!

Isn't it usually Li Ziqian and her who play gkdgdk with her for hundreds of millions of games?


Now that Mo Nanbei really understood Li Ziqian's determination to crawl and prepare to study hard, he didn't bother him any more, quit the game, and chose to write seriously.


In the next period of time, Li Ziqian was like a different person.

I concentrate on listening to lectures in class, take the time to write papers between classes, and don’t write syllabus in self-study classes. I’m either looking through notes or going to the office to ask the teacher questions and correct the papers. Even the two of us are chatting. In the leisure time on the rooftop, he was memorizing the texts assiduously!

Is this **** human? ? ? ?

As a bystander, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but exclaimed outrageous when he saw Li Ziqian's appearance.

Li Ziqian's hard work made Mo Nanbei feel the torture of learning for the first time.

If there is a person, when he wants to rest, he tirelessly reads and recites the text...

That's a real dream.

There is no way, but you can only join in.

Mo Nanbei, who was forced to give up fishing, could only pick up the 'learning ability' that had been thrown into the corner by himself and rolled up with Li Ziqian.

However, what Mo Nanbei never expected was that Li Ziqian, who was always known as a pig and was always sleepy, could endure better than her in learning this matter.

She is tired, how can this person continue! ?

Oh my god! ! !

When will this horrible routine end? ! !

If it goes on like this, she is afraid that she is not going to die.

In addition to studying hard every day, it is the days of hard coding, she is going to die.


Li Ziqian's daily interactive intake is not enough, she is getting thinner and sluggish, okay!

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