My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 199: As for the game, that is the fiery heat of life ===

The tormented working day is finally over, and the happy weekend is finally here.

On Saturday morning, Mo Nanbei woke up very early in the morning. She was going to go to Li Ziqian now, to give her a fright and to enjoy this leisurely weekend.


What she never expected was that after she entered the password and entered the room, she found that Li Ziqian was actually studying seriously!

Weekend eh!

Seven thirty in the morning!

Did this guy do anything wrong?

Mo Nanbei couldn't understand Li Ziqian's behavior at all.

She can understand learning, but what she doesn't understand is that this behavior will appear on Li Ziqian.

What does this feel like?

Is it the dog who refuses to eat shit? !

Looking at the papers piled next to Li Ziqian's hands, Mo Nanbei speculated that this person should have woken up at the same time as him.

She washed and brushed her phone for a while, and then went downstairs. It is estimated that this person started to study directly after washing up.


It's been too much work...

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but suggest to Li Ziqian,

"It's the weekend, why don't you play the game and relax?"

When Mo Nanbei was talking, he had already turned on his computer, and after clearing the background, he had logged into the game.

In the face of Mo Nanbei's bewitchment, Li Ziqian remained unmoved. He said,

"The exam is coming next Tuesday. You still have time to play games. Come and study with me."



He was right.

It's just that he has always urged Li Ziqian to learn and code, but now there is a sudden reversal of the two levels, which makes Mo Nanbei somewhat unacceptable and uncomfortable.

But learn to learn.

In fact, Mo Nanbei is not resistant to learning, she is simply lazy.

As far as she is concerned, even in today's exam, she will not feel nervous, and her grades can still maintain the original level.

As for speaking, then learn, and just be a little perfunctory during the exam.

To be honest, Mo Nanbei is very eager to fish because she is afraid that her grades will improve, which will bring different expectations to teachers and parents, so that she will have no peace in the next year.

Spread out a new notebook and help Li Ziqian write a little more knowledge notes while he's 'boring' now.

Looking at this person's appearance, it is estimated that it will be similar at the end of the period.

The progress of the school's review and summary seems to be out of order, but after careful analysis, there are traces to follow, and she has almost figured out the teachers' routines.

Now write a final review note in advance, and after the midterm exam, if the person wants to use it, it can be given to him.


Mo Nanbei sighed and sighed with emotion, how could Li Ziqian have such a super cute girlfriend, and then he began to join the ranks of learning.

It can only be said that in the room that is usually full of laughter and laughter and messing around with people, at this time there are only the voices of two switched learners turning pages and writing.

It is extremely grassy while leaving the original spectrum.

After about an hour or so, Li Ziqian suddenly stopped his movements, turned his chair, reached out and poked Mo Nanbei who was sitting next to him,

"Yes, do me a favor?"


Hearing this familiar opening, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but be speechless.

Turning around, holding his forehead and sighing, he asked Li Ziqian,

"Tell me, what's the matter."

"What's your extension for this part?"

Li Ziqian pointed to a sentence in Mo Nanbei's notebook and asked her.


"This, wait a minute, I was too lazy to write it at that time, the content is here, I will circle it for you."

With that said, Mo Nanbei took out the previous 'General Notebook', circled some of the contents, and handed it to Li Ziqian.

"Ok, thanks."

Seeing that Li Ziqian didn't say a lot of nonsense, Mo Nanbei felt helpless.

"You really are, you are usually not active, but now you are uncharacteristically?"

After she said these words, she looked at Li Ziqian and found that he had no intention of answering.


Let's do it.

Faced with this situation, Mo Nanbei was too embarrassed to continue disturbing him, so he could only continue to lower his head and study with him.

Just learning to learn, Li Ziqian's stamina and patience have finally reached the limit.

Just as Mo Nanbei was putting in, a voice suddenly came from Li Ziqian's side,

"Is this knowledge so special that people can memorize it?

It is so long and difficult to memorize, no one can memorize it at all, right?

Damn it, I can't even read it well! "


"Just such a long list of nonsense, carry a hammer!"

Hearing this, Mo Nanbei couldn't help saying,

"What should I do after the exam?"

"I bet I won't take this exam!"


"If you don't know how to memorize it, you will blame the knowledge for being difficult, and you will really find reasons."

Hearing this, Li Ziqian threw the notebook back to Mo Nanbei and said to her,

"Look at how long this knowledge is, and give me a try."

In the face of Li Ziqian's provocation, Mo Nanbei naturally took it.

After looking at the notebook, she knew that she had won this battle.

It's just stinky and long, just memorize it by rote, and after reading it more than 50 or 60 times, it will definitely be memorized.

That's what she was doing back then.

Of course, she would never say these words to Li Ziqian.

"I'll take a look at this knowledge point, and I don't need to memorize it at all, okay?"

After saying this sentence very lightly, Mo Nanbei closed the notebook on purpose, and memorized all the content without missing a word, and there was no lag in the middle.


Okay, so she's awesome.

But he still won't.

This kind of difficult thing can be pushed to the final exam. The so-called "taking the time to review" must be reviewing the knowledge points with higher 'cost-effectiveness'.

That's it, apart from testing the students' ability to recite and dictate, there is no "knowledge content" at all. He doesn't believe that the teacher who created the question will test this!

If there is! That is, the teacher who asked the question is not good! Waste your precious points!


When you get serious, time always passes quickly, and before you know it, night has come.

It was only at this time that Mo Nanbei realized that he had not yet played his first victory in the game today.

She put down the pen in her hand, stretched out, and suggested to Li Ziqian,

"We've all studied for a day, let's play a game and take a break."

"Um...let's talk."

...? ? ?

Hearing this, Mo Nanbei turned his head and found that Li Ziqian was still studying tirelessly.

It's outrageous!

Li Ziqian's state at this time is very similar to himself doing homework on the last day before school starts.

What's so special about knowing DDL, so you started to work hard?

What are you doing so early!


It's just... I've been studying for a whole day. Looking at the tiredness on Li Ziqian's face, Mo Nanbei also knows that this person's learning status has also declined a lot.

The time for efficient study and high concentration has passed. In fact... he can also drag him to fish.

So, Mo Nanbei first logged in to the game, and then deliberately put on a surprised and indifferent look, 'talking to himself',

"Eh? There are activities in the alliance these two days!

As long as you complete the first victory quest for seven consecutive days, you will have a free skin, as well as an egg that can lead to the little hero! "

Ok…? ? ?

Li Ziqian, who was already extremely tired, immediately regained his spirits when he heard what Mo Nanbei said. He quickly raised his head, glanced at the interface on Mo Nanbei's computer screen, and said in an impatient tone. Mo Nanbei said,

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get on the number!"

When he said this, he had already turned on the computer.

Seeing this, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but be speechless again.

She asked Li Ziqian tentatively,

"There are less than three days before the exam. Why, don't you have to study hard now?"

"Today I have been able to study hard for a day!

Moreover, I have been seriously reviewing this week, and the knowledge points to be tested in the exam are basically memorized in my mind, and now it is the stage of strengthening and consolidation. "

Saying that, Li Ziqian shook his finger at Mo Nanbei, looking like a 'nobodyknow reviewing betterthan', and continued to Mo Nanbei,

"Besides, it won't take much time to get a first win.

Hurry up and go online, hurry up and finish typing, and then you have to code. "



In any case, this person's attitude changed so fast that Mo Nanbei couldn't adapt for a while.

Xu was because he hadn't played the game for a long time, the alliance seemed to want to keep them, and the teammates they matched were very good, but in twenty minutes, the crystal on the opposite side was flatly pushed away.

"It's too bad on the opposite side, isn't it? It didn't feel like a fight, it was over, and I didn't feel like I had any experience at all.

Just you understand?

Winning but not playing the all-win feeling. "

"Indeed." Mo Nanbei nodded and agreed.

"Then... come again?" Li Ziqian suggested.


What I just never thought was that the so-called winning one more game is a kind of magic spell.

Winning a game is a luxury at some point, and it is the essence of this game to take it as soon as you see it, and you will be pinched by this **** game after you really get the upper hand.

Originally, I was going to be self-disciplined for a day, cook dinner and eat healthy by myself, but it was all messed up by this **** 'winner'.

In case of indecision, KFC chicken golden arches.

Still stubborn and unwilling to compromise, after one takeout for each person, the two finally won their first victory at 10:35 in the evening.

"knock off!"

When shouting these two words, Mo Nanbei faintly burst into tears, what kind of hard life is this!

For a moment, she felt that the reason why Li Ziqian loved studying so much recently was because she had anticipated such a tragic reality.

To be fair, to be honest, in the middle of the fight, she said, 'Let's just learn! ' such an idea.

But fortunately, the emperor paid off, this first victory was finally in hand.

"Time is running out, it's time to code words."

Li Ziqian glanced at the time at this time, and opening the orange melon was to open the room.

And Mo Nanbei didn't have any idea of ​​dragging Li Ziqian to continue playing.

Just kidding, it's already this time, and if I don't write about life and death, I can't finish the amount of tasks she needs to update today.

Learning is just a task, and coding is the real life. As for the game, it is the fiery heat of life. If you lack it, you will die.


I also spent Sunday studying hard in this way, but not completely.

Time quickly came to Tuesday morning, the day of the exam.

The arrangement of the exam is very 'personalized'.

In the morning before the exam, I took the math exam when I was the most nervous. I took the Chinese exam in the afternoon, and I took the English exam in the evening when I was holding on after eating.

The teacher who arranged the time was simply afraid that they would not send the exams.

However, spit is spit, and it is the right reason to hurry up and review the few dozen minutes of early self-study.

Although Li Ziqian doesn't know what mathematics is good for reviewing, but everyone is smothering their heads and flipping through the book, if he doesn't join in, he will still feel some inexplicable guilt.

People always have such a subtle herd mentality.

Li Ziqian felt that this was wrong and he had to change it.

Look at the thick-skinned Mo Nanbei next to her, isn't she just holding the book she usually writes the outline of the novel on with a relaxed face, and swiping up to write the plot?

The exam is about to start soon. The mid-term exam is different from the perfunctory monthly exam. The seats in the exam room are still very formally arranged.

Although, the results of the examination room are arranged according to the results of the final exam of the last semester of high school.

Li Ziqian followed the large group into the back seat of Class 7's classroom.

While staring at the invigilator with murderous eyes, he poked the mechanical pencil casually, while watching the time on the wall and waiting for the test bell to ring.

Posting, writing, and grading.

Soon, the second test bell rang.

Mathematical exams have always been very easy for Li Ziqian, basically reading the questions, lifting the pen, checking the calculations on the scratch paper, and filling in the blanks.

This step of thinking is completed in the moment of reading the question.

All I can say is that Li Ziqian is always very fortunate at times like this, that God gave him a fairly useful brain.

Time passed by, but in about an hour and a half, Li Ziqian had already finished writing the last big question.

Turning to the front again, after checking it again, Li Ziqian raised his hand and submitted the paper.

Generally speaking, teachers do not advocate the behavior of handing in papers in advance.

Because students who leave the classroom wandering in the corridor, and students who raise their hands to go to the bathroom, may always have some indescribable transactional behavior, which is very inconvenient for management.

But now, after their seminars, the students who submitted papers in advance will be brought to the large classroom for centralized management and self-study.

In this way, it can not only prevent them from wandering around, but also strictly control the discipline of the examination room.

Most of the students who took the exam in Class 7 belonged to the middle and lower levels, so most of them had just turned to the last paper and started writing.

Even if it is fast, and the paper has been written, it is at least 'completed' after two or three major questions are left.

These people will definitely not submit papers in advance.

Under the somewhat strange gaze of the invigilator, Li Ziqian walked out of the classroom indifferently and walked towards the 'concentration camp'.

The math for the mid-term exam is just that.

It's a pity that he didn't make a bet with Mo Nanbei, he felt that he would win this time.


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