My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 382: I'm afraid this is the most beautiful portrayal of life ===

After leaving the cafe, the two were going to eat, Mo Nanbei was holding a large bouquet of flowers, while Li Ziqian was in charge of holding another large bouquet.

"With so many flowers, is it a bit of a delay to carry them to dinner? I'm not saying that the flowers you bought are not good, but there are too many, which affects us to do other things." I'm really worried that Li Ziqian thinks more about it. Mo Nanbei also specially explained two sentences.

Li Ziqian nodded in agreement, "Then send the flowers back first, I'll take you home, and then we'll come out together."

Then the two of them placed the piles of flowers in Mo Nanbei's house, which was finally less of a drag.

Wandering around the restaurant on the street, the two went to a restaurant they often eat.

Mo Nanbei sat opposite Li Ziqian, resting his chin in one hand, and said seriously, "I want to be dumb and golden."

Because of the reason of returning home for the winter vacation, the two cats, Duan and Jin Mao, still chose the service of asking someone to feed them. Although I don't know if the two heartless cats will miss their owners, the owners really miss them. .

The time away this time was longer than the last time. Because of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, the two families had a lot of things to talk about, so the time spent at home naturally increased.

"You can go back to school soon, the day after tomorrow." Li Ziqian scratched Mo Nanbei's head as a gesture of comfort.

Mo Nanbei didn't care after blowing the hair that was messed up by Li Ziqian on his forehead.

"You said that the next time we go out, we'd better bring Duodao and Jin Mao with me. If it's always like this, I'll miss them very much."

"Well, but there are a lot of things that need to be resolved, like where they live and where they eat."

"Alas." Mo Nanbei sighed silently, the appearance of Dumb and Golden Retriever acting coquettishly towards him already appeared in his mind.

Compared to when Duan and Jin Mao first came to this house, there is still a big gap. When they first came, they were young and milky, but now they have transformed into a handsome and handsome big cat. In particular, the golden retriever's large size is also revealed, and it is very safe to hold it when sleeping.

Having been with the two cats for so long, Li Ziqian certainly has a deep friendship with them. When he thinks of the two furry children at home, his heart can't help but become soft, but even so, Li Ziqian is still Something feels wrong.

Because I like dogs more. Regarding the cats that Mo Nanbei likes, I already have two at home. From time to time, I will go to the downstairs community to see the situation of the five stray cats, but about the dogs , Li Ziqian did not see a single one.

The more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt, and the more sad he felt in his heart. Li Ziqian felt that raising a dog was a good way to improve his quality of life.

"Why don't we get another dog." Li Ziqian said.

The dishes were already served. Mo Nanbei first took a sip of the hot soup, then sighed and asked, "Why? Are two cats not enough for your love?"

"I think if we don't have dogs, our family members are not complete enough."

"Why, isn't it enough to have a dog at home?"


"Isn't it you??"

"Shut up, idiot, I mean it."

Mo Nanbei snorted as if he didn't care, "You can have a dog, but what kind of dog do you want?"

"I want to have big dogs, not small, fierce dogs."

"Little dogs are not all fierce, don't be blinded by Chihuahuas and Teddy, Maltese is very cute and suitable for you."

"...Didn't you get the point of what I said? I mean I want big dogs, you idiot!"

"Okay, okay, so what kind of big dog do you want?"

Li Ziqian's eyes swept around, and seemed to be a little guilty and said, "I kind of want a husky."

"Hmm?" Mo Nanbei was surprised, and almost spit out a mouthful of rice, "What the **** are you talking about? Don't you think the house is not messy enough? We are renting a house now. lose money."

Li Ziqian thought for a while, "Also..."

But this is also a proper fantasy, Li Ziqian still has a spectrum in his heart.

"Besides, that kind of energetic dog walks every day. You, who are lazy at home every day, don't want to walk the dog. At that time, the husky will only tear down everything that can be demolished in the house."

"Go go, stop your blows, you and I are no different."

Instead, Mo Nanbei spread his hands, "Yeah, so I don't have that unrealistic fantasy, I just keep cats obediently."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziqian was speechless. "

"My suggestion is that it is best for you to have a golden retriever. It has a docile personality and a sense of security, and it is also very suitable for my Maine."

"Go away, I don't listen to your advice."

"Don't listen to it and pull it down." Mo Nanbei gave Li Ziqian a vicious look, and gave Li Ziqian the green pepper he didn't like in the bowl by the way.

Although Li Ziqian was dissatisfied, he still ate the green pepper in front of him, "I've already said that I want to raise a dog, and you've finished all the suggestions, so I'll just listen to you."

When Mo Nanbei saw that Li Ziqian was a dog, he said anxiously, "Then what are you talking about raising?"

After thinking about it, it is clear that Li Ziqian is still the worst dog.

"Let's raise a Chow Chow." After thinking for a few seconds, Li Ziqian came to the answer.

"Chow Chow?"

"Yes, this kind of dog's IQ is lower than Erha's. It's not easy to move. It's like a slow old man. It's very suitable for me to raise."

From an analysis of such a personality, it is indeed very suitable for people with characteristics like Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei.

The picture of the Chow Chow appeared in Mo Nanbei's head, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, "Wouldn't that be too stupid to recognize the owner?"

"Master should recognize it, but I don't know if I can remember the two of us..."

"Then..." Mo Nanbei grinned, "Aren't you a little too stupid?"

"It's okay, it's the same as you. You shouldn't be very happy to have a dog like you at home."

"I'm so happy, you are so good to talk to me!"

Li Ziqian nodded in satisfaction and took two mouthfuls of rice, "I think it's quite suitable anyway."

"In other words, you should decide what kind of dog you want based on what kind of dog you like. Don't decide so casually."

"It's not casual. I chose it completely based on the characteristics I like. It's large, and it doesn't stick to people and doesn't tear down the house. It doesn't take my energy, and it's loyal. I only recognize one master. Isn't this very suitable?"

Mo Nanbei was a little panicked, "It's not enough to recognize only one master, will it bite me?"

"Then I don't know, but I read the comments of netizens, and some people said that the Chow Chow was so lazy that he even skipped the step of baring his teeth before biting, and just took a bite."

"Tsk tsk tsk, so scary."

"Actually, it's okay, how do you know if you don't raise it?"

Mo Nanbei stared at it for a while, then let out a sigh of relief and said: Well, I will help you to look it up on the Internet in the past two days, and then you must make sure that the dog does not bite and does not harm the cat, otherwise I definitely don't want to. "

"That must have been raised since childhood. Everyone has feelings, and there will be no such thing."

Although Mo Nanbei was still dubious, he still frowned and believed Li Ziqian's nonsense.

When the two returned to the school's rental house again, it was two days later. As soon as they entered the door, Li Ziqian saw Mo Nanbei kissing and hugging Dian Dian and Jin Mao.

Li Ziqian shook his head with a sigh, and began to ask Mo Nanbei about raising dogs.

Mo Nanbei kept scratching and tickling Duodao, and replied to Li Ziqian, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you, milky white, short and wide mouth, big head, blue tongue puppy, with a hairy puppy. Pretty much the same ball."

"Really?" Li Ziqian's expression revealed a hint of surprise.

"That can be fake. My vision and ability to act are much stronger than yours." Gu Yu

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei with disgust, "You can throw me a few hands."

"Anyway, it won't be long before you can greet your dog. You have to give me a better attitude. This is all done by me."

"Okay, thanks to you, thank you Miss Mo."

Mo Nanbei frowned, "What's your name? So old?"

"Okay, thank you Miss Mo."

"It's weird, what do you call this, you idiot!"

"Okay, okay, thank you baby Mo."

"..." Mo Nanbei paused for a while, but still gave Li Ziqian a vicious look, and said unceremoniously, "Silly dog, shut up for me."

After a simple lunch at noon, Mo Nanbei took time to tidy up the refrigerator.

There were a lot of vegetables in the refrigerator, but now it seems that most of them have been damaged, and many have already given off an unfriendly smell. Mo Nanbei has to cover his nose.

The child cleaned the inside and outside of the refrigerator.

Because of the love of stockpiling, once the two leave the house for a long time, there will always be a lot of food in the refrigerator that needs to be solved urgently, but the reason for the poor memory is always forgotten to deal with, often Ended up like this.

After finally tidying up the refrigerator, looking back at Li Ziqian, this guy could still fall asleep while watching TV, so he was angry again, so he rushed in front of Li Ziqian in three steps and two steps. Wake him up.

"I'm busy packing my things, but you are still asleep?" Mo Nanbei asked.

Li Ziqian woke up in a daze, but I still didn’t look so smart. He opened his slightly hazy eyes, then changed direction and continued to lie down, whispering and begging for mercy: “You let me sleep for a while. Okay, don't clean up for now, and I'll clean up with you at night."

Then Li Ziqian fell asleep without warning under Mo Nanbei's eyes.

Mo Nanbei clenched his fists, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After a lot of thoughts flew through his mind, he sighed helplessly. Then he took out a thin quilt from the bedroom and put it on Li Ziqian. Turn off the TV that is playing.

Although she looked very dissatisfied on the surface, Mo Nanbei's behavior unfortunately exposed herself. She stared at Li Ziqian's sleeping face, shook her head and sighed, but she had no choice but to start talking to herself. He said, "This dog thing will only find a way to be lazy."

In the afternoon, when the sun started to think about whether to hide or not, Li Ziqiancai opened his eyes drowsily, stretched his waist in satisfaction, and then went to the bathroom swiftly.

When he came out, Li Ziqian stood at the door of the room and looked at Mo Nanbei, who was sitting at the desk in the bedroom and seemed to be writing something.

"What are you doing!" Li Ziqian stood at the door and suddenly shouted to Mo Nanbei's back.

And Mo Nanbei was also very satisfied with a shock, and after shaking twice, he took off one of the earphones on his inner ear, turned his head and looked over in horror, and then immediately changed to an angry expression. "You are such an idiot!"

Li Ziqian just leaned on the door frame and looked at Mo Nanbei quietly, "What's wrong, I'm doing something wrong, I'm so scared." After that, he walked towards Mo Nanbei, trying to see what was on her desk. Something mysterious.

Seeing that Li Ziqian was approaching step by step, Mo Nanbei really tried his best to cover it up, not giving Li Ziqian a chance to peek, as if he was afraid that some shocking secret would be leaked, but the more he did, the more The hook aroused Li Ziqian's curiosity. He grabbed Mo Nanbei's arm, as if the two were going to have a power duel.

"I'll just take a look." Even during the fight, Li Ziqian was still trying to negotiate terms.

"No, no, you don't want to rob me." Mo Nanbei lay on the table, just to protect his little secret.

"What's the use of protecting it? Anyway, I know that you are writing these things behind my back. Sooner or later, I will find it while you are away. You can't hide it no matter how much you hide it." Li Zi Qianyi tried hard, and finally touched the corner of the thing that was hidden by Mo Nanbei. It was a notebook, so Li Ziqian started to use that corner to start a tug-of-war with Mo Nanbei.

After all, Mo Nanbei's strength couldn't match Li Ziqian's. Seeing that the book he was maintaining was about to be taken away by Li Ziqian, he chose to put it down and give it up. He released his hand and said with a gloomy expression, "That's okay. Come on, look at it."

Therefore, due to inertia, Li Ziqian was directly thrown to the ground.

Li Ziqian sat on the ground and rubbed his waist in pain, but immediately returned to normal and chose to look at the notebook that he had taken so much painstakingly for the first time.

When I opened it, I saw a lot of dense words written in black and white on it. The font was beautiful and small, and the date was marked at the top, like a diary. in and out.

Because the subjects recorded above are all Li Ziqian himself, the earliest date can be traced back to when the two were first together.

Every word does not mention love, but it is full of love. It describes the details of life and Mo Nanbei's inner feelings. The date interval is maintained at about a week. Words that will never be revealed.

Like a little girl caught in an ambiguity, she only dared to hide her cautious feelings in a notebook.

Li Ziqian smiled, and before he could speak, Mo Nanbei snatched the notebook with a malicious look on his face, his eyes dodged, and his expression was very complicated, "Why are you looking at it for so long, don't you know what I wrote? What is it?" As he spoke, his face turned red slowly.

I have to say that Mo Nanbei in this state is indeed very attractive, and Li Ziqian couldn't help laughing even more.

Mo Nanbei was so angry that he punched Li Ziqian in the chest, "You laugh!"

"You can manage to laugh. Besides, I'm not laughing."

"That's not OK!"

"Why haven't I seen you secretly write this book?"

"Then, of course, I have my own way. How can you find out? Besides, you are so stupid, you are actually very easy to deceive."

"Isn't that what I saw?"

"Today was an accident."

"What do you think about our future marriage?"

Mo Nanbei's eyes flashed slightly, "What?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Isn't it written in the back of your book, and you are very willing to imagine marriage with me, so I will discuss it with you now."

Mo Nanbei suddenly became anxious and thumped Li Ziqian, "You've read it all, can't you just not tell what's in the book?"

"Good good."

Mo Nanbei held the notepad and looked up at the ceiling, as if a picture of the future had really popped up in his mind for a long time, "I want to live in the big flat."

"Why do you talk about the house directly? But in comparison, I want a villa more."

"I also want to keep cats, and I don't mind a few more cats."

"You're really a sweetheart. I'll be satisfied as long as I have a dog."

"Actually you are a dog."

"shut up!"

After dinner, we happily played the game in the e-sports room. Facing the situation that he was about to push down the local crystal and die in battle, Mo Nanbei got up and said 'tired', then went back to the living room and hugged the star who was licking his claws. Dian curled up and sat on the blanket by the window, brushing the hair on Dian Dian's stomach while admiring the moonlit night outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

The moon tonight seems to be extraordinarily round.

Li Ziqian finished the game, and after leaving the e-sports room, he saw Mo Nanbei curled up on the blanket and fell asleep.

A light moonlight poured in and shone on Mo Nanbei's side face. Her long black hair was scattered on the blanket, and Dian Dian next to her fell asleep together in her arms. The years are quiet.

In fact, the same routine life every day seems boring, but what really makes people feel happy and beautiful is the ordinary life.

Where there are so many winds and waves in life and vigor, the most cherished are these ordinary days, and the person who should cherish the most is the one who accompanies him through the ordinary every day.

Watch the sunrise together, watch the sunset and sunset together, and appreciate the changing seasons together.

In itself, life is a serious homogenization.

Stay together every day, laugh, eat, and sleep.

Mo Nanbei was holding the cat, while he was holding Mo Nanbei.

I'm afraid this is the most beautiful portrayal of life.

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