Regarding the issue of buying a house, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei have always been thinking about it recently. Because they visited the real estate agency a few times in their spare time, they have been receiving various calls recently.

Mo Nanbei just received a harassing call. After he finally hung up with the other party, he sighed and looked at Li Ziqian beside him, "Are you saying that our mobile phone numbers have been leaked?"

"Then there's no need to talk, it's not nonsense." Li Ziqian picked up a biscuit he made and handed it to Mo Nanbei's mouth.

The biscuits were made from the inheritance of Mo Nanbei. In the face of Li Ziqian's progress, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and praised: "Not bad, not bad, really progress."

"Actually, I resisted in my heart."

Mo Nanbei cast a casual glance at Li Ziqian, "Resistance, you, it's not obvious that I have trained you to be a good man with all-round development."

"Nima's, it's not because you want to eat it." Li Ziqian glanced at himself wearing an apron, really wanting to reason with Mo Nanbei.

In order to satisfy Mo Nanbei's appetite, Li Ziqian is forced to continue to strengthen his craftsmanship, so the helpless Li Ziqian has to develop and grow in the cooking skills of desserts recently.

Now that I have graduated, it is not a problem to always stay in the rental house like this. Because of the two people who have been practicing in the codeword business, they are now able to prepare for the purchase of a house.

But of course the family will give some support.

Li Ziqian still maintains the previous idea. He wants a villa, which is elegant and artistic, and has a strong personalization. In addition to being spacious, it will have many functions, making it more comfortable to live in.

But Mo Nanbei still has a soft spot for Daping, she is willing to live in a prosperous place, easy to travel, overlooking the night view, more modern, fast-paced and light luxury.

But as the man, Li Ziqian expressed that he was willing to take a step back. He thought about it for a long time, so he gave Mo Nanbei's answer, "You can choose a large flat, but you have to allow me to set aside a small area for my own renovation. ."

Mo Nanbei squinted his eyes in disbelief, "Could it be that you still want to build a secret base?"

"……how do you know?"

"Didn't you show it all?"

Damn, it's not a secret to say it.

"No, in fact, it's not serious to say that."

"What is that?"

"Hey, don't worry about it." Li Ziqian waved his hands hastily, thinking that at this juncture it would be better to say less.

Otherwise, it will reveal more.

Regarding the matter of looking for a house, after Li Ziqian confessed to his parents and mother, he also received many calls, but the opinions of his parents could not always be unified with his own, because Li Ziqian could not be stubborn, and Li's father and Li's mother could not agree with him. I also realized that Li Ziqian is actually a more subjective person, so I didn't bother to care about it so much, and everything was decided by Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei.

But once the choices are more and more free, the two of them are a little at a loss. They have some difficulty in choosing, and they are even more uncertain about the current situation.

"Speaking of the location and room type, as well as the price and floor space, what should I do?"

Buying a house is not a casual thing, so every decision you make needs to be thoughtful, because it directly affects the future happiness of the two of you.

"Actually, I chatted with Mo Ranqiu last night. She said that she has suggestions. If the two of us are okay, we can ask her to see the house at any time."

"Have you talked to Mo Ranqiu?"

Mo Nanbei nodded, "Yes."

"Is it the big flat?"

Mo Nan smiled, "Since it's me talking to her, it must be according to my preferences."

Therefore, on the next morning, I made an appointment with Mo Ranqiu and planned to go to the city to see the house.

The agreed place was in the coffee shop. Mo Ranqiu arrived earlier than the two of them, which made Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei feel a little embarrassed when they arrived at the appointed place.

"It's so early?" Mo Nanbei was surprised and asked when they first met.

Mo Ranqiu slowly took off the sunglasses on his face, "I'm ashamed to say, you asked me to come, why are you still not motivated at all?"

"Hehe." Mo Nanbei smiled and consciously approached Mo Ranqiu, wanting to beat Mo Ranqiu's back.

The corner of Mo Ranqiu's mouth finally slanted, and he glanced at Mo Nanbei, "It's alright, it's alright, you can have a meal and get down to business."

"Have you talked to people that we are going to see the house?"

"It's all settled, you can go whenever you want, don't worry, is it difficult for me to handle this?" Mo Ranqiu smiled confidently, looking very reliable.

Sure enough, it has to be Mo Ranqiu, and it is really worry-free to do things.

Li Ziqian saw that the two were chatting happily, but he didn't have the heart to break it. After coughing twice, he broke the atmosphere first, "Why don't we go have a meal first, I'll treat you."

After I said this, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did I only talk about dinner when I first met.

The group of three came to a high-end French restaurant. After the waiter greeted the three of them respectfully, Li Ziqian was in charge of ordering, while Mo Nanbei and Mo Ranqiu were in charge of chatting.

It's been a long time since we've seen each other, so it's better to talk about it before we get down to business.

Mo Ranqiu put one hand by his ear and a crystal bracelet on his wrist, looked at Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei with great interest, then frowned, "Why do you think you haven't seen each other for so long, you two seem to be round and round. A lot."

Although this may sound offensive, it is true!

Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei both looked at each other tacitly, and then began to excuse themselves.

Mo Nanbei took a deep breath and said meaningfully, "It's probably because he ate too much. Recently, Li Ziqian learned to make desserts, so he accidentally gained a few pounds."

Li Ziqian breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately this Mo Nanbei wasn't so unscrupulous, and didn't say some bad words to frame him.

Of course, Li Ziqian also wanted to show respect to each other. He smiled and muttered, "It's better to be fat, but Mo Nanbei is better if she's fat."

Mo Nanbei's strange eyes swept over immediately, "You didn't say that before."

"Really? Why can't I remember."

"Fuck, you can only say that I'm fat, but you didn't say that I look good when I'm fat."

"Hey, don't worry about it so much, I'm trying to smooth things out for you, how can you be such a fool that you don't understand?"

It seems that watching Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian arguing is a very pleasing thing, Mo Ranqiu giggled with his head supported.

At first, it was considered polite to pass the three moves, and then Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei immediately returned to their usual appearances, and they began to scold when they disagreed.

However, because of the reason of paying attention to the occasion, I only dared to ramble in a low voice.

"It's not because of you that you have to eat this delicious and that delicious food every day, so it will become round."

"Why are you talking about me, think about whether you are exactly like this yourself."



Mo Ranqiu found that he seemed to have provoked a not so friendly topic, so he quickly pressed the pause button to let the two stop quickly.

"Don't talk about this, you two, in fact, you want to be a little more rounded than before, Mo Nanbei is better looking, as for Li Ziqian..." Mo Ranqiu cast her eyes, "Li Ziqian is just as casual."

Damn, can this be tolerated?

But in line with the principle of needing Mo Ranqiu's help today, Li Ziqian decided to endure it for a while.

Mo Ranqiu picked up the tissue next to him and wiped his mouth, still with an elegant attitude, "You two are really cruel, you won't find me if you don't ask me for help, you only know when you want to find me, right?"

Mentioning this, Mo Nanbei was actually a little embarrassed, "It's not because we are not really lazy, it's not because we suddenly stopped being lazy, and then I came to you."

Li Ziqian also agreed, "I agree."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Mo Ranqiu shook his head, "You two can be pulled down, anyway, I have seen through the two of you." Then he pretended to look all over the world, and after a long sigh, he said: "Oh, it's really The world's hot and cold things are right and wrong."

"Eh~" Mo Nanbei immediately interrupted Mo Ranqiu's words, and said sternly: "How can you say that, I will ask you to be a bridesmaid in the future."

"Bridesmaids?" Mo Ranqiu blinked, and even his eyes became brighter, "When are you two getting married? I, the person who urged me to get married, are waiting in a hurry."

Li Ziqian finally picked up the words, "Come on, after the house is settled, the marriage will almost be arranged."

I don't know if talking about this topic or if it made Mo Nanbei feel a little uncomfortable, she smiled slightly and didn't want to talk anymore.

Mo Ranqiu looked up at the ceiling, and then uttered a heartfelt sigh from the heart, "Really, seeing you two have been together for so long, and finally there is a result, I haven't done anything about the bridesmaids." Mo Ranqiu excitedly patted the table, and she looked at Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei seriously, "Is the bridesmaid dress ready? Hurry up, I can't wait."

Mo Nanbei tilted his head and smiled, "Why are you more anxious than our parents about our marriage?"

Judging from the tone of Mo Ranqiu's words, she really thought she was the one behind the scenes who was silently watching the emotional growth of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei. She was really more anxious than anyone else.

"Then I must be in a hurry. You heard that the two of you are worrying about the house, so I came here quickly, so that the two of you can find a house and move in as soon as possible, and then deal with the marriage quickly, don't say I'm a bridesmaid I'm in a hurry, I'm even anxious about the two of you having a baby, let's talk about it first, I'll be the godmother of the baby, and no one can rob it."

"Besides you, I haven't thought about choosing a second person." Mo Nanbei raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Ranqiu proudly.

"That's good, that's good, hahaha, do you want us to help you think about what the child's name is? I feel that my ability to choose a name is quite good."

Seeing that Mo Ranqiu's words became more and more outrageous, Li Ziqian hurriedly stood up and banned it, "Stop, stop, how do you go to such a far place."

The matter of this house has not been resolved yet, and according to the momentum of the ink dyeing autumn, Li Ziqian can obviously feel that this guy will definitely arrange the size of the first child and the second child.

What a horrible woman.

Mo Ranqiu retorted: "I'm looking far ahead. It's rare to worry about the happiness of the two of you."

Now it's Li Ziqian's turn to confront Mo Ranqiu, "That won't work, Mo Nan and I have to take the child's name, how can I let you take it."

"And I don't really want to take it, I just give some opinions at will."

"Then stop for now, and I can give you a chance to perform when the time comes."

When Mo Nanbei saw that the words were suddenly passed on to the two of them, he quickly picked up the words, "Hey, let's settle the house first, and let's talk about the children later. ."

"Then Mo Nanbei, you are not allowed to help me with the child's name." Mo Ranqiu turned to look at Mo Nanbei and asked.

"Let, let, let, why not." Mo Nanbei readily agreed.

But it's one thing to contribute, and it's another to take it or not.

"That's right." Mo Ranqiu resumed his smile, as if he really won a deciding vote.

It's true, it is estimated that apart from Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian's parents, Mo Ranqiu cares so much about their marriage and childbirth.

This meal was really lively, and Mo Nanbei once again discovered that Mo Ranqiu cared so much about the affairs of the two of them, and even kept asking questions on the way there.

Sitting in the car, Mo Ranqiu was like a hundred thousand whys, "If you two have a new house, will you play games until late every day like in the rental house near the school?"

Mo Nanbei tilted his head, "It seems that there is no direct connection between changing houses and playing games. If you should play late at night, you must play late at night."

Li Ziqian also picked up the conversation, "And we don't play games until late at night every day."

"My suggestion is to let Li Ziqianshao stay up for a while." Mo Ranqiu immediately changed from a serious face to a sneaky look, and then leaned into Mo Nanbei's ear and said: "Otherwise, the quality will be bad, for pregnant women It will have an impact.”

"Huh?" Mo Nanbei's face was serious, his eyebrows were twisted into twists, and then he coughed twice, "Actually, we don't have such an early pregnancy plan."

"It has to be earlier, I'm still thinking about being a godmother."

"Wait, anyway, the godmother must have your share, what's the hurry."

"Whether it's one or eight, the godmother has to be me."

"That's for sure."

Li Ziqian looked at the two people in the back seat and began to whisper again, a little confused, but intuition told Li Ziqian that she always felt that they should have nothing good to say.

Immediately arrived at the destination, about today's business is finally about to begin.

Li Ziqian was determined to deal with what he was watching first.

The large flat floor is located in the bustling area of ​​the city. Just a glance at the street will reveal the trendy men and beautiful women. The various buildings next to it are also equivalent to landmark elements. The combination of the times and the lively is the atmosphere of youth. longing for the place.

Mo Nan Beixi said: "Actually, if I live here, I can cure my social fear."

Mo Ranqiu looked over in disbelief, "Are you afraid of society?"

"It doesn't count. It's just staying at home every day and not in contact with the outside world." Mo Nanbei explained.

If you can add a little change to the existing foundation, it is actually a matter of no joy.

Taking advantage of Mo Ranqiu's time to talk to others on the phone, Li Ziqian bought two cups of ice cream in the ice cream shop in front.

After Mo Ranqiu finished the phone call, she saw Mo Nan handing herself a cup of ice cream, she raised her eyebrows, "What is this for?"

Mo Nanbei had already started eating, so he gestured to Li Ziqian and said, "Li Ziqian invites us to eat."

"I've quit sugar, why don't you eat Li Ziqian?"

After Li Ziqian was stunned for a moment, he still took the cup of ice cream and transferred it to his hand.

But it should not be said, why the matter of Mo Ran Qiu quit sugar actually made Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei feel a little bit ashamed.

Obviously they are the same age, but why is there such a big difference in some aspects.

But the problem is not big, Li Ziqian secretly hinted to himself that eating ice cream is not a shameful thing.

The roar of the car seems to be able to wake up the place. Even when it is still a little hot in the afternoon, it still does not hinder everyone's pursuit of the place. Li Ziqian roughly analyzed the layout of the place and found that there are quite a few restaurants. issues that cannot be ignored.

When it comes to takeout, there are so many choices.

Because of the special occupation of the two, Li Ziqian's original intention was to live in a quiet and peaceful villa to develop meticulously, but when he came here, he realized that it seems that it is not a bad thing to integrate into the prosperity.

It is precisely because of such a foreshadowing that Li Ziqian is even more looking forward to what the internal structure of the house will look like.

After the right person finally arrived, the group went up to a building under the leadership of the person who came.

As soon as you enter the door, you will enter the lobby with a height of eight meters. The spacious space is bright and empty, giving people the feeling of not being restrained at all. It seems that the line of sight that has been blinded for a long time is suddenly opened, making it difficult for people not to pay attention to everything here.

The whole color and style presents a white artistic style. The flowing ceiling and frame are all plus points. It seems that I am not here to see the house, but to appreciate an art museum. The designer seems to be a very good designer People who create aesthetics are expressing their own unique language everywhere.

Maybe it was because they were stuck in the rental room for a long time and couldn't come out. Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei were like people who had never seen the world before, and couldn't help but sigh about the decoration of the hall.

Mo Nanbei tugged at Li Ziqian's arm and said in a low voice: I think we are like upstarts who have never seen the world before, and then brought a lot of money to buy things in a big city. "

Although he really didn't want to take on it, but after thinking about it, it seemed like that was the case, so Li Ziqian had no choice but to nod his head.

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