Extra Story 1 (2)

The two people who have been staying at home for a long time seem to be a little out of touch with society. Many people know that they still need guidance and repairs. Rather than going out to socialize and make friends for fun, the two of them actually prefer to order a favorite takeaway and then play games at home. Or just watch a show.

If the house is really chosen here, maybe it will improve the two people's imperfections in this regard, but it is just such an idea, and how to implement it at that time is another aspect.

Maybe it's not impossible that staying at home is the best destination.

The task of viewing the house continued, and the group entered the elevator and pressed down on the 20th floor to reach the destination.

The spacious wooden double-opening door is full of some low-key and restrained feelings, which is easier to arouse people's imagination and care about what kind of connotation is inside.

The door is unlocked with fingerprints, and of course the person who was brought by Mo Ranqiu was used.

Pushing the door and entering, the first impact it brings is that it is very bright and spacious, and it is really hard not to do so with an area of ​​300 square meters.

On the left side is a hidden walk-out cabinet, which is built-in, does not take up space and looks very simple, which is very in line with Li Ziqian's aesthetics. You can store some clothes or sundries here, it is best to put some The kind of things that you need to bring before you go out, or pack up when you get home.

According to the space area, it can meet the needs of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei.

The leader kept silent, that is, it was finally his turn to explain, so he was willing to say a few more words, but this seemingly inactive attitude did not make Li Ziqian feel the slightest discomfort, and even felt that he could leave it to himself. enough space to think.

"You can put things or shoes in this place." Mo Ran Qiu Ye said.

Li Ziqian took two steps forward and opened the cabinet. Unexpectedly, there were some neatly stacked clothes inside. Li Ziqian turned his head and looked a little dazed.

The leader explained: "Oh, didn't this Miss Mo tell you, that is, this is my friend's house, and he and his girlfriend settled abroad, so the house needs to be sold, but there is no chance for this at home. Pack up, so there are some personal belongings and furniture left, as long as you sign the contract and really want to come down, the writing will be cleared immediately."

Mo Nanbei also nodded, "I forgot to tell you, but it's too late to say it now, we are all friends, and we can make a friendship price."

"Oh, that's it." Li Ziqian nodded and said nothing more.

No wonder, no wonder some of the home objects that should be in this house are all neatly arranged.

"Of course, if Mr. Chen and Ms. Mo have no objection to the furnishings here, they can directly sell some large pieces of furniture to you, so that we can do it for convenience. You don't think it is suitable for you. And if there is anything else that needs to be changed, I can personally find someone for you here." The leader is still respectful.

Li Ziqian raised his head and glanced first, and replied, "It's okay, let's continue reading, and we will make an accurate decision after reading it."

There is a secret door next to the cabinet, but the leader said that it will be revealed later, but Li Ziqian's heart has already begun to make a small calculation.

secret door? Secret passage? Isn't that the perfect place to create your own personal space.

Going inside, some paintings full of artistic conception are hung on the wall on the left, while on the other side, there is a background wall of golden copper sculptures with large ripples mixed with leather whips, extending in a regular direction.

The mixture of metal and leather actually collided with different sparks. Judging from such a decoration style, it can be seen that the former owner was actually a very tasteful person. Fortunately, it was a coincidence that Li Ziqian's heart was touched. .

Through the induction at the end, you can open the guest guard behind the door. The space is not that big, but the facilities are complete, and the color matching is also cool, which will give people a sense of luxury before you know it.

After the porch comes out, it is a large space without restraint. Everything is in sight, unobstructed and unobstructed. Different colors are used to express different partitions. The theme elements of the dark warrior, Li Ziqian savoured it carefully, and suddenly felt that eating here seemed to be full of ritual, which made people unbearable to treat lunch casually.

Not only that, the long dining table is matched with six chairs, and the color matching of bean green can also relax the eyes, which seems to imply that the food needs to be perceived slowly. The texture beauty comes right up.

Although the design is simple, simplicity does not mean simplicity. Compared with the complicated furnishings and decorations, in order to exert the effect of simplicity, the designer needs a deeper understanding. Through these, Li Ziqian can be sure that the former owners are a young couple. people.

Next to it is an open kitchen, and all the kitchen utensils are neatly arranged.

The leader has a very straight waist, and is willing to speak in such a place that needs to be introduced: "The whole set of cabinets here are from Italy's top-renowned brands, and the other seven-piece suits are also from Italy. Meina, can definitely meet the needs of the two of you."

He was probably really interested in the kitchen, so Mo Nanbei, who was standing next to Li Ziqian, kept looking at these, and was always reluctant to leave, and dragged Mo Ranqiu and Li Ziqian to sit at the dining table, It seems to feel something.

"How do you feel?" Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian and Mo Ranqiu with joy.

Mo Ranqiu moved his eyebrows, a little puzzled, "Isn't this just sitting on a chair, what's the difference?"

"I'm asking if you would feel different if you eat like this at home, or if your happiness level will increase."

Li Ziqian coughed twice, "However, how happy I feel depends on the skill of the cook."

"Hey, don't worry about this." Mo Nanbei patted the table again, and then said, "Everything here is very new, and it doesn't look like it's been used at all. It should be said that this kitchen is quite attractive to me. Already moved. "

He is also a veteran of the kitchen. Whether a house will attract Mo Nanbei's feeling depends on the arrangement of the meal.

"But to put it bluntly..." Li Ziqian lowered his voice carefully, and said in Mo Nanbei's ear: Is this considered a second-hand house, it was done by someone who renovated and bought furniture or something. "

"Actually, I feel okay, and there is no trace of use."

"That nature is still different? Mo Ranqiu saw that the two suddenly started whispering to each other, and deliberately pretended to be a little dissatisfied, "They all came together, why did you two whisper first? "

Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei looked at each other, as if they were thinking about whether to say this.

This made Mo Ranqiu anxious first, she frowned, "Speak."

"That is to say..." Mo Nanbei, with a mysterious look on his face, suddenly approached Mo Ranqiu's ear, and then asked Li Ziqian's question again, "Are we buying second-hand houses like this?"

Mo Ranqiu's eyes flickered, then turned to look at the leader behind him, and then repeated the question.

Such an operation inevitably surprised Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, and they said it quietly.

The leader smiled and replied, "That's fine, but this house is very new. My friend has hardly lived there before and has a new plan to settle abroad. Almost everything here is new. The houses in this building have already been sold out, if the two of you don’t mind, you can actually continue to chat, but if you do, then it’s another matter.”

Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian pretended to touch their chins and nodded, then Mo Nanbei leaned into Li Ziqian's ear again, "Actually, I think this place is pretty good, not a new house, but I'm happy with it, besides decoration, home furnishing. Ah, everything has been settled, isn't it much more convenient, and if there are any additional new ideas, it's alright to revise it."

Li Ziqian nodded and didn't speak, but he had to admit that everything set up here was very attractive to two people, and he didn't seem to care so much about his own nature.

Then the focus of attention began to return to the house, and the leader in the suit also appeared to be very conscientious. He has been fulfilling his main responsibility. He pushed open the door next to the open kitchen, which is a store for wine and water. room. Gu Yu

The lighting here is slightly dim, and the rows of racks are displayed like an underground wine cellar in an old movie.

"The two of you can store your favorite drinks here," said the leader.

Mo Ranqiu couldn't help but turned around with a smile, this kind of place won her heart, and then turned to look at Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, "I said you two don't seem to drink much at all. "

"I rarely drink." Li Ziqian replied.

I really seldom drink. When I usually eat or have a late-night barbecue, I still feel that the drink is more suitable for the two of them. If it is wine, I can drink some beer or wine, but I am not that interested.

"It's okay, if you buy a house here, I will bring a few bottles of wine every time I come to visit, try to fill your wine cabinets as much as possible, even if you don't drink, you have to look full, otherwise it will affect the appearance."

Unconsciously, Mo Nanbei approached Mo Ranqiu again and asked cautiously, "Can't you put drinks?"

"What drink?"


"..." Mo Ranqiu stared at Mo Nanbei for a while with a foolish look, and after coughing twice, "Let's put drinks in the refrigerator..."

Anyway, Mo Ranqiu's suggestion is that if you don't drink it now, you will definitely be willing to have a drink when you are old in the future. There is no one who doesn't like wine.

Next is the living room, which adopts a very bold non-enclosed layout. The sofa is in emerald tones, which does not look superficial and has a unique charm. On the top of the white ceiling of the sofa, there are also grouped speakers. From time to time, you can let music bring a little spice to life.

The huge carpet with the same tone as the sofa edge and next to the floor-to-ceiling window is another long white table, and the partition here is obviously very different from the function of the kitchen. This will be a werewolf killing script. When a series of board games are implemented, the table uses a water ripple surface, which looks calm and introverted, more like to connect the truth of the reasoning into a string.

Or just sit here when you have nothing to do, compare a book in front of you, and look at the sunshine outside. Although such a scenario is almost impossible for Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, it is the future after all. know.

Open the curtains in front of the table, and through the 270-degree panoramic glass wall, you can see the city skyline at dawn and dusk in the distance, and thousands of brightly lit buildings near you.

Although it is a daytime scenery now, just relying on the high buildings full of people can imagine what a bustling night scene is at night.

Next is the right-hand side of the sofa, which is a bookcase wall made of ingenious lines. Both the design and the layout are as natural as they are, and there is no sense of incongruity.

The leader said: "I don't know if you two usually have the habit of collecting figurines. This was originally where my friend placed the figurines."

That must be a habit, Li Ziqian doesn't, but Mo Nanbei is a loyal player who likes this. He likes to buy a bunch of figurines online when he has something to do and keep them at home. Usually in the rental house in the past, they were all displayed. On the bookshelf on the desk in the bedroom, it is like a treasure that is only for myself.

But according to Mo Nanbei's meaning, in addition to being a treasure that he regards as a treasure, he also hopes that it can be used as a proof to mention his hobbies to others. This is also more like an indispensable decoration in the home.

The leader took three steps and two steps to a place on the edge of the bookcase wall, and then took off a small remote control from the top. It is a wall that is open, but a small design is hidden." Then, with a light press on the remote control, the wall opened directly from the middle like a door.

Inside is the master bedroom in black and white tones.

This is more like a design of separation of movement and static, which allows the external social space and the private space inside to live in harmony.

The lustrous mahogany floor, the clear glass wardrobe with clear partitions, the marble-patterned carpet at the foot, and the black pebbles on the window floor full of design sense are all rendering a different kind of taste.

The end of the bed is facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. When you wake up in the morning, you can open the curtains and watch the city wake up with you.

The black, white and gray leather bed is in the center, the black top plate is boldly applied, and the blue bathtub next to it is warm and bright. All are comfortable.

There is an art painting on the head of the bed, and behind the art painting is a vanity mirror with a custom-made washbasin.

Going further inside, there is a functionally independent shower room and toilet, with ceramics and a faucet shower, the design is generous and capable, and the functional division is obvious.

Next, he returned to the secret door, and after entering, there was a sofa with a long corridor.

The leader explained: "If this suite can't be played, you can take the elevator directly to the clubhouse downstairs, the three-themed big box, fitness and reading leisure, eating and gathering, drinking and drinking, all can be satisfied.

Overall, the house has a guest bathroom and a master bathroom, two wardrobes for storage, an open kitchen and a living room in the storage room, and finally a master bedroom plus a guest bedroom. The design is bold and connotative, satisfying the normal The functional division is very clear, and the collision of low-color color systems has also raised the feeling of the soul to a higher level.

After first asking for the contact information from the buyer, the two decided to go back and then think about it carefully. After all, some ideas need to be carefully brewed, and the decisions made due to the impact often have some unsatisfactory problems.

On the way back, there were still three people walking together. It may be that the fourth person was not good at speaking in the game before. At this time, the three talents opened the chat box in turn.

Mo Ranqiu said first: "I have to say that the design of that house is really bold, but it is just right for the two of you, and there is even a master bedroom and a guest bedroom."

"What about having a baby in the future?" Mo Nanbei asked.

"The house is so big and the layout is so transparent, you two can completely remodel it yourself, and isn't the guest room a good choice for renovation?"

Li Ziqian looked at the front of the road and asked, "I'm thinking that we both have small animals. Wouldn't this be a bit unsuitable for pets?"

"What are you thinking? The space is enough. You only have two cats and one dog in your house. If you add a little more, it can be stuffed."


In the afternoon, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei returned to the rental room as usual. When they lay in bed together at night and waited to fall asleep, they reviewed the day's affairs again.

Looking at the house has never been a simple and overnight thing. The best thing is to compare it, so that you can know your inner needs and avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.

"Actually, I think this is pretty good. It's transparent from north to south, which is very suitable for the two of us." Mo Nanbei really has a deep love for Daping Ping, and the house she saw in the morning has almost no shortcomings in her heart.

"I also think it's okay, but if we can, we still need to work harder, and it's better to dabble extensively."

"It's all right, but the house in the morning even meets my aesthetic standards."

"I know, are you an idiot, I mean, if you look at it more, there may be better choices."

"I know, I know, then think about it first, I'm going to bed early." Mo Nanbei turned around and faced Li Ziqian, then put his hands on Li Ziqian's waist naturally, and slapped his mouth twice. She whispered like she was talking in a dream, "Actually, as long as I'm with you, I feel good about where I live."

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