My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1014: Protoss messenger, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Being in Tianzhou, this is a place different from Daqian World. In the great world, war is a topic far away from the common people. At least, there is no such worry in China. But in Tianzhou is different, Tianzhou is a troubled time, and anyone can become a hero in troubled times.

A month later, two big things happened in the imperial city.

The first thing is that the war between Dashun Kingdom and Dakang broke out completely. Dashun's army crusades all the way, breaking through 13 cities in Dakang. Dashun's iron cavalry is like a broken bamboo, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. On the side of Dakang Nation, many masters, warlords, killers, etc., all died under the iron cavalry on the side of Dakang.

This time, because of the friction between Dashun Guo and Dakang on the border, the friction grew and the war broke out completely. But now that we look closely, this battle can't help but be a little baffling. Everyone can't say it for specific reasons, but the war broke out so absurdly.

In fact, the reason is not important. The important thing is that this war must be fought, and it was Yun Tianzong who wanted Dashun to fight.

It is an open secret that Yun Tianzong stands behind the Dashun country.

This time, the Marshal Zhengdong of Dashun State was called Wen Dao. Wen Dao is also Dashun's Taishi, Guoshi, he is a powerful person in Dashun, and he is also the number one master in Dashun.

Rumor has it that Dao is already a master of Ten Heavens, and has never encountered an opponent for so many years.

So this time, even if Dakanguo was prepared, he was caught off guard.

In the east, Tieyun Thirteen Cities were all defeated, and then came to the east, and the next five cities were the imperial city that was close to Dakang. As long as the emperor Xuan Zhenghao is killed after hearing the Taoist imperial city, then Dakang Country will no longer exist.

The situation can be said to be extremely severe.

The army of Zhengdong stopped temporarily in front of Tianyun City, and the army took a rest. And these days, the urgent reports sent to the court are one after another. There was a lot of criticism from the ruling and the opposition, and the ministers and the people were panicking.

This is the first thing that happened this month.

The second thing was that Luo Tianhua, the Ninth Prince of the Protoss, came to see His Majesty the Emperor.

Emperor Xuan Zhenghao met Luo Tianhua in the early dynasty.

On this day, Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu also came to the early court. This is what the emperor meant.

Before, Chen Yang took Nie Meiniang to Zhenyuan Mansion to thank her. Lan Tingyu's face was faint, and said, "You are welcome." Chen Yang also discovered that Lan Tingyu is the kind of person who can't get close even if you want to get close to him. Lan Tingyu subconsciously behaves thousands of miles away.

At that time, Chen Yang wanted to ask Lan Tingyu again about **** the picture. But in the end, Chen Yang endured it. This doubt, Chen Yang decided to bury it in his heart.

Now if it is determined that Lan Tingyu is the murderer, this is not a good thing for Chen Yang. What's more, the emperor also said that the murderer was not Lan Tingyu.

Let's talk about it at this time, above the court.

The morning light shone in, and the ministers stood on two sides, and then worshiped the emperor together.

The emperor was wearing a dragon robe, and his face was still faint, as if the crisis in Yuncheng that day had nothing to do with him.

Luo Tianhua is handsome and handsome.

Luo Tianhua brought two subordinates, but the two subordinates could not enter the Zhengtian Hall, so they had to wait outside the main hall.

After Luo Tianhua came in, he said, "Protoss Luo Tianhua, I have seen Emperor Dakang!"

The emperor sat on his head, he looked at Luo Tianhua, but he did not speak.

But the old **** Yuwenzheng next to the emperor yelled loudly and said: "Come boldly, and see me Emperor Dakang, why not kneel?"

Luo Tianhua was startled slightly, he glanced at the emperor, and saw that the emperor's face was cold, and he felt uncomfortable. However, this Luo Tianhua is also an arrogant person. He only heard him say in a cold voice: "I am the messenger of the gods, representing the Jiuyou Tiandi, and the prince of the gods. How can I kneel to the emperor on earth?"

Yuwen was about to speak again, and the emperor raised his hand to indicate that Yuwen was silent. Yuwen was immediately afraid to make another time.

The emperor looked at Luo Tianhua and said, "Luo Tianhua, you represent Jiuyou Tiandi, but you are not Jiuyou Tiandi after all. However, it doesn’t matter whether you kneel down or not. I am rich in the world and enlighten the Quartet. I won’t be as familiar with you as a barbarian."

Chen Yang below immediately felt the subtlety. It should be said that all the ministers were aware of the subtlety. That is, the emperor didn't catch a cold with this protoss prince.

Luo Tianhua is not a fool, he naturally felt it too.

His dignified prince of the Protoss was actually called a barbarian by a human emperor. This is a huge humiliation! An anger flashed in Luo Tianhua's eyes, he wanted to have an attack, but he tried his best to resist it. After all, he came on business.

"Emperor Dakang!" Luo Tianhua took a deep breath, and said, "I am here this time on behalf of the Protoss. I hope you can give me the respect that I deserve, and the Protoss will not tolerate any humiliation."

The emperor said lightly: "Respect for this thing is mutual. According to my Dakang etiquette, any person who comes to see me will have to kneel and pray for three times." He paused, and said: "So, you don't have to talk to me. Tangled the word respect, let's talk, what's the matter?"

Luo Tianhua couldn't help but say, he then said: "Emperor Dakang, I believe you know your own situation. Now that the Dashun country's army is crushing the realm, and then attacking five cities, you can go straight to Huanglong. You emperor will do it then. It’s still unknown."

"Bold fanatic!" Lan Tianji immediately rebuked, "Dare to speak wildly to the emperor in the court!"

The emperor was not angry. He smiled and said, "Lan Aiqing, let him say it."

"The emperor..." Lan Tianji had no choice but to return to his original position.

The emperor looked at Luo Tianhua and said: "Yes, I know my situation very well, so what? So what do your Protoss plan to do in this? Or is it to grab some benefits?"

Luo Tianhua said: "It's very simple. As long as the emperor returns the Eight Buddhas of the Heavenly Dragon to our Protoss, then our Protoss will guarantee that we will never interfere in this war. On the contrary, if the emperor will go your own way, then the Protoss will also Experts will be sent to deal with your Dakang court. I don't believe that your Dakang court can have the ability to challenge Dashun Kingdom, Yuntian Sect, and the Protoss at the same time. No forces have this ability."

The ministers heard the words and immediately talked about it. At this time, they seemed to realize how serious the matter was.

So here, the emperor said: "Okay, are you finished?"

Luo Tianhua was startled slightly, and then said: "It's over."

The emperor stood up suddenly, and he said: "You are finished, then it's time for me to speak."

It was also at this time that the emperor's eyes burst into light, and his body exuded an indescribable majesty.

At this time, the emperor was no longer the usual kind-eyed emperor. He walked down the steps, glanced at the ministers, and then said: "I know, I know that in the past few days, the ministers and workers are all talking, everyone is talking. Their own small abacus. Some people say that Dakang is about to end. Some people have already prepared their luggage, and others have begun to contact relatives in Dashun in secret. They are all looking for a way out for themselves!"

Suddenly, some ministers' faces were blue and red.

Some ministers began to tremble.

The emperor continued: "I started from nothing. From the weak state of Dakang to the present, I don’t know how many life and death difficulties I have experienced. Therefore, as of today, I have nothing to do. Things to be afraid of. Yuntianzong wants to fight, Dashun country wants to fight, Protoss wants to fight, let’s come together, I am here today, I will be all next. I announced today that after the court meeting, I will immediately impose a personal conquest against Dashun country. ."

Yujia personally consigned!

As soon as these words came out, the ruling and opposition parties boiled.

"The emperor, you are the body of ten thousand gold, how can you go to the front line to take risks, this is absolutely not!" Immediately an old minister knelt to stop.

"My intention has been decided, no one will say much, the offender shall be determined!" The emperor said in a cold voice while brushing his sleeves. He then sneered and said: "I know that my decision has surprised many people. I also know that many people are saying in their hearts that I have been so smooth these years, so I have begun to ignore the people of the world. It’s here. You have to think so, it’s not a bad idea. I have been so long and have never been defeated. If the Great Shun Country, Yuntian Sect, and the Protoss join forces this time to defeat me once, I can be considered as getting what I wanted."

"Emperor Dakang, you are too arrogant!" Luo Tianhua's body trembled slightly, he said.

"The more arrogant ones are still to come!" The emperor sneered, and then said: "Lan Aiqing, take this Luo Tianhua for me!"

"You dare!" Luo Tianhua was furious, and he was frightened at the same time, and he shouted: "I am the prince of the gods, how dare you..."

Lan Tian's body flashed, and he was already behind Luo Tianhua.

Luo Tianhua was also a master at the early stage of Nineth Heaven, how could he stand still.

"Emperor Dog, I'm fighting with you!" Luo Tianhua rushed towards the emperor. But as soon as he threw himself out, Lan Tianji had already pressed his shoulder.

With a bang, Luo Tianhua was kneeled underground by Lan Tianji. In an instant, Luo Tianhua lost all his strength.

At this moment, Lan Tingyu's eyes showed surprise.

It was the first time he saw his father make a move, but he didn't expect that his father's cultivation had reached such a powerful level. The master of the early stage of Jiuzhongtian was taken down without changing his voice. What kind of cultivation is this?

Chen Yang was also secretly speechless, he found that he still underestimated Lan Tianji.

"Call in the two protoss followers outside." The emperor shouted again.

As a result, the two Protoss followers were called into the Zhengtian Temple. As soon as the two entourages came in, they saw Luo Tianhua had been captured. The two followers felt bad, and immediately trembled.

"Kneel down!" That Yuwen shouted loudly.

The two protoss entourage felt the supreme majesty in the hall, and their legs were frightened immediately, and then they knelt down.

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