My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1015: Two armies facing each other, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Your Ninth Prince Luo Tianhua was detained by me." The emperor said coldly to the two entourages: "You go back and tell your Highness that I welcome him and Dashun Kingdom and Yun Tianzong to join me. Right. If you want to rescue Luo Tianhua, come and defeat me."

From beginning to end, the emperor did not make any requests to the Protoss.

The two entourages were driven away in this way, and Luo Tianhua was imprisoned by the emperor into the Shen Xing Department.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor issued various orders.

Within the imperial city, Wuhou and Wenhou jointly supervised the country.

The emperor was light and simple, and took Lan Tingyu, Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, and Wei Wuji to Tianyun City.

To go to Tianyun City, these masters all rode in the emperor's purple golden dragon chariot! This purple-gold dragon's chariot is an ancient artifact that can travel thousands of miles a day. And there is also a powerful true dragon gas, if the emperor uses this car, the lethality is amazing.

That night, the emperor and his party arrived in Tianyun City.

Tianyun City and Tieyun Thirteen City are a watershed. After Dashun’s army has captured Tieyun Thirteen City, they will pass through a grand canyon before reaching Tianyun City. The Grand Canyon greatly affected the march, which is why the Dashun army stopped to rest.

In Tianyun City, the general who defended the city was named Tang Zhennan. Sky Cloud City is extremely important to Dakang and can be said to be the gateway to Dakang. Therefore, Tang Zhennan was also selected by the emperor. This Tang Zhennan was a master of cultivation in the middle of the Nine Heavens, and there were 18 King Kong Kings under his team.

In addition, there is another 50,000 elite army in Tianyun City, so it is extremely powerful to defend the city.

At the city gate, there is another big formation to protect it. Even if the top master came, it was extremely difficult to break through the city.

Within this heavenly continent, is where the fairy world is. Defending and attacking the city cannot be compared with the ancient times of the Great Thousand World.

In Tianyun City, Tang Zhennan is only in charge of the army. The governor of Zhili, Fan Chenggong, manages the operation of Tianyun City.

The two cooperated to manage Tianyun City in an orderly manner.

At this time, at the gate of Tianyun City, the great formation had been triggered, and Tang Zhennan and his Eighteen King Kong, as well as the remaining army masters, as well as officers and soldiers, took turns on duty.

The emperor's crowd descended directly inside the city gate.

After Tang Zhennan and Fan Chenggong heard the news of the emperor's visit, they immediately led the crowd.

Inside the city gate, all the people who heard the news came.

Tang Zhennan and others, the officials, and the people all knelt before the emperor.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!" The voice was uniform and passionate.

At this time of crisis, the presence of the present sage personally boosted morale.

Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu, Qiao Ning, and Wei Wuji were all behind the emperor, and they also knelt down. Such honor belongs to the emperor alone.

Yu Wenzheng also knelt down.

The emperor was dressed in a bright yellow robe. He stood in the court, yet he hadn't spoken, but he was already in all directions.

"I, here comes." The emperor spoke slowly, and then said: "I am here, all those who infringe upon my Great Kang country must pay a price. As long as I am here, Sky Cloud City will never be broken!"

"Long live my emperor!" The voice below sounded again.

Then, the emperor went to the wall with Tang Zhennan and Fan Chenggong.

Chen Yang and his party naturally followed.

In the night, the sky is full of stars.

Outside the city wall is an endless wilderness. There are countless camps in front of them, densely packed, and rarely have a hundred thousand troops.

"The emperor, the front is the 100,000 army of Dashun country." Tang Zhennan said: "Among them are 30,000 cavalry, 50,000 infantry, and 20,000 archers. Every time they charge, they open the way with archers, cavalry charge, and infantry attack. The city. Their cooperation was very tacit. This way of killing, the people of our Dakang country were slaughtered by a million. All soldiers who surrendered and those who did not surrender were killed. According to statistics, 200,000 officers and soldiers died. Tieyun 13 The city is now in ruins. The enemy is not here to conquer Dakang, but to destroy Dakang! They don't seem to plan to bring Tieyun Thirteen City into the border."

When Tang Zhennan said this, his eyes flashed with anger.

Not only Tang Zhennan, but Fan Chenggong is also sad and angry.

But Chen Yang and the others also had blood flowing backwards and their hairs standing on end.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that Dashun Kingdom’s offense was the Yun Tianzong behind it. But isn't Yuntianzong a fairy gate? Why did Xianmen condone such cruel things in Dashun Guoxing?

Aren’t the millions of people, and the officers and men of the army, of flesh and blood?

Why must they be killed after conquering them?

For the benefit of Tianzong Yun, is it true that so many innocent creatures are killed?

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning remained silent, but Lan Tingyu, Wei Wuji and others were silent.

The emperor looked into the distance, but he did not speak.

At this time, everyone dared not say more.

After a long while, the emperor said: "Tang Zhennan!"

"The end is here!" Tang Zhennan said immediately.

"Beat the drums, open the gates, and fight!" the emperor said slowly.

Everyone was shocked, Tang Zhennan was slightly surprised, but he didn't say much, just said, "Yes, the emperor!"

In the darkness, the gates of Tianyun City suddenly opened wide, and all the torches were lit up.

The drum of war rumbling.

Obviously, the emperor did not intend to engage in surprise attacks or conspiracy. There are no tricks when the two armies are fighting like this, and the chariots and horses are set aside. Only when it comes to assault warfare, or an ambush in the city, can some strategies be used. Such a Ma Pingchuan emphasizes the use of soldiers.

But there is a difference in this Tianzhou.

The decisive battle between those with high mana greatly affected the battle.

Afterwards, the emperor rode a purple and golden dragon and led the army to meet Dashun's army.

Chen Yang and others followed the emperor on horseback.

The Dashun army there quickly responded, and the densely packed army suddenly became neatly organized.

At the place of the fire, the General Marshal heard the news and led the army to greet him.

There are also many mysterious masters beside Wendao.

Dashun country dared to invade Dakang country without masters. Yun Tianzong sent a lot of them here.

The armies on both sides are slowly approaching like a torrent.

The iron hoof rumbling, the ground shakes.

"Stand up!" On Tang Zhennan's side, the soldiers shouted loudly. So all the cavalry halted in an instant, and this momentum was magnificent and uniform. From this point, we can see how well-trained Dakang's army is.

The Dashun army also stood still.

The two armies settled at a distance of 100 meters.

After that, Wendao rode forward.

The emperor also greeted him with a purple and gold dragon cart alone.

At thirty meters, the two settled down.

He looked like he was in his fifties, he was in a purple and gold armor, and he was not angry and pretentious. Upon hearing this, and looking at the emperor's service and the dragon's blade, he immediately knew that the person was the Emperor of the Dakang Empire.

Wen Dao asked knowingly, but he waved his whip, pointed at the emperor, and shouted: "Who is the one who came here, please sign up!"

The emperor looked at Wen Dao, he faintly smiled, and said: "Wen Dao child, in front of me, you don’t have to do these little tricks. You know what kind of person I am. When I came here today, do you think this is just a Are you foolish and ignorant?

Hearing Tao's heart sinking, he naturally knew the person in front of him. This emperor Dakang's current momentum is close to Yun Tianzong's teaching Yun Huaying, this person is too powerful.

Although he was jealous in his heart, he would not be subdued on the face. He laughed and said: "Tianlin child, although you are not a faint lord. But you have been too obedient these years, until you have been arrogant and ignorant. It's the biggest joke."

"Unreasonable!" Tang Zhennan was furious and said: "That old man who heard the Tao dare to insult the Holy Master!"

Wei Wuji dissuaded Tang Zhennan and said, "General Tang, the emperor is strategizing, don't get excited!"

"Draw down the road." The emperor didn't get angry, and said, "Heard, are you going to compete with me here, or go to war?"

In Tianzhou battles, generally first draw down the Dao, and then start the fight.

This is a bit similar to the TV series Conferred Gods list, each time the former generals decide the victory or defeat. This is often said even in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. However, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the kind of front-line generals fighting each other is somewhat redundant.

In Tianzhou, once the opponent is not killed first. After the melee, the mana kills, then I don't know how many people are going to kill. Therefore, in Tianzhou, it is necessary to draw down the Dao in advance.

Hearing the road and looking at the emperor, the emperor was calm and relaxed.

Wen Dao is also an arrogant person, he has been in the ruling and the wild for many years, without fail. At this time, the blood of Wendao was already boiling.

However, he quickly calmed down after hearing the news. He said: "Today it is too late. If the emperor has the courage, and tomorrow I will set up a battle, I will invite the emperor to come and fight. If the emperor can break my formation, then I will be sincerely convinced by the emperor. Bring the troops back home immediately."

The emperor looked at Wendao, he sneered and said, "Since you came in and broke the Thirteenth City of Tieyun, you and your troops, don't even think about going back. Tomorrow you set up the formation, I will break into the formation. When it breaks, it is when I take your life!"

"Okay!" Hearing said, "Then ask the emperor to return first."

The emperor retreated into the army immediately. Subsequently, the two armies slowly retreated.

After a safe distance, the rear army transformed into the front army and slowly retreated into the city.

Wen Dao also returned to the main account with a group of masters.

Although there are masters on the Dashun country, there are only a handful of them above the Nine Heavens, and they all guard Gyeonggi in the imperial city of Dashun.

The few masters who came were all sent by the Yuntian Sect.

There are four masters in total, of which Xing Dongfang is the first master. Xing Dongfang did not show up in the Yuntian School, and even many people in the Yuntian School did not know Xing Dongfang.

The Yuntianzong sent masters over to pay attention to the influence, and couldn't send those ancestors. Otherwise, Yun Tianzong actually helped Dashun's country to attack Dakang's country. The key is that Yun Tianzong also receives tribute from Dakang every year.

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