My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1016: King Asura, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Yun Tianzong sent a total of four masters, the first master Xing Dongfang. Xing Dongfang is the cultivation base of the peak of the Nine Heavens, and his ranking is not above the sky list.

It is recognized that the first on the list is Jiuyou Tiandi, followed by Yun Huaying, Xiao Yi.

The master of Yuntianzong teaches the supreme Yunhuaying, and the master of the feathered family teaches the supreme Xiao Yi.

If the Tianbang is compared to the rich list, then Jiuyou Tiandi is Bill Gates. However, there are many other masters who are invisible rich and have not made the list. For example, the ancestors of Yun Tianzong made real human beings, that was the ancient power that was as famous as Jiuyou Tiandi back then. It's just that the real person of good fortune has not appeared for many years, so that everyone does not know whether this person is still alive.

Furthermore, Xiao Ling, the founding genius of Yuhuamen, was also as famous as the real person of Good Fortune. Xiao Ling has also disappeared for many years, so she is not on the top list. What is recorded in the Tianbang are figures who are still active in the world.

As for Xing Dongfang, this person is an invisible rich man.

The other three masters belonged to the three true gods belonging to Yuntianzong.

These three true gods do not show mountains or dew water, and outsiders do not know their relationship with Yuntianzong. These three are King Jinpeng, One-eyed Monster, and King Ashura.

I have to say that this time the Dashun country is not unprepared. With the assistance of these four masters, it is not impossible to destroy the Dakang Kingdom. What's more, there is an ultimate support like Yun Tianzong behind them.

Xing Dongfang is old-fashioned and prudent. He looks like he is in his fifties, dressed in a white robe and immortal.

After hearing that he sat down in the main account, he said to Xing Dongfang and the three true gods: "This Emperor Dakang came really fast, and he was on the battlefield personally, but this made this commander somewhat unexpected. "

King Asura is a well-known warlike god, and his cultivation was at the beginning of the Tenth Heaven. He saw the existence of the gods killing gods in the ancient times. Later, in order to avoid the catastrophe of heaven, he slept for thousands of years. Now he returned to the world, but he still killed him. This Asura king looked fierce, and his face was full of flesh. When the eyes are opened, it makes people frightened. Just listen to him saying: "A human emperor deserves your attention. I watched this man in the field today. Although he didn't really look at his cultivation base, he felt that his fighting spirit was not strong, so I will directly let me kill him tomorrow. That's it."

King Jinpeng laughed and said, "Our Asura King's Shura Magic Knife has not been out of its sheath for a long time. He wants to drink blood."

The one-eyed monster was covered in black robe with a devilish energy. He just listened to him with a weird smile, and said: "King Asura has been asleep for thousands of years, this hot temper has not changed at all!"

King Asura snorted and said, "In ancient times, we were gods. Now this group of humans, ants-like things. To kill them, it takes so much care."

Xing Dongfang said in a deep voice: "The three true gods, this Emperor Dakang is not an ordinary person, you must not be careless. There are many true gods who died in his hands." After a pause, he said: "Emperor Dakang is A person whom the Supreme Master admires, and the Supreme Master has said that if he is allowed to preside over the Dakang country, he will definitely not have the ability to strengthen the Dakang country to such a realm within twenty years. He alone can make Dakang a great state. In China, all the means of extinction of immortals have already made us have to pay attention."

Hearing Tao also said: "Yes, Emperor Dakang is by no means fainted. His every move has profound meaning."

When several people were talking, Xing Dongfang's ears suddenly cocked.

After that, he saw his hands cast the magic trick.

As a result, a strange magnetic field power was transmitted into his ears.

Everyone stared at Xing Dongfang.

After a while, Xing Dongfang said with a weird expression: "I have received the latest news from the Dakang court."

"Oh, what news?" Wendao asked.

The three true gods also looked at Xing Dongfang.

Xing Dongfang said: "Luo Tianhua, the Ninth Prince of the Demon Clan, was ordered to go to the court to meet with Emperor Dakang, and asked the Emperor Dakang to return the Heavenly Dragon's Eight Buddhist Profound Pagoda artifacts. Otherwise, the Demon Clan will help us attack Dakang. "

Hearing Tao said: "If the Demon Race comes in again, Dakang will not have the slightest chance of winning." He paused, and said: "The Emperor Dakang dared to conquer himself by himself. It must be a compromise with the Demon Race. ?"

Xing Dongfang said: "If a compromise is reached, then I won't be surprised."

"No compromise reached?" Wen Dao and several true gods were taken aback.

Xing Dongfang said: "Not only did he fail to reach a compromise, but the Emperor Dakang also arrested Luo Tianhua and imprisoned him in the Department of Cautionary Punishment. Emperor Dakang clearly declared war on the entourage of the Demon Clan, saying that he welcomes the Demon Clan and us. Let's go to war with him."

"This Emperor Dakang is crazy." Hearing that, he was speechless.

Xing Dongfang said: "Is he really too arrogant? Or is he too arrogant all these years? He is so arrogant that he can't put Yuntianzong, Yuhuamen, and Demon Race in his eyes?"

He heard the words: "Does he know, if it is not for the scruples of the various factions. Any faction can mobilize real strength, can crush him into powder? Not to mention the power of the Demon Race and the Nine Nether Heavenly Emperor and a group of true gods. Even if there are real people of good fortune and many true gods behind our Yuntian Sect, they have not taken action.

"Arrogant, too arrogant!" Xing Dongfang couldn't help saying.

King Asura laughed three times and said: "This emperor is interesting. Lao Tzu has seen so many great supernatural powers in ancient times, but few can have his arrogance."

Hearing the Tao, he said in a deep voice, "Does Emperor Dakang have any other cards? This handsome always feels that this is not simply arrogance."

Xing Dongfang's face changed slightly and said, "Could the rumors be true?"

"What rumors?" Several true gods asked together. Including Xing Dongfang after hearing the Tao.

Xing Dongfang said: "It is rumored that the four new emperors of the Great Thousand World have a magical connection with Emperor Dakang."

"What the new four emperors, the old four emperors." King Ashura said immediately: "I only recognize Emperor Tianlong, Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Ying and Emperor Haotian. When the four emperors crossed the ancient times, these **** new four emperors were not Knowing that they are eating **** in that corner. Even if they dare to call themselves the emperor, it's a big joke. If that's the case, then Lao Tzu will give himself a title, and he will say that it is Emperor Asura."

The one-eyed monster said: "Asura, it's not good for you to say that. The title of this great emperor is not self-appointed, but recognized by heaven. Since the new four emperors can be gifted by heaven, they must have some ability."

King Asura said: "Then tell them to come and make gestures with me. If I win against Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will admit that they have some abilities."

The one-eyed monster and King Jinpeng smiled bitterly at each other, and both shook their heads.

Xing Dongfang said: "Asura, you can't say that. As far as I know, the new four emperors definitely have some skills. Needless to say, the **** emperor, the leader of the four emperors, now has a reputation that is close to the Jiuyou Tiandi. Yes, you always know the true giant spirit, this is your old friend."

"What's the matter?" King Asura asked.

Xing Dongfang said: "The True God Giant Spirit died some time ago, and it is said that he was killed by the Chinese Emperor of the New Four Emperors."

"Are you telling the truth?" King Asura was taken aback.

Xing Dongfang said: "Also, the Immortal King with Arms and the King Jing Yuan were all suppressed by the Great Emperor of China. Now that those true gods in the void hear the reputation of the Great Emperor of China, few dare to be like you. It's an understatement. It is said that they once besieged and killed the Chinese Emperor. Later, the Chinese Emperor was not only okay, but also killed a few, and finally left in a big way."

"I think it's all rumors, so you can't be true!" King Ashura was taken aback for a moment, and said, "It's all based on rumors."

Xing Dongfang said: "Don't talk about this, if the new four emperors are really related to Emperor Dakang, this can also understand why he dares to be so arrogant. Emperor Dakang is originally from unknown, it is probably from Dakang. The world. And the new four emperors also came from the Great Thousand World. Now the Dakang emperor is doing everything to resist the Tianzhou plan. They do not approve of the Tianzhou plan, so the new four emperors are probably also standing in Dakang. From the emperor's side."

Hearing that said, "Could the New Four Emperors also come here?"

Xing Dongfang said: "I'm not sure yet."

On the side of Tianyun City, the emperor led the generals to rest in the tower.

The emperor’s purple-gold dragon chariot was received into the magic book. In the living room of that tower, the lights are bright at this time.

The emperor sat firmly on the top, Lan Tingyu, Tang Zhennan, Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, and Wei Wuji stood below their heads respectfully.

The emperor’s face was as usual, and he first said: "General Tang, you will repatriate all the idle people. In this living room today, what I said cannot reach the seventh person’s ears. Among you, who dares to pass my words? Rumor, kill without mercy!"

"The minister dare not wait!" The crowd knelt on one knee immediately.

"Okay, get up all!" said the emperor.

When everyone got up, Tang Zhennan went to retreat other officers and soldiers. After that, Tang Zhennan came in.

The emperor spoke, and he said: "When I decided to destroy all the immortal gates, I had already thought that there would be today. Therefore, I had made arrangements on Dashun's side. This time, I got the news, Dashun. The army received the order of the Yuntianzong. Their order was to break the Tieyun Thirteen City and force the imperial city by the way. They believed that I came from the Great Thousand World. They wanted to return the Dakang imperial family as a real emperor. ."

Having said that, the emperor stood up. He said: "This is simply ridiculous nonsense. As the head of the immortal gates in the world, Yun Tianzong is so despicable and dirty. In the final analysis, they cannot tolerate Dakang and Qiang. When they see Dakang and Qiang, they feel flustered. I'm afraid that Dakang will no longer be under his control." At this point, he slapped the table and said: "Is Dakang destined to be an affiliate of Yuntianzong? Why can't Dakang be controlled by us Dakang? "

"The minister waits for Dakang, and is willing to go through fire and water for the emperor, to break his bones, his liver and brains, and hesitate!" The crowd immediately knelt down on one knee again, and expressed their loyalty.

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