My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4349: Quentin takes action, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After saying goodbye to Ruth, Chen Yang started to return.

The driver picked up Chen Yang at the designated location.

It's not yet dawn, but the light of dawn has arrived...

The car was driving on the highway, and the sky was already showing the white color of fish belly.

Chen Yang fell into a state of sleep.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, he returned to Shenglun City and the castle of the Sun Temple.

Although he had been running around all day and night, Chen Yang was still in very good spirits.

After solving Ruth's matter, he felt that he had settled a big worry. Next, I will go to Jerusalem to get the original stone in the Ark of the Covenant and the Code of Sinai.

The residence Luo Tianyao arranged for Chen Yang was a small western-style building with gardens in the front and back.

Chen Yang also feels very comfortable living here. There is a dedicated driver to pick him up when he goes out.

In the bedroom, Chen Yang sat cross-legged, quietly feeling the aura surrounding him. The spiritual energy in the world is indeed very thin...which is not conducive to cultivation. Many improvements require the help of elixirs. This is also the reason why most of the cultivators in the world have very weak cultivation.

This is a dimensionality-reducing blow.

Once you enter other worlds, your spiritual energy will be much more abundant, so when you practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

The day passed very peacefully. Only at five o'clock in the afternoon, Master Canglong reported to Chen Yang that Luo Tianyao was going out at eight o'clock in the evening. Master Hidden Dragon conveyed his thoughts to Chen Yang through the imprints in his brain, and outsiders could not detect the transmission between the two.

Chen Yang replied: "Isn't it normal for her to go out? Is there anything you need to tell me about this?"

Master Hidden Dragon said: "It seems to be quite troublesome. It was someone from the Holy See who made an appointment with her."

Chen Yang still knew some things about Luo Tianyao, and Qin Yunshuang had told him some things before. Immediately he asked: "Quentin?"

Master Hidden Dragon said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang said: "You will have no problem dealing with a mere Quentin."

Master Hidden Dragon said: "This junior plans to use the flying sword to shock!"

Chen Yang said: "No problem."

Zanglong Zhenren's flying sword was wrapped in mana when it got on the plane, and it would be difficult for any sophisticated instrument to detect it.

As for the magic weapons on Chen Yang's body, they are even more foolproof when put into the Ring Sumeru.

Quentin finally couldn't hold back and asked Luo Tianyao... Chen Yang felt that there would be no problem if Zhenlong Zhenren went. So he doesn't intend to interfere...

After a while, Chen Yang felt that since there was nothing going on, he might as well go and have some fun.

He told Master Zanglong that he would also go there in the evening.

Master Zanglong was overjoyed when he heard that Chen Yang was also going.

Chen Yang added: "I will go quietly, don't tell Luo Tianyao!"

Master Hidden Dragon said: "Okay!"

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Yunshuang sat across from the desk in Luo Tianyao's office.

Both of them were wearing sportswear, very refreshing.

This is how they prepared to attend the dinner arranged by Quentin...

Qin Yunshuang smiled slightly and said, "I'm starting to look forward to the excitement of tonight."

Luo Tianyao also smiled and said: "Every time Quentin asked me on an appointment, I felt a sense of fear for no reason in my heart. Today is the most relaxed time I have ever felt!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "However, we can't really kill Quenting, right? Do you think he will retreat in spite of difficulties?"

Luo Tianyao said: "I can't guess what Quentin will do, but now that I have the real Hidden Dragon, I have a bargaining chip. The pressure is all on me, and I can't solve it. Because we have to take the overall situation as our top priority It would be much easier to re... transfer the pressure to the entire group. I believe that the Holy See does not want to force us to the opposite side. After all, Quentin can't cover the sky with one hand!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "That's good!"

Luo Tianyao paused, thought of something, and then said: "By the way, have you figured out what Xiao Chen Yang has done recently?"

Qin Yunshuang's face darkened when Luo Tianyao mentioned Chen Yang, but she still had patience and said: "He took your credit card and cashed out one million US dollars. He took out 510,000 of it and gave it to the warehouse Each of the three stewards is worth one hundred thousand."

Luo Tianyao nodded and said: "The people in the warehouse took good care of him, and he was repaying his kindness, which is good!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "But what's very strange is that Hu Jie and those people were not on good terms with him before. Now instead of settling the score with them, he not only gave them thirty thousand US dollars each."

Luo Tianyao was also surprised and said: "Seriously?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "It's absolutely true!" Luo Tianyao began to think thoughtfully...

Qin Yunshuang said: "Do you also think he is not normal?"

Luo Tianyao smiled and said: "Chen Yang is a genius among geniuses. His way of doing things is definitely different from ordinary people. It really surprises me that he can have such a big heart."

Qin Yunshuang said: "What does this mean? Does it mean that he must repay his kindness?"

Luo Tianyao said: "This shows that he doesn't like entanglements. Giving money to Wang Xueqin and others is a repayment. Giving money to Hu Jie and others is because he doesn't want to leave any trace behind and wants to settle the grudges. It can be seen from this that he has high aspirations. Don’t like bonds.”

Qin Yunshuang said: "It seems that he will leave sooner or later."

Luo Tianyao said: "Our pool is still too small, and it is not suitable for him after all. Only by getting out can he go higher and further."

"But...sister, are you willing?" Qin Yunshuang said.

Luo Tianyao laughed and said: "What is there to be unwilling to do? I have told you before that the investment will not return immediately. The faster the return, the smaller it will be. Work for a day and get money for a day. . If he really achieves great success in the future, he may be able to help us at a critical moment."

Qin Yunshuang said: "I hope so!"

Luo Tianyao said: "I will definitely do it!"

After nightfall, Master Zanglong got into Luo Tianyao's car.

In the car, Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang, and Zhenlong Zhenren were sitting upright.

Master Hidden Dragon said: "After you enter the restaurant later, Pindao will be waiting in the car. But don't worry, Miss. Everything that happens in the restaurant is within Pindao's consciousness. By then, Pindao's Flying swords can also appear at any time."

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang looked at each other but said nothing more.

They believe in Zhenlong Zhenren.

But deep down in my heart, there was also a hint of fear, fearing that Master Hidden Dragon would be a charlatan...

If this is the case, the two sisters will be in misfortune this time.

The place Quentin booked was not actually a restaurant, but a club.

The club is a private membership property. Without a certain status, you cannot become a member of this club.

The club is located on a mountain in the city of Saint-Lun, and its name is the Peak Club!

When we arrived at the Peak Club, the moon was already above the treetops.

Outside the club, two rows of waiters stood waiting.

After Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang got off the bus, the two rows of waiters immediately bowed together and said in standard English: "Welcome Miss Luo!"

In a VIP room at the Peak Club, Quentin was wearing a black tuxedo and his blond hair was meticulously combed. He attached great importance to tonight's date, and at the same time, he also contained anger in it.

Although he was in his forties, he looked no more than twenty.

He is only one step away from the realm of supernatural powers.

Over the years, he has been the most patient with Luo Tianyao. He has never been so tempted by such a woman... Therefore, he never resorted to coercion.

But recently, he found out that Luo Tianyao went to the East to invite experts.

Quenting knew full well that Luo Tianyao hired experts to deal with him.

Thinking that he was sincere, but in exchange for being so insulted and abused by the other party, his anger could not be suppressed.

Quentin felt that his true feelings were wrongly paid after all. Today, he must capture Luo Tianyao and capture her by force!

Didn’t this **** hire a master?

Then let him see what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!

In a corner behind Quentin, an old man in black stood.

This old man is like a ghost. Although the lights are bright, outsiders cannot see the existence of the old man unless they look closely.

The old man truly blended in with his surroundings.

The old man's eyes were azure and he looked about sixty years old. In fact, he is already more than two hundred years old...

The old man's name is Kang Baqi, and he is a bloodline left behind in Mount Olympus.

The gods of Olympus have all been hidden in the Western King's Realm... Kangbaqi is the bloodline left over from the gods. Combacchi's grandfathers were loyal to Quentin's family.

Quentin's family was very prominent back then...but later it fell into decline.

Afterwards, Kang Baqi found Quentin and taught him the power of martial arts. Over the years, Quentin has been able to sit in the position of Cardinal Archbishop because of the presence of Combacchi behind him.

Combacchi is loyal to Quentin, and Quentin also regards Combacchi as his biological father.

In the past ten years, Quentin has never bothered Combage to take action.

This time is an exception!

Kang Baqi's cultivation has reached the second level of Taixu, and he is an absolute master of hiding.

The Pope of the Holy See also respected Kang Baqi very much, and granted Kang Baqi the position of supreme elder of the Holy See!

"The master is already here!" At this moment, Kang Baqi suddenly spoke.

Quentin's spirit suddenly shook and he said, "Can you handle it?"

Kang Baqi said calmly: "No problem!"

Quentin was overjoyed and said, "That's great."

At this moment, Quentin felt confident and had enough confidence.

Kang Baqi devoted himself to cultivation these years and paid less attention to external affairs. At the same time, he did not have too many elixirs of his own, so he did not train Quenting... Quenting's cultivation reached the peak of the God Transformation Realm, but due to the lack of elixir supplements, it has stopped there! For this reason, Kang Baqi felt guilty about Quentin. Now he wants to satisfy any request Quentin has.

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