My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4350: Break the skin, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Master Hidden Dragon has been sitting in the car.

Chen Yangze had arrived secretly... After he came to the mountain, he found a big tree, jumped lightly, and sat on the big tree.

Then, he released his spiritual thoughts and scanned the entire mountaintop club. With this glance, I immediately discovered the clues.

"Eh..." Chen Yang felt the presence of Nakang Bach.

Master Canglong heard something strange in Chen Yang's voice, and immediately asked: "Senior, what happened?" Chen Yang said, "There is a master inside, and his cultivation level is actually higher than yours." Master Canglong ate immediately. He was surprised and said: "No way? There are already so many masters in this world?"

Chen Yang said: "The ability of the Holy Holy See to remain standing is still a bit weak. You can't think that you can crush the entire Holy Holy See with just your cultivation!" Master Hidden Dragon suddenly felt ashamed and said: "Senior It’s a lesson!”

The conversation between the two relies solely on their thoughts.

After that, Master Zanglong said again: "Now, what should we do?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "This master has not noticed my existence yet... It is not difficult to deal with him. But now I am not sure how many such masters there are in the Holy See." He began to feel guilty in his heart. He muttered and thought to himself: "The Divine Realm was invincible in the world back then, but several of the masters could not even reach the realm of immortality at the beginning... Why are there such masters in the Holy See now? In the Holy See, there are still many How many incredible masters are there? That's right... In the Divine Realm, the God Emperor has always been indifferent. But the energy of the God Emperor is almost invincible. No matter how many masters there are in the Holy See, a soul sent by the God Emperor can still... Easily destroy them. Not to mention Emperor Shura, the Great Emperor of China, Senior Ling, all belong to the Divine Realm."

"I have to hurry up and find the rough stone!" After Chen Yang came into contact with this master in the Peak Club, he felt that the sense of security in his heart was lacking again, and he felt that the third level of Taixu was not enough. I thought that if I hadn't come here on a whim today, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang would both be in trouble. Quentin was obviously well prepared when he asked them out this time.

"Senior?" Master Canglong asked again when he saw Chen Yang was speechless.

Chen Yang came back to his senses, thought for a moment, and said: "We can't ignore them... You come out to me, and you will take action later. I will help you at the critical moment!"

Zanglong Zhenren was determined and said: "Okay!"

Then he got out of the car, quietly came to the big tree, and then quickly came to the tree.

Chen Yang said to Master Hidden Dragon: "Take out your flying sword and show it to me."

Master Hidden Dragon immediately handed the flying sword to Chen Yang respectfully. Chen Yang took the flying sword in his hand and then incorporated his own spiritual mark into it.

"Don't get me wrong!" Chen Yang said to Zanglong Zhenren by the way: "I am not trying to take away your flying sword. When you are defeated later, I will pour mana into the flying sword to help you. Now you just do what you have to do. Practice!”

"Yes!" Zanglong Zhenren said. Chen Yang then returned the flying sword to Zanglong Zhenren.

In the private room inside the Peak Club, Quentin and Kang Baqi finally welcomed Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang.

Compared with Quenting's dress-up, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang's dress was too casual. Being casual means not paying attention...

Quentin's face became even more ugly.

He first asked Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang to sit down, and then sat opposite them.

"Tian Yao..." Quenting said, "For so many years, I have always treated you with courtesy and never exceeded it. You should know that if I really used force, you would have been my woman long ago. I thought that sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity. I thought that time will make you understand that I am serious about you. I thought that you would be somewhat moved. But I never expected that you actually regarded me as a robber in your heart. With beasts! After all these years, we probably can’t even be considered friends.”

Luo Tianyao smiled coldly and said: "Quentin, how can you have the nerve to say such things in front of me? You said you are sincere to me, okay, even if you are sincere. But as long as it is sincere, I Do you have to agree? Then don’t men in this world like whoever they like, as long as they are sincere, they can succeed? What a joke! Secondly, how much do you think I will be moved? I’m sorry, everything you have given me over the years has been in my heart It seems to be all pressure. If I hadn't been concerned about your identity and the Holy See behind you, I would have killed you a thousand times. I can't do anything to you, I can only endure. However, the word "forbearance" in our Xia Kingdom is hanging on our head. Knife, the source of all my pain these years comes from you. You said that I regard you as a robber and a beast in my heart, you are wrong... In my heart, you are worse than a beast! "

"You are so courageous!" Quentin's breathing became heavier, and a cold light bloomed in his eyes as he said, "How dare you talk to me like this?"

Luo Tianyao puffed up his chest and said: "Why don't I dare? I represent the person in charge of the Sun Temple. In terms of status, I am not lower than you. I respect the Holy See, the Pope, and I have respected you. But you Have you ever respected me?"

Qin Yunshuang also said: "Archbishop, our Sun Temple is loyal to the Holy See. But you'd better not be aggressive. Rabbits will bite when they are anxious."

"Do you have the right to speak? Who do you think you are!" Quentin glanced at Qin Yunshuang with an angry look, and a murderous intention bloomed. Qin Yunshuang was startled, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

Then, Quentin looked at Luo Tianyao again and said with a sneer: "I have heard that you returned to Xia Kingdom and invited experts to help you this time. That's why you are so confident today, right?"

Luo Tianyao said: "So what? I never want to be your enemy, but if you insist on catching me, I can only show my sword!"

"Show the sword?" Quentin laughed and said: "You really think highly of yourself and the so-called master you hired. I originally wanted to save you some face, but it seems I don't need it now. I also planned to let you do it before. Come into the house and be my Quentin's wife, but now, I think you are not worthy. At most, you can only be my bishop's plaything..."

"That's unreasonable!" Luo Tianyao didn't expect that Quentin would speak so openly, and couldn't help but get furious.

After they came in, they never noticed Kang Baqi's presence. Kang Baqi blended into the environment... Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang's attention was on Quentin again.

At this moment, Kang Baqi suddenly moved and walked towards Quentin.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were immediately startled, as if they had seen a ghost. They never expected that there was someone hiding in this room. To be precise, the other party didn't seem to be hiding, and was just standing in the room. But the strange thing is that they never noticed each other's existence!

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were both smart people, and they immediately guessed that this person was an absolute master.

This shows that Quentin is also well prepared!

Kang Baqi came to stand behind Quentin, and then said to Luo Tianyao: "Little girl, it is your honor that my little master likes you. I know you have invited a master here, and your master is here now Outside the club. Let him take action!"

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Luo Tianyao looked at Kang Baqi again, took a deep breath, and said, "Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Kang Baqi smiled coldly, but did not answer. He only said: "Since he doesn't take action, then I will be rude." After saying that, he reached out his hand, waved his palm, and pushed out a palm towards Qin Yunshuang out of thin air. .

In this palm, invisible mana condenses and forms air waves!

Qin Yunshuang didn't feel anything strange at all, but suddenly felt a huge force suddenly appear in front of her eyes and hit her shoulder violently. Suddenly, he could no longer stand upright and flew backwards, like soaring clouds and mist.

Then, he hit the wall hard and fell to the ground.

With this move, Kang Baqi showed extraordinary power.

Luo Tianyao's eyes flashed with horror, wondering why the Hidden Dragon Master didn't take action yet.

Kang Baqi's face was indifferent, and then he formed a seal in his hand and prepared to attack Luo Tianyao.

At this moment, the voice of Master Hidden Dragon finally came in.

"Stop!" He shouted loudly, using the language of the Xia Kingdom.

Quentin and Kang Baqi both understand Xia Guohua.

Kang Baqi sneered: "Your Excellency, you finally couldn't hold it any longer?"

Master Hidden Dragon's voice was forced into a line and could not be heard by the outside world, but it was accurately transmitted to this private room. Just listen to him say: "I am invited by Miss Luo. I came here today to resolve the grudges. You are all on the same side, let alone forcing each other so hard against Miss Luo. Please note that it is better to resolve enemies than to end them. From my humble point of view, let’s just let this matter go and let everyone take a step back.”

"Hide your head and show your tail!" Quentin shouted sharply and said: "It's better to get out and die quickly. Aren't you a master? Let me see how good you are?"

Kang Baqi said: "Your Excellency's cultivation level is pretty good, but in my eyes, it's still far behind. Your cultivation level is hard-earned. I advise you to cherish it and retreat quickly. Don't do it." Lost your life!"

After Luo Tianyao heard Kang Baqi's words, his body suddenly shook.

She felt that Zanglong Zhenren seemed to be really afraid of this old man in black.

"I never expected that Quentin would have such a master next to him. This is really bad. If Master Hidden Dragon really loses to this old man in black, wouldn't I just come out of the wolf's den and enter the tiger's den again? There is also a mysterious old man who comes to my rescue at home. Who else can save me here? If I had known this, I would never have ended up with Quentin like this."

At this moment, Luo Tianyao was thinking a lot.

A battle at this level is completely beyond her ability to intervene.

Master Zanglong was silent for a moment, then sighed and said: "God has the virtue of a good life..."

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