My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4351: Flying sword kills, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Zanglong Zhenren looked compassionate and said: "God has the virtue of good life. I once again solemnly advise you not to be aggressive and retreat quickly, otherwise you will be killed!"

"Haha..." Hearing this, Kang Baqi laughed angrily and said, "Is it only because of a **** like you that the disaster of killing is caused?"

Master Hidden Dragon sighed.

Kang Baqi's eyes flashed sharply and he said: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay!" Zanglong Zhenren's voice trembled and he responded.

Luo Tianyao had already run to help Qin Yunshuang up. She and Qin Yunshuang were confused by everything in front of them. Previously I felt that Master Hidden Dragon was definitely no match for Kang Baqi, but now I felt that Master Hidden Dragon seemed to have a plan in mind.

For a moment, they couldn't tell who was more powerful.

When Master Hidden Dragon finished speaking, there was a roaring sound in the void, and then, a sword light penetrated the window glass, shot in like lightning, and directly hit Kang Baqi's eyebrows.

Kang Baqi was already prepared, sneered, and quickly gathered his magic.

In front of him, the mana formed a vortex, blocking the flying sword's pace. At the same time, he pinched the flying sword with his fingers.

Although Kang Baqi's magic power is only at the second level of Taixu, it seems to be only one level away from the realm of Zanglong Zhenren. But this level is completely different...

Zanglong Zhenren immediately felt that the opponent's magic power was powerful and majestic. No matter how hard he tried to activate the magic power, he could not make Feijian move forward one step further.

His face turned pale in an instant, and sweat dripped down his face.

No matter how much he exerted his magic power, the flying sword remained motionless between Kang Baqi's fingers.

"Hmph, how dare you act so arrogantly in front of me with such little ability..." Kang Baqi sneered again.

However, the moment he finished speaking, the flying sword suddenly became energetic, as if a magical and majestic magic power had been injected into it.

In just a moment, the flying sword broke free from the shackles of his two fingers, and then the flying sword shot into the center of Kang Baqi's eyebrows.

With a chirping sound, a **** hole was left between Kang Baqi's eyebrows, and then blood spurted out.

The flying sword spun in the void, and then shot Quentin between his eyebrows.

Before Quentin could react, he realized that the shadow of death had enveloped him. In an instant, his whole body was cold, and his soul was all gone.

Faced with such a killing, he had no time to react.

However, the flying sword did not kill Quentin after all, but stopped at the center of Quentin's eyebrows.

The voice of Zanglong Zhenren came in again, saying: "Quentin, if I want to kill you, it is as simple as killing an ant. This time, I will let you go first. If there is a next time, I will Let your head fall to the ground!" After saying that, the flying sword spun in the void again, then flew out from the broken glass of the window, and returned to the hands of Master Hidden Dragon in an instant.

In the private room, Kang Baqi had fallen to the ground and died. Blood overflowed under him...

This supreme master just... died.

This incident made Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang and Quenting unable to recover for a long time...

The change came too quickly and ended too quickly.

After a long time, Luo Tianyao said to Qin Yunshuang: "Let's go!"

Qin Yunshuang nodded, and the two supported each other and soon left the Peak Club.

Master Hidden Dragon has also returned to the car.

After Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang got into the car, the driver immediately started the car and drove down the mountain.

In the car, Zanglong Zhenren said in a deep voice: "Pindao was a bit harsh just now and killed the master directly. The master's cultivation was not weak. If he kept it, he would be in big trouble in the future! I hope not It will cause you too much trouble.”

Luo Tianyao was also in a state of confusion at this time, and he knew that killing Quentin's master would lead to a lot of trouble in the future. But if you think about it carefully, if Master Hidden Dragon hadn't taken action this time, his end would have been even more miserable.

She immediately said: "No matter what, I have to thank you for this time. If it weren't for you, my end would be unimaginable. There will definitely be trouble in the future, but let's face it together!"

Master Zanglong nodded and said: "Since Pindao has intervened, he will take care of this matter to the end."

Luo Tianyao said: "I didn't expect that there is such a master beside Quenting. I just don't know how many such masters there are in the Holy See."

Master Hidden Dragon said: "Such masters are rare. If there are many, with Quentin's level of cultivation, he will not be able to reach the position of the red archbishop. This master has a close relationship with Quentin. I think he can When I became the archbishop, I also had the help of this master behind me."

Qin Yunshuang said: "In the future, we will still have to rely more on you, Zhenren."

Master Zanglong smiled and said: "That's natural." After a pause, he added: "Actually, Pindao's talent and learning are indeed very limited, but little friend Chen Yang's future is limitless. Although he is not very good now, But he will definitely be far better than Pindao in the future. If you treat him kindly, you can’t go wrong with your plan."

Luo Tianyao said: "Both Chen Yang and you, Zhenren, are extremely important to me. Your cultivation, Zhenren, is unparalleled in this world, so there is no need to be too humble!"

Qin Yunshuang said: "Is Chen Yang really that good?"

Master Zanglong smiled and said: "I can only say that he is far better than you think." After a pause, he took out another spirit-gathering pill and said: "Miss Qin, will you take such a pill?" Next, it will help your injury!"

Qin Yunshuang took the pill and swallowed it immediately without doubting anything.

The elixir melts in your mouth and quickly cools your whole body.

Her injury was not serious. After taking the elixir, her body's cells began to absorb the aura of the elixir, and she soon felt much better.

"What kind of magic medicine is this?" Qin Yunshuang asked in surprise.

Master Canglong smiled slightly and said: "It's not worth mentioning!" This elixir was naturally given to him by Chen Yang. Chen Yang knew that Qin Yunshuang was injured, so he gave Master Canglong a thousand spirit-gathering pills by the way. Then he told Master Zanglong to give Qin Yunshuang a pill.

The reason why the flying sword could kill a master like Kang Baqi was because Chen Yang did it secretly.

The next morning, Chen Yang called Luo Tianyao again and said that he wanted to go out.

Luo Tianyao smiled on the phone and said, "It's okay to go out, but you can tell me a little bit, where are you going and how long will it take? When will you be back?"

Chen Yang said directly: "I'm sorry, Miss, this is my personal private matter and I cannot disclose it!"

Luo Tianyao was speechless, feeling that since the arrival of Zhenlong Zhenren, this kid has become more and more tough. But thinking of Master Canglong's affirmation of him, I felt that it was better not to offend him, so he immediately said: "Okay then! I'll let Yunshuang give it to you!"

Chen Yang quickly said: "That's no need!"

"Why don't you use it?" Luo Tianyao couldn't refuse and said: "It must be given away!"

Chen Yang was also helpless...

A moment later, Qin Yunshuang drove himself to Chen Yang's small foreign-style building.

When Chen Yang got in the car, Qin Yunshuang asked with a cold face: "Where are you going?"

Chen Yang said: "Just take me to the airport."

"Yeah!" Qin Yunshuang started the car.

The car quickly drove out of the castle, and Qin Yunshuang didn't say much along the way.

After driving some distance, Qin Yunshuang suddenly said: "Do you know what happened last night?"

Chen Yang nodded and said: "I know, Master Hidden Dragon told me." Then he added: "So I ran away overnight."

Qin Yunshuang suddenly became angry and said, "I never wanted to think that you are so despicable, and I asked you this, and I also hope you can explain. Why are you so petty?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then felt that his words were a bit excessive. The reason why he was like this was because he deliberately wanted to distance himself from her and Luo Tianyao.

Because he knows that he will not stay here for a long time in the future, so why bother with more details?

"I have no obligation to explain anything to you." Chen Yang said lightly. After finishing speaking, he remained silent.

Qin Yunshuang's heart was ups and downs, but she couldn't say a word.

Before, she was full of disgust towards all Chen Yang's frivolous words and teasing. Later, after seeing Chen Yang's many talents, I began to change my mind. From changing my mind to having a good impression, I actually enjoyed following his frivolous words.

However, at this moment, the other party began to become extremely cold, which made her feel a big gap in her heart!

She wasn't sure what she meant, but she was very angry at Chen Yang's indifference.

She didn't mean that she wanted anything to happen... she just couldn't stand Chen Yang's attitude.

And now, she felt that she really didn't need to say anything more.

After arriving at the airport, Chen Yang said thank you before getting off the car, and then left gracefully.

Qin Yunshuang looked at Chen Yang's back and fell into confusion...

She felt that she could not see through Chen Yang more and more. Originally, Chen Yang was just the lowest servant in their Sun Temple... and he could be regarded as an absolute knower. But now, she felt that there were layers of mysterious light coming from him, and it was really getting more and more mysterious, like a fog that could never be seen through.

After Chen Yang entered the airport, he and Zhenlong Zhenren communicated through thoughts again.

"Senior, have you left already?" Master Hidden Dragon asked.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Originally, I wanted to go out, but I wasn't prepared to be in such a hurry. But the appearance of the old guy last night made me change my mind... But don't worry, I'm not running away."

Master Hidden Dragon smiled sarcastically and said, "Senior, how could he run away!"

Chen Yang said: "My trip will take at least seven days and up to a month. Your task is to stabilize the situation during this period. No matter what method you use, save your own life. Their safety. When I come back, no matter how big the problem is, it will be just a small problem. I went out just to solve the problem here. Do you understand?"

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