My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1045: The bad relationship with Gu Chengxi

Chapter 1045: The bad relationship with Gu Chengxi

"My place is very nice, Acheng, please take Qianli out for a walk." When the director saw Gu Chengxi standing at the door, he immediately waved to him and refused to enter.

Gu Chengxi asked without emotion: "Why should I take her around?"

Gong Qianli also twitched the corner of her mouth: It's not like she's a guest. What's going to happen in the hospital? It's obvious that the director is trying to get her to be with Gu Chengxi!

Gu Chengxi was extraordinarily calm and said directly to the director: "Since you're fine, I'll leave first."

Since he said he didn’t need to read it, he didn’t.

Of course, Gu Chengxi didn't take Gong Qianli around as the director thought. He said he would leave and left alone.

If it had been in the past, Gong Qianli would definitely have entangled him and used the director's words to make fun of him, but now, she actually felt relieved.

Haven't she changed her mind?

  Before, I was very sure that I liked Gu Chengxi, but now it became a pressure in my heart.

Gong Qianli got into the elevator and selected the LG building, which was about to leave the hospital.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator and turned the corner, she saw a child falling down the stairs next to her. She ran out without hesitation to pick up the child.

 The child didn’t cry at first, but after he was picked up, he suddenly cried loudly and clamored to find his grandpa.

“Little friend, don’t cry. Where is your grandpa? My sister will take you to find him.”

 As a people's policeman, it is her duty to help children find their parents.

 Fortunately, this child was easy to communicate with. When asked where his grandfather was, he reported the VIP ward.

 The hospital has map directions. Following the map, she quickly found the ward.

Then Gong Qianli was convinced...

 The fate between people is really amazing!

 She was just kind enough to send this wrestling kid over to find her grandpa so that she could meet Gu Chengxi.

“How come it’s everywhere…” She muttered in a low voice, and suddenly noticed Gu Chengxi shooting an indifferent gaze towards her.

Gong Qianli lowered her head to cover up. She brought the child in and said goodbye to him, "Child, this is your grandfather's ward. I found it. My sister is gone."

She was about to leave, but the child hugged her thigh and said, "Sister, thank you."

Taking one look at the height difference...well, she understood.

"it does not matter."

 Send the person, she is really leaving!

 She's leaving!



Suddenly, the old man's vicissitudes of call came from behind. He knew clearly that he was not calling her, but he still turned around and glanced at her.

 But just one glance! She was targeted!

The old man was unconscious and thought she was his daughter, and kept making noises to wake her up.

Gong Qianli is a soft-hearted person. She winked at Gu Chengxi. Gu Chengxi walked up to her and gave a simple explanation, "His daughter is very busy at work and left the old man in the hospital for treatment and has no time to visit." , the old man is not very conscious.”

Gong Qianli understands.

She was standing here, and the old man raised his hand tremblingly, trying to hold her.

Gong Qianli couldn't bear to turn around and leave, but she didn't know what to do.

 “Then what should I do?”

"what ever."

Originally, I asked Gu Chengxi for advice, but I didn’t expect that as the attending physician, Gu Chengxi would be so indifferent to his patients!

 Haw, so abominable!

 “You are such a person!” A heartless representative.

Gong Qianli still couldn't bear to break the old man's dream, so she pretended to say yes. The old man was very happy, "I knew that my daughter is filial."

When Gong Qianli was about to leave, the old man asked, "Daughter, will you come tomorrow?"

 (End of this chapter)

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