My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1046: You are my girlfriend and I am going to marry you

Chapter 1046 You are my girlfriend and I will marry you

Gong Qianli felt that he was a bit of a bad guy, for he would actually agree to a stranger playing the role of his daughter.

 But she had already agreed, and the morality in her heart did not allow her to go back on it.

So Gong Qianli started running to the hospital after get off work every day, staying there for half an hour to an hour before leaving.

 And every day, she must meet Gu Chengxi.

I don’t know if it’s because the two of them have closer contact, but Gu Chengxi’s expression seems to be a little less indifferent when he sees her now!

“Hey, Doctor Gu, I want to ask when that grandpa will feel better?”

Although the grandfather recognized her as his daughter, based on their real ages, she should call him grandpa...

Gu Chengxi looked through the medical records and told her the general situation of the old man.

Gong Qianli sighed after hearing this.

This old man is half dead in the grave. He is not critically ill, but it is impossible for him to regain his physical condition.

Gu Chengxi raised his eyes to look at her and suddenly asked: "Are you worried about disguising your identity?"

 “Yes.” Speaking of this, Gong Qianli just wanted to sigh!

“I agreed temporarily, but it’s not an option in the long run.”

Although she was kind-hearted in pretending to make the old man happy, to put it bluntly, she had nothing to do with the old man. It was okay to do this kind of thing for a day or two. After a long time, she herself was not so patient to coax people.

 “You mean well.”

 “I really wish I had a harder heart now.” That way I wouldn’t have to worry about so many things.

"You don't know, although the grandpa is very kind and the child is cute, they are not related to me, nor are they familiar with me. In fact, I feel awkward every time I go there, but I have to cooperate with them in acting. "

 “Then don’t go.”

"I have also thought about it, but will the sudden disappearance bring greater harm to the old man?" The reason why she couldn't bear it was because every time she saw the old man's vicissitudes of life and kind expression, her heart So soft.

 “You are such a contradictory woman.”

"What's wrong with me! I've wronged myself and it's not enough to complain!" Gong Qianli's true nature emerged.

 When she realized who she was talking to, her teeth trembled.

 What did she just do?

Complained and complained to Gu Chengxi, and also exposed his little temper?

This is so embarrassing!

 Fortunately, she is thick-skinned and does not blush easily.

Gong Qianli just wanted to run away quickly, "Doctor Gu, you didn't hear anything just now, and I didn't say anything either. Goodbye!"


Gong Qianli was very fast, so Gu Chengxi grabbed her arm without shouting.

Gong Qianli's eyes couldn't help but fall on the palm with white fingers and long sleeves, "Hehe, hehehe, is there anything else you can do for Dr. Gu?"

 Gu Chengxi immediately let go of his hand, and then asked, "Have you seen my mother?"

Mrs. Gu?

Gong Qianli answered truthfully: "I've seen it."

That time, Mrs. Gu took the initiative to go to their palace and saw her.

She didn't mean anything else, but Gu Chengxi had misunderstood.

 He continued to ask: "You also told her that I am different to you?"

 “Stop it, conscience of heaven and earth, I didn’t say anything!”

"Do you know that everyone in the Gu family now thinks that you are my girlfriend and I am going to marry you?"


This news is so exciting that she can’t bear it.

“Doctor Gu, I swear, I never said these words.”

 “Have you ever thought about it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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