My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1081: This child has no father

Chapter 1081 This child has no father

Nangong Luo felt that he was here to suffer.

Does she have to see the person she likes with another man she likes before she gives up?

 Still not reconciled...

After a few clicks on the phone screen, the owner of the number he knew by heart belonged to Gong Qianli.

He still dialed the number with luck, and then saw Gong Qianli pick up the phone and take a look at it before hanging up.

 When things have developed to this point, people suddenly feel a chill all over their body.

"Liu Li, it was my fault." It was my reluctance and longing for you that made me unable to let go of this relationship, and I even had wild fantasies about it.

He never wanted to stay in this place to see the "intimate" flirting of the two people, and he was disappointed with his hesitation.

Zhong Yun called again, with a cry in her anxious tone.

 This time it’s a real cry for help.

“Nangong Luo, my pregnancy was discovered by my family. Now they are asking me whose child I am.”

"I don't dare to say, I really don't dare. If I tell them that it is Ayu's child, this child will never survive tomorrow."

“Nangong Luo, please save my child.”

Zhong Yun's anxious cry for help came from the phone, and you could even hear a "dong dong dong" knock on the door from the other end.

Zhong Yun locked herself in the house, afraid to let people in, but her family members chased her for answers.

"Help me, I only need one word from you now. One word can save a child's life."

 “Zhong Yun…”

As soon as Nangong Luo called her name, Zhong Yun didn't want to hear his voice of rejection again.

"Nangong Luo! Ayu died for you! His death is not something that the money you gave can heal all the pain. If you don't save this child, you will be sorry to Ayu!"

"Ayu is dead. My only hope in this life is this unborn child. If you are not willing to lie for ten months to save him, then I will take the child to the underworld to keep Ayu company. When the time comes, ...Hehehe... Then our family will be able to reunite..."

 The knocking on the door became louder and louder, and he could hear the noisy voices of the Zhong family through the phone.

Zhong Yun's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, her tone was not only desolate, but also felt like she had no life left to live.

Nangong Luo knew that Zhong Yun and Fang Yu were in love. If it was true as Zhong Yun said, the Zhong family would force her to abort the child, then... maybe something bad would really happen.

But if he agrees to marry another woman...

Nangong Luo's inner fire was boiling fiercely.

“Zhong Yun, don’t worry about it. I contacted the Zhong family and told them that I have an appointment with you. You can come out when you have the opportunity.”

Nangong Luo wanted to help her delay time, but Zhong Yun suddenly smiled.

I heard a sad sneer in my ears, it was Zhong Yun's voice, "Can you hide for a while and hide for the rest of your life?"


Suddenly a loud noise was heard, and the Zhong family members broke in directly and surrounded Zhong Yun.

“Yun’er, who are you calling?”

 Zhong Yun hid her cell phone behind her back.

Mrs. Zhong looked very ugly, "Yun'er, I don't care who you are trying to hide for. Since you refuse to tell, then follow me to the hospital! Our Zhong family cannot tolerate your scandal!"

Nangong Luo only heard Mrs. Zhong’s words, and the call with Zhong Yun was suddenly interrupted.

Over at Zhong Yun, the cell phone fell on the ground, and Mrs. Zhong ordered someone to forcibly restrain her.

 “Let’s go to the hospital.”

 (End of this chapter)

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