My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1082: three? horn? love?

Chapter 1082 three? horn? love?

Zhong Yun’s phone calls can no longer be reached.

Nangong Luo's mind was very confused. Fang Yu's guilt and unwillingness to let go of Gong Qianli all came to his mind.

He suddenly rushed into the "Sunshine Garden". No longer needing to keep a sneaky eye, he went straight to find Gong Qianli.

Nangong Luo suddenly appeared, and the glass door blocking him seemed to sense the approach of the person and automatically moved to both sides.

Nangong Luo narrowed his eyes slightly and pulled Gong Qianli up just as he turned around, "Follow me."

Gu Chengxi sat on the chair with his legs crossed, as steady as a rock. He watched calmly as Nangong Luo rushed in and forcibly dragged his "date" away. He neither spoke to stop nor took any action to catch up.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Gong Qianli threw the chopsticks on the table before she even had time to put them down.

 Oh my God! There's nothing wrong with your mouth.

Since the person standing in front of her was Nangong Luo, she covered the corner of her mouth with her hand and wiped it.

 Although it is unhygienic, appearance is more important in front of the person you like!

Nangong Luo only stopped after pulling her out of Sunshine Garden.

Gong Qianli, who had just eaten, was a little uncomfortable with this rhythm.

 “Luo, what are you doing?”

"Liu Li..." Just now he pulled Gong Qianli out on impulse, but now that he thought about it, why did he question her?

Gong Qianli's feelings were already very clear. If he asked again, he would only be humiliating himself.

Nangong Luo suddenly changed the subject, "Liu Li, how much courage does it take for a woman to be willing to give birth to a child for a man?"

"Huh?" Gong Qianli was very surprised, "What kind of problem do you have?"

 “No matter what the question is, answer me first.”

Gong Qianli blinked and said her thoughts, "Of course, a woman is gambling with her life when giving birth to a child. It must be very important."

“Then if one of my choices against my will can save a child’s life, do you think I should save it?”

“Then it depends on whether the price you choose to pay against your will is more important than a life.”

"I..." Forgive his selfishness. If he could have the girl he liked, he really wouldn't want to marry another woman for a child.

“What are you talking about? It’s so strange that you suddenly called me out to ask these questions. What’s wrong with you?”

 “Last question, do you really like…”

 “Gong Qianli!”

 Before Nangong Luo's question could be asked clearly, Gu Chengxi's cold and unique voice forced his way in.

 People are already within three meters of them.

"Your things." Gu Chengxi handed the document bag to Gong Qianli with a deep expression, and warned, "It's always so careless, with such important things."

Gong Qianli retorted unhappily, "What do you mean by always being careless? Didn't I forget about it when I was suddenly pulled out?"

“Heh, when we were eating inside just now, someone looked stupid.”

“Wow, Gu Chengxi, I think we should have a fight.”

Nangong Luo could clearly hear the bickering between the two.

Nangong Luo always felt that she had hope if she stayed by Gong Qianli's side, because when Gong Qianli "pursued" Gu Chengxi, she always wanted to please her. Only people she knew very well or people she didn't care about would use such indifferent ways. Conversational tone.

From Nangong Luo's point of view, Gu Chengxi was not a stranger that Gong Qianli didn't care about, so he had a good relationship with her.

Looking at Gu Chengxi's reaction, it seems that she is serious and got her wish.

 (End of this chapter)

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