My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1083: Agree to fake marriage

Chapter 1083 Agree to a fake marriage

Gong Qianli actually didn't say a few words to Gu Chengxi because she cared more about Nangong Luo now.

“Okay, okay, I got the things, thank you Dr. Gu.”

 She raised her hand and waved, a tactful way of saying goodbye.

According to Licheng Xi’s character, he definitely doesn’t want to stay here.

 Ke Gong Qianli made a miscalculation!

Gucheng West Africa not only didn’t leave, but was as stable as Mount Tai!

Glancing at it, she moved to Nangong Luo's side, only to see Nangong Luo answer the phone, frowning without saying a few words, and his expression looked very serious.

In less than half a minute, Nangong Luo hung up the phone.

 “Luo, what happened?”

After Gong Qianli finished speaking, Nangong Luo suddenly took a step forward and hugged her.

The intimate contact brought Gong Qianli's memory back to that night in Hong Kong, and two blushes crept onto her cheeks.

But before she could express her shyness, Nangong Luo lowered his head and hurriedly said a word in her ear before letting her go.

 “Liu Li, I wish you happiness.”

The rest of my life without you is destined to be a regret, but even if I can't get what I want, I still hold a sincere heart and wish my favorite girl happiness forever!

Nangong Luo's figure passed her.

As soon as Gong Qianli turned around, Gu Chengxi suddenly stretched out his hand to stop her movement, "You'd better not catch up."

"What do you mean?"


Nangong Luo drove the car to the hospital as fast as possible.

 Because he had just received a call from the housekeeper of the Zhong family, telling him that Zhong Yun had been forcibly taken to the hospital by Mrs. Zhong.

Butler Zhong found out that Zhong Yun was contacting him when he picked up Zhong Yun's cell phone that fell on the ground, so he called him immediately after Mrs. Zhong took Zhong Yun away.

 He has been unwilling to agree to Zhong Yun's request.

 The child in Zhong Yun's belly has now become her talisman.

Nangong Luo was really scared, afraid that he would kill two people.

Hurrying to the hospital without stopping, he saw Mrs. Zhong guarding the operating room.


Mrs. Zhong was very dissatisfied with Nangong Luo's sudden appearance, "Mr. Nangong, why do you appear here?"

"Aunt Zhong, this matter is very complicated. I want to see Zhong Yun first."

At the critical moment, Nangong Luo rescued Zhong Yun who had just been put on the operating table.

Zhong Yun could barely stand when she got off the operating table. When she saw Nangong Luo, she clung to him as the last straw, crying and pleading in his ears. , "Please, save my child."

Mrs. Zhong took a step back for the sake of the Nangong family. Nangong Luo took Zhong Yun to the other side to a place where no one was around.

Zhong Yun held his hand tightly.

Nangong Luo proposed, "Zhong Yun, let me send you abroad."

Zhong Yun's eyes changed and she suddenly shook him off.

 “You still refuse to save me.”

 “I promise to help you!”

“The Zhong family will not allow a child with an unknown father to be born, do you understand?” Zhong Yun asked excitedly, her eyes red.

"Forget it..." The tone suddenly changed, and Zhong Yun kept backing up, "Hehehe, you are really hard-hearted. Ten months of lies are not worth saving your life. It was me who was wrong, and Ayu was wrong as well. I misbelieved about you."

Zhong Yun smiled sadly at Nangong Luo, her eyes filled with despair.

 She suddenly turned around and ran downstairs.

Nangong Luo quickly caught up with her and held her tightly.

Zhong Yun kept struggling, "Since my child is destined not to survive, then I will take him to die with me!"

"I'll help you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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