My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1137: Who was the person who hurt you?

Chapter 1137. Who is the person who hurt you?

 For the rest of the night, Xia Xiyun fell asleep and was awakened by nightmares again and again. Han Xingye stayed by her side and coaxed her to sleep with his gentle voice again and again.

As soon as I closed my eyes, what appeared in front of me was Xiang Yan's ugly face, and what I heard in my ears were Xiang Yan's disgusting words.

 She might go crazy if this continues!

Xia Xiyun sat up from the bed in shock, turned around and saw Hao Han Xingye next to him, and suddenly grabbed his hand, "Medicine, I want to take medicine."

Xiang Yan forced her but did not take any safety measures. She must not leave any hidden dangers.

Han Xingye certainly would not refuse Xia Xiyun's request, but he did not dare to let Xia Xiyun stay at home alone at the moment.

Han Xingye held her in his arms and protected her tenderly, "Yunyun, don't be afraid, I have everything."

 Gently pat her back and comfort her to sleep, "Okay, go to bed first. When you get up tomorrow morning, everything will be fine."

Han Xingye seemed to be the last straw that Xia Xiyun grasped, fragile and easy to break, but also the only one.


This night, Xia Xiyun woke up several times. When she woke up the next day, there was the medicine she wanted next to her.

Xia Xiyun swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.

The phone buzzed, and Xiang Yan sent a message: Yun'er, are you free today? How about coming out for a cup of tea?

Xia Xiyun saw him and blocked him directly.

 But not long after, she received another strange message, which only contained a photo.

 One photo that was enough to ruin her.

Xia Xiyun slammed her phone to the ground, tears forming in her still-swollen eyes.

She really wanted to kill Xiang Yan and cut the heinous devil into pieces, but she couldn't, couldn't kill him, and didn't dare to use legal means to protect herself.

 She is a public figure. Once this matter is exposed, no matter whether she is a victim or not, everyone will remember her as a filthy woman. Her friends and family will be questioned, and... and Han Xingye's reputation, she doesn't dare to gamble, and she can't afford it!

Xia Xiyun ran out of bed barefoot and went to the dressing table to open her most treasured jewelry box. She took out a small box and opened it to see that the exquisite and beautiful diamond ring was shining brightly.

 She held the box in her hands, put it in Xin's mouth, and cried until she could no longer make a sound.

Han Xingye came in with breakfast and found Xia Xiyun sitting on the ground crying, and he felt heartbroken.

 He put the food down, clenched his fists, and his clenched teeth were "rattling".

When he reached Xia Xiyun's side, he deliberately softened his attitude and said, "Yun, the ground is cold. I will feel bad if you catch a cold."

He stretched out a hand, but Xia Xiyun avoided it and shook his head to express resistance.

Han Xingye wanted to hug her, but she handed the ring box directly over.

Xia Xiyun raised her head, looked at Han Xingye with tearful eyes, and said something as painful as ripping out her heart, "I'm sorry, let's break up."

 “I won’t agree to it.”

 “I’m not worthy of you, really, I’m in pain, it’s painful.”

 “Bang!” Han Xingye punched the leg of the dressing table with a strong fist.

"who's that person?"

He had resisted questioning him on the spot because he was afraid of irritating Xia Xiyun, but that didn't mean he would let that person go!

The person who hurt Xia Xiyun will definitely inflict revenge with thousands of times more pain!

 He will never allow Xia Xiyun to leave. It is his responsibility to solve Xia Xiyun's nightmare.

“So, who is the person who hurt you?”

 (End of this chapter)

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