My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1138: So, be my wife

Chapter 1138: Be my wife

Xia Xiyun huddled there, covering her ears with her hands, "Don't ask, don't ask."

 “I’m sorry for you, it’s all my fault.”

If she hadn't been too careless, if she hadn't been too weak, if...if she hadn't taken on the drama "The Great Age of Chang'an", maybe she wouldn't have met Xiang Yan. She would still be clean and qualified to stand in the Han Xingye. around.

 But now, she just felt that she was so dirty that she couldn't clean it no matter what she did. Touching him seemed like blasphemy.

 She wanted to go and die, really.

But she was afraid and she couldn't bear it.

 If she died like this, it would be a disservice to Xiang Yan, and she would be sorry for her family, and even more... she would be reluctant to lie on the cold ground from now on, never being able to touch the one she loved most in her heart.

But she can spend the rest of her life alone and alone to protect that pure love.

Han Xingye reached out to take the box in her hand.

Xia Xiyun pinched it for a moment, but finally let go of his hand.

 The ring box was taken away by Han Xingye. She saw her fingers trembling through her tearful eyes, but in the end she did nothing.

Han Xingye knelt on one knee in front of her, opened the box and took out the shining diamond ring.

No matter how she avoided it, he just wanted to tell her unswervingly, "Yun, in my eyes, you are the best."

“You promised to be my wife, and you will never go back on your promise.”

“Nothing is more important to me than having you by my side.”

 “Marry me, that’s what I want most.”

  He gently held Xia Xiyun's hand and carefully put the ring into her finger. It was a very suitable size and was tailor-made for her.

Xia Xiyun felt that she was not qualified. At this time, Han Xingye could not remain silent.

He wanted to show her his sincerity to prove, "All I want is you."

"So, do you still remember the agreement we made when we were together? We agreed that no matter what happens in the future, we will walk side by side and face it together. I will not break my promise, and neither can you."

 “This is different.”

Han Xingye took a deep breath and changed the subject, "Okay, you need to have a good rest, but before that, eat something and don't go hungry."

 He brought the food to Xia Xiyun, and Xia Xiyun reluctantly took a few bites.

Xia Xiyun already had several missed calls on her cell phone. Han Xingye contacted her agent and temporarily postponed her schedule.

 “You should go out first, I want to be alone.”

"I'll accompany you." As if he was afraid of Xia Xiyun's rejection, Han Xingye quickly added, "I promise to quietly turn myself invisible."

He deliberately used a light tone, but was still rejected by Xia Xiyun, "I'm fine by myself, I'm fine by myself..."

Xia Xiyun insisted on "evicting" Han Xingye out.

 Hang the door shut with a bang to isolate yourself from the outside world.

The agent called again and mentioned "Director Li", and Xia Xiyun asked to terminate the contract.

 This is unacceptable to the agent, "Xia Xia, what nonsense are you talking about? We have already signed a contract. If we break the contract now, we will have to pay double the compensation!"

The agent just thought that Xia Xiyun was dizzy and changed her mind after she woke up?

 Ke Xia Xiyun was serious, "I will pay the liquidated damages. Maybe this will be the last thing you do for me, please."

Xia Xiyun’s determination made the agent unable to understand, let alone knowing that Xia Xiyun had made a bold decision!

 (End of this chapter)

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