My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1151: lock her close

Chapter 1151 Lock her with you

 Xia Xiyun successfully broke free from Han Xingye's hand after saying that.

  The two of them stood face to face without saying a word.

Xia Xiyun folded her hands together and pinched herself hard to wake herself up. She turned around...

 “Don’t leave!”

Han Xingye took a big step forward and took her into his arms, holding her tightly without letting go. "Yunyun, it doesn't matter if you are unhappy now. I will try my best to make you laugh. I'm not that generous just because you are unhappy. Let you go and I will make you happy, even if it means killing you for the rest of your life!"

These categorical words are Han Xingye’s most obvious statement.

 The person he likes will never let go.

Xia Xiyun really wanted to cry when she heard this sentence, but maybe her tears had already run out and she couldn't even cry. Her heart hurt.

"So, no matter what you say, there is only one final result, and that is, I will wait for you, waiting for you to become my wife willingly."

 “Of course, until then, I will always stay by your side.”

 The implication is that it is impossible to let you go if you leave.

Since he is tempted, even if he knows that this is a dead end, he will fight to the end on this tortuous road!

Xia Xiyun couldn't defeat Han Xingye, and she was forcibly dragged back in the end.

If Han Xingye insists on doing this, she will definitely not be able to escape.

  Just as soon as I arrived at the door of my house, I bumped into Mother Han. Her face was very ugly.

 “Ono, you are so stubborn!”

Han Xingye glanced at his mother and didn't reply, because what he said must have different opinions from Han's mother, and if he said it out loud, it would make him upset.

Han Xingye held Xia Xiyun's hand tightly to give her a sense of security. When Han's mother saw the two holding hands together, she wished she could separate them with one glance!

When Han Xingye led Xia Xiyun to enter the house, Han's mother suddenly taunted, "Didn't you say you left voluntarily? It took so little effort to help you come back."

 In Han's mother's opinion, what Xia Xiyun is doing now is calculated and calculated.

 Xia Xiyun has trouble to say.

Han Xingye could endure all the accusations made by Mother Han against him, but he could not let Mother Han accuse Xia Xiyun of such a bad thing.

"Mom, I will explain this to you later, but it took a lot of effort for me to ask her back. If you don't want to see her, then I will take her away."

 As he said that, Han Xingye was about to turn around.

 Han’s mother was anxious, “Stop.”

Han's mother wanted to drive away Xia Xiyun, but if even Han Xingye left with Xia Xiyun, her goal would still not be achieved.

 Han Ma blocked the door and refused to let them leave, but she had no intention of shelving the matter.

“Since everyone is here, let’s talk about it.”

“Mom, I will explain this to you later.”

"What are you explaining? You only defend her. Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. You are just confused by her."

 “Mom, your words are getting worse and worse!”

 Repeated verbal attacks are intolerable even if the other person is his own mother.

Everything is about right and wrong, and unreasonable people really make people feel uncomfortable.

 Han’s mother put a question directly in front of them, “Let me ask you, are the things in the photos true?”

Xia Xiyun clenched her teeth and found it difficult to speak.

Han Ma sneered and nodded, "If you don't deny it, you're acquiescing."

Han Xingye held her hand and felt the sweat on his palms. .

Turning his head to look at her, he found that her face was very pale.

【I’ll give you a surprise in the next chapter】



 (End of this chapter)

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