My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1152: Xia Xiyun is pregnant

Chapter 1152 Xia Xiyun is pregnant

 “What’s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?”

Xia Xiyun's face was very ugly, and Han Xingye was very worried.

Han's mother's voice kept lingering in her ears, and Xia Xiyun felt extremely painful.

She felt that her vision was blurred, and the voices in her head were getting more and more confusing. In the end, she only remembered Han Xingye's anxious and worried expression and voice. She didn't know anything about what happened after that.

Xia Xiyun fainted in Han Xingye’s arms. Han Xingye was so worried that even Han’s mother was startled.

  Han mother stopped talking, but refused to lower her head, "I'm afraid you don't dare to confront me, so just pretend to be dizzy here."

 “Mom, you are getting more and more unreasonable!”

Han Xingyejian and Xia Xiyun hugged each other and rushed to the car.

Han’s mother hesitated for a moment, then she grabbed Han’s father, who had been hiding in the house, and chased after her. “I have to follow her to see what tricks she is playing, so as not to stun our son.”

 Han’s father shook his head helplessly, and felt that it was a little difficult to communicate with menopausal women.

 But what can be done? Didn't just follow along.

Han Xingye was extremely worried when he rushed to the hospital.

He couldn't wake up the fainted Xia Xiyun no matter what. He could only hold her hand tightly and found that her body was cold.

He thought he was sick, so when he was sent in for examination, Han Xingye's heart was very high.

“Doctor, how is she doing?”

"The patient is very weak, but there is one more thing. I suggest you take her for an obstetrics and gynecology checkup now. She seems to be pregnant."

Doctors also treat diseases in different disciplines. He does not have the equipment here and cannot make rash assertions. He gave a euphemistic reminder but in fact he has a diagnosis result.

Han Xingye was shocked when he heard this.

  Han’s father and mother standing at the door were also shocked.

Han Xingye looked at Xia Xiyun on the hospital bed, feeling indescribable excitement in his heart, and full of joy seemed to overflow from his heart.

Xia Xiyun was pregnant, and without any thought, he felt that he was going to be a father!

"Very good."

After being surprised for a moment, Mother Han couldn't help but feel happy, but the next moment she drooped her face and said, "Don't be too happy too early. Didn't you say you want to go for a check-up?"

If it weren't for the doctor standing there, Han's mother would definitely have questioned whose seed the child in Xia Xiyun's belly was.

Han Xingye was just immersed in joy and didn't think too much. Even if he wasn't completely sure, he was still too happy to control himself.

 “Yes, do the check, do the check.”

 Performing the doctor's instructions, Xia Xiyun underwent a professional examination. The examination results showed that she was indeed pregnant for more than two months.

 The estimated time is the day after his return from the concert tour.

right! That time, because there was no contraception at home and I couldn't bear the pain of lovesickness, I just did it.

 They are the closest people, and they didn’t take that laxity seriously. Who knew God would give him a big surprise!

Han Xingye stood beside Xia Xiyun's hospital bed with a satisfied look on his face.

“Did you hear that? You are pregnant and we have a baby.”

 He thought to himself that now he no longer had to worry about Xia Xiyun leaving.

He was extremely grateful for this unborn baby. He had even imagined that in the bright future, Xia Xiyun would untie his knot and they would live a happy life with the baby.

 However, reality is always cruel.

 “Dong dong dong.”

 Han’s mother knocked on the door and signaled Han Xingye to go out.

 “The origin of this child is unknown.”

【happy? Surprise? 】



 (End of this chapter)

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