My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1226: Bring Xiao Yuer to meet Grandpa Nangong

Chapter 1226: Bringing Xiao Yuer to meet Grandpa Nangong

The old man's eyesight is dazzled and his vision of people is a bit blurry. Coupled with the difference in Gong Qianli's style now and four years ago, the old man really can't recognize her.

Perhaps there was a child next to her, and the old man guessed, "Is it Zhong Yun and Yu'er?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Nangong was a little embarrassed.

Gong Qianli also felt a little disappointed in her heart, but she didn't think much about it. After all, she had been away for four years.

"Grandpa, I am Liuli." Gong Qianli approached the bed so that the old man could see her appearance more clearly, "Grandpa, can you still catch me? I am Liuli, and I am back."

 "Liu... Liuli..." The old man stretched out his hand to sit up.

Mrs. Nangong quickly raised the bed so that the old man could sit.

On the way here, I heard Mrs. Nangong say that the old man couldn't see people clearly, and sometimes his memory was confused. However, she didn't expect that she just said her name and the old man recognized her.

"Liu Li..." Even though her voice was mute, Gong Qianli could still feel the old man's care for her younger generation.

 She used to respect the old man as her own grandfather.

  At first, she was ruthless in reducing her contacts with the Nangong family, but now she really regrets it.

“Grandpa, I’m sorry, Liuli just came to visit you now.”

 “Good are finally back.”

The old man stretched out his hand tremblingly. The arm was as skinny as wood.

She held the old man's trembling hand, and suddenly felt a pain in her heart.

Xiao Yu'er stood next to Gong Qianli. At such a young age, she couldn't understand what this scene meant, but she knew that her mother was very sad at the moment.

Xiao Yu'er tugged on the corner of Gong Qianli's clothes and comforted her softly, "Mommy, don't be sad."

Gong Qianli turned around to comfort her daughter, "Mommy is not sad, mommy is very happy because she saw grandpa again today."

“Well, if mommy is happy, Yu’er will be happy.”

Hearing the simple conversation between mother and daughter, Mrs. Nangong’s heart really felt ripples one after another.

I have to sigh, Gong Qianli’s daughter is so well-educated, she is such a wonderful person!

The conversation between mother and daughter caught the attention of Mr. Nangong. The old man looked at the child and asked, "Is it Yu'er?"

Yu and Yu have the same pinyin but different tones.

Xiao Yu'er didn't know if the old man was calling her, so when she was confused, she subconsciously asked her mother for help.

Gong Qianli didn’t know how to explain it for a moment.

She hesitated for a short while and found that the old man seemed very happy when he looked at Xiao Yu'er.

Mrs. Nangong knew that the old man was looking forward to his granddaughter, so she whispered a few words in Gong Qianli's ear, which probably meant that she hoped she could cooperate with the old man and make him happy.

Gong Qianli had absolutely no reason to refuse.

 She pushed her daughter forward a little and taught Xiao Yu'er to call her grandpa.

Since it was Gong Qianli who spoke, Xiao Yuer obediently called out, "Grandpa."

"Hey..." Mr. Nangong felt that he had not heard such a comfortable address for a long time. He wanted to get close to his granddaughter, but he thought that in the past, his granddaughter seemed to dislike the smell of medicine on his body.

The old man retracted his outstretched hand. He just looked at Xiao Yu'er kindly and sighed: "Yu'er seems to have grown taller again."

Now Xiao Yu'er could hear the pronunciation of the word clearly. She thought the old man had mispronounced it and corrected it, "Grandpa, my name is Yu'er."


Mr. Nangong only felt that he was old and confused, and he couldn't even remember his granddaughter's name.

Gong Qianli also explained, "Grandpa, this is my daughter, her name is Yu'er."

【Next chapter preview: The old man was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed, "Liuli girl and Luo'er's daughter are so old, good, really good..."]



 (End of this chapter)

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