My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1227: Xiao Yuer is simply an angel

Chapter 1227 Xiao Yuer is simply an angel

The old man was silent for a while after listening to Gong Qianli's words. Looking at Xiao Yu'er's appearance, he suddenly laughed, "Liu Li girl and Luo'er's daughter are already so old. Okay, that's great..."

Mr. Nangong’s words shocked Gong Qianli and made Mrs. Nangong confused.

 Xiao Yuer is even more confused.

Gong Qianli's heart beat faster when she felt guilty, "Grandpa, you misunderstood, Yu'er doesn't..."

Just when Gong Qianli wanted to deny it in front of everyone, Mrs. Nangong pulled her hand and stopped her from continuing.

“Liu Li, let grandpa be happy for a while.”

Mrs. Nangong hopes that she can follow the old man’s wishes and try her best to cooperate no matter what the old man says.

She remembered that Mrs. Nangong had said before that the old man sometimes had confused memory and would recognize the wrong person. She didn't expect it to be so strange.

When he first came here, Mr. Nangong's thinking was that his grandson-in-law was still Zhong Yun, but he didn't expect that she would be related to Nangong Luo right now.

Not only that, Mr. Nangong also talked about the past, "I made a bet with you. If you lose, you will become the granddaughter-in-law of my Nangong family. You deliberately lost to me. Now I think about it as if it happened yesterday. In the blink of an eye, you guys The children are so old.”

Mr. Nangong talked a lot.

When Mrs. Nangong cast her doubtful eyes, Gong Qianli really wanted to find a hole in the ground and burrow down!

 She had no idea that the old man would mention this matter at this moment, so she shouldn’t be too embarrassed...

That didn’t betray her thoughts.

“Ahem, grandpa, are you thirsty? Do you want some water?”

 She deliberately changed the topic and betrayed her well-behaved little daughter at a critical moment.

“Yu’er, please talk to Grandpa for a while.” Gong Qianli pulled her daughter to the bedside.

Xiao Yuer nodded, very obedient.

 When Gong Qianli excused herself to pour water, Xiao Yuer began to carry out the task assigned to her by her mother - to talk to her grandpa for a while.

“Grandpa, are you sick?”

 “Yeah, I’m sick.”

“When you are sick, you should be obedient and see the doctor. The doctor will give you injections and medicine, and you will be fine after taking the medicine.” Xiao Yuer earnestly conveyed her surprise when she was sick to the old man.

  Listening to these caring children's words, the old man felt warm in his heart.

“My great-grandfather will work hard to treat her. My great-grandfather also wants to see Yu’er grow up healthy and happy, and become a tall and graceful girl.”

“Then Grandpa, if you work hard to cure the disease, Yu’er will also grow up!”

 “Yu’er is so good.”

The old man wanted to touch his great-granddaughter several times, but in his confused memory, he still remembered the way Nangong Yu looked when she disliked him, so he retracted his hand every time.

Xiao Yu'er is good at observation, but she is simple-minded and doesn't know what the old man's inner thoughts are.

She just looked at the old man’s hands, which were so bony and full of veins.

She grabbed the old man's hand outside with her own hands and said, "Grandpa, Mommy said you shouldn't keep your hands outside while sleeping, as you may get sick easily."

 Mr. Nangong was simply flattered to receive the concern from his great-granddaughter.

Mrs. Nangong was almost moved to tears by the heartwarming scene in front of her.

I asked Mr. Rinan Gong to bring Nangong Yu here when he missed his great-granddaughter. Nangong Yu always said things like "Grandpa stinks" and "I don't want to stay in this room" which hurt the old man's heart.

Later on, she didn’t dare to bring Nangong Yu here again. Now that she met Xiao Yuer, she also had plans in mind.

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 (End of this chapter)

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