My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1656: I finally know that he likes Bei Jiyue

Chapter 1656 I finally know that he likes Bei Jiyue

"Who said I wanted to confess to her?" Ye Qingfeng was surprised.

Ye Weiwei almost jumped up with excitement again, "Then what do you mean?"

 “Mommy, calm down.”

"Huh." Ye Yiwei exhaled heavily, sat back in the chair, closed his eyes, and waited for his next words.

Ye Qingfeng finally figured it out. It turned out to be a misunderstanding that he was confessing to Zhu Yue?

“What I said to the reporter is true, but I didn’t say it to Zhu Yue.”

"Who is that?"

“…” Ye Qingfeng suddenly fell silent.

Ye Weiyi opened her eyes suddenly, with a look of joy on her face, she thought about it!

“Is it, is it, is it Xiao Yue’er?”

Sure enough, Ye Qingfeng's face showed a touch of tenderness. This time he nodded and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Ye Weiwei laughed so much that he couldn't stop laughing.

She picked up the melon seeds and moved the chair to Ye Qingfeng, ready to listen to the story, "Son, you can do it. You can hide it really deep. Come on, come on, tell Mommy, when did you start?"

 But in just a moment, Ye Qingfeng had already calmed down his exposed emotions, and the calm expression on his face made it impossible for anyone to guess what he was thinking.

"Mommy, I have my own arrangements. If there is nothing on your side, I will leave first."

 “Oh? Are you leaving now?”

"Yes, there are still some things that have not been dealt with." It was probably to express to her that she has been a little busy recently.

Ye Weiyi was not in a hurry, and waited until he stepped out of the door before speaking, "You don't even want to hear about Xiao Yue'er?"

“…” Ye Qingfeng retracted her foot in seconds.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Seeing him like this, Ye Weiwei knew that his son was in trouble.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but tease him, "You hide it so well, no one knows that it's Xiao Yue'er you're interested in."

"?" Ye Qingfeng couldn't help but frown, don't you even know? Does he think he acted very obviously?

 “I asked you before, but you avoided talking.”

“…” Hearing this, Ye Qingfeng frowned even deeper. The little girl was only that old before, and every time Kitano saw him it was like seeing a human trafficker, so he was afraid that he would scare people away if he revealed something.

“It’s really pitiful that we, Xiao Yue’er, have been sad for you for so long. It makes us heartbroken when we look at it.” Ye Weiyi sighed helplessly.

Ye Qingfeng's whole heart was raised, "What do you mean?"

 “What do I mean, you don’t know?”

 “Mommy, please make it clear.”

Ye Weiyi gave him a look of disdain, "What did you do wrong that you don't know about?"

"Well..." Ye Qingfeng felt that he had encountered a problem of the century. If he knew it, would he still need to ask?

 Ten minutes later, Ye Qingfeng ran out of Ye's house.

Ye Weiwei looked at his hurried away figure, and the big stone in his heart finally fell.

 She took a sip of tea slowly and wiped her mouth.

Having been going around in circles for so long, it turns out that the people who like each other are right beside us...

Ye Qingfeng asked the Human Resources Department to check the attendance record, and the record clearly showed that Bei Jiyue had returned to the company to work.

He drove to the company at the maximum speed, like a young boy who had just fallen in love, completely lacking his usual maturity and poise.

He couldn't wait to go to the design department to find someone, but was told that Bei Jiyue and Zhu Yue, the head of Coco Company, left the company half an hour ago.

 Everyone thought it was a work matter and didn’t pay much attention to it.

Ye Qingfeng impatiently contacted the number he knew by heart.

  【The author has something to say】

   A person with a high IQ can also be a fool!



 (End of this chapter)

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