My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1657: I treat you like a white lotus to disgust you

 Chapter 1657 I treat you like a white lotus to disgust you

Bei Jiyue was sitting face to face with Zhuyue drinking tea when she saw Ye Qingfeng coming.

  She didn’t know why Zhu Yue invited her out today, or did he want to show off?

 “Miss Zhu, if you have anything to say, just tell me.”

Zhu Yue didn’t answer and asked instead: “Aren’t you going to answer the phone?”

Bei Jiyue smiled faintly and tapped the screen of her phone on the table.

 She was afraid that if she accepted the call, she would lose control of her emotions.

 She doesn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Zhu Yue!

 “I know, you like Ye Qingfeng.”

 “So what?” After all, she was born as an eldest lady. Even if her heart is already fragile, she will never show her weak side in front of the enemy easily.

Zhu Yue admired her, and even remembered that night, the little girl was standing across the street and was caught in a lot of rain.

Zhu Yue gently put down the tea cup and said in a leisurely manner: "That night, I saw you."

Bei Jiyue took a deep breath. Her love rival saw through her heart, and she suddenly felt a cold air sweeping through her body.

 She was never willing to bow to anyone, let alone Zhu Yue.

“Do you know why Ye Qingfeng and I broke up?”

After thinking about it, Zhu Yue added another sentence: "Oh, I forgot, you were still young and didn't know what love was."

“So you’re here to show off to me?”

 “I really want to show off.”

“…” Bei Jiyue bit her lip.

Zhu Yue wanted to laugh a little when she saw the sadness she was trying to hide but inadvertently showing. It’s not that I’m making fun of you, I just feel that some people are so blessed in life that they don’t know how to be blessed.

 It seems that the little girl still doesn’t know the man’s true intentions.

The red lips are light, and Zhu Yuekou has a light whisper, and he speaks his inner words brightly. "I come back this time and want to reunite with the night breeze."

Hearing this, Bei Jiyue finally couldn't bear it anymore, slapped the table and stood up!

She finally knew that Zhu Yue came here to show off. Did he want to **** her off?

"Zhu Yue, I don't love you for what you said, and there is no need for you to beep in front of me. Doesn't Brother Qingfeng like you? If you have the ability, just tell him!"

Bei Jiyue was extremely angry.

"Besides, what do you have to show off? You have been separated for so many years. Do you know what Brother Qingfeng has experienced? I grew up with Brother Qingfeng. No one can love him more than me, and the time I spend with him is also You can never make it up!"

"I would like to ask, you came back to get back together, so are you reconciled with Brother Qingfeng now? If you push me, I will run in front of him and make trouble, just like a white lotus to disgust you, what can you do with it? what should I do?"

   I dropped two paragraphs without even taking a breath.

Bei Jiyue opened her red wallet, took out two bright-colored bills, put them on the table, and turned around to leave.

 However, Zhu Yue’s next sentence successfully stopped her in her tracks.

“Bei Jiyue, what if I say that he likes someone else?”

Bei Jiyue turned her back to her, her fingers holding the red wallet trembling slightly, "There can't be anyone else."

 In so many years, only Zhu Yue has appeared.

 So, there cannot be anyone else.

“Bei Jiyue, you are so timid. You have had a crush on someone for so many years but you dare not reveal your feelings to him. Aren’t you tired?”

"Nothing to do with you."

Zhu Yue counted the time and turned to look out the window. Sure enough, she saw that familiar figure getting out of the car and heading straight to the teahouse.

 “Look, he’s coming.”

  【The author has something to say】

My little Yue’er is so cute, she actually fooled her love rival into thinking that she wanted to be a white lotus



 (End of this chapter)

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