My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1672: A wonderful woman with both talent and beauty

Chapter 1672 A strange woman with both talent and beauty

 “How long are you going to hang on to me?”

 “Yes, I’m sorry.”

Nangong Yu was extremely embarrassed, but she didn't dare to turn around.

Standing away from Huo Yanxi's arms in a strange posture, the elevator door had already been closed, and even if she pressed the button, she had to stand here and wait.

But standing with Huo Yanxi is like a public execution...

 When she finally got into the elevator, she didn't expect Huo Yensi to follow her in.

Damn it, are she and Huo Yanxi so destined!

“Why are you here too?”

Huo Yanxi narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you don't get into the elevator, why don't you stand there and act as a mannequin for them?"

"Haha." Nangong Yu smiled, "Mr. Huo is really good at joking."

She really had a headache. It was a rare sight in her life that Huo Yanxi had seen her in such embarrassing situations. It was because of some grudge she had in her previous life.

“It is said that Nangong Yu of the Nangong Group is smart and courageous in official matters, gentle and polite in dealing with others, and has emerged from the mud without being stained. When I saw him today, there was not a single word of truth.”

 “Mr. Huo, what does this mean?”

“You rely on me in front of reporters, and the headline tomorrow will be none other than you, Nangong Yu.”

Nangong Yu was convinced that Huo Yanxi must have misunderstood that all this was a deliberate arrangement by her.

Hearing what Huo Yanxi said about her, she was not angry or angry, and explained calmly, "Mr. Huo, you misunderstood. What happened just now was not intentional on my part, it was just a coincidence."

“Really, then it seems that Miss Nangong and I are really destined.” There are so many coincidences...

Nangong Yu listened quietly, with a faint smile on his face.

Most people who sit in Nangong Yu's position are called "strong women", but few outsiders use this term for Nangong Yu because she feels too special.

Her personality is quiet and indifferent, her appearance is soft and pleasant, she has great wisdom and is full of talent. She is really a very strange existence in the business world.

Huo Yanxi became extra interested in her, thinking that this woman gave people a really light and calm feeling, which made people want to try to hold her tightly in the palm of their hands.

 The assistant finally came over, and Nangong Yu felt much more at ease.

Huo Yanxi was not following her either, but before parting, Huo Yanxi left a special message for her, "Tomorrow we will conduct a preliminary screening of the plans of each company. If Miss Nangong is interested, you can come."

Nangong Yu did not respond.

 She took her assistant to the toilet.

Originally, she had to change her clothes because she was embarrassed by her menstrual period. Unexpectedly, her change provided another explosive point for entertainment reporters.

Those reporters reversed the order of the photos before and after she changed clothes, implying that she was being manipulated by Huo Yanxi.

Once this news is released, if the Nangong Group's planning project is selected, people will definitely be criticized.

“General manager, the chairman called just now and asked how you plan to handle this matter?”

 Nangong Yu had a severe headache.

This time's events were really a pile-up of coincidences one after another, which made her really hard to guard against.

 When the assistant came to confirm the itinerary with her, she remembered the profound words Huo Yanxi left.

Huo Yanxi is well-known, and she has also seen with her own eyes that Huo Yanxi's private life is chaotic.

 She didn't like dealing with such people, but on the other hand, she had to admire Huo Yanxi's ability.

She is a person who keeps company and private affairs very separate. Although there are a lot of reports about her from outside, she will not hide it and dare not face it.

 She will still go to Huo Yanxi's "invitation".

 (End of this chapter)

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