My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1673: heartwarming moment

 Chapter 1673 A heart-warming moment

According to the address Huo Yanxi told her, Nangong Yu found out when she arrived that it was actually a teahouse with an elegant environment.

 Selecting a plan in a teahouse?

 This man is really strange.

“Mr. Huo, Miss Nangong is here.”

The person who led her in was the assistant from yesterday's meeting, named Luo An.

Nangong Yu was flattered. This was Huo Yanxi's personal assistant, so "serving her" made her feel uneasy.

After Nangong Yu entered, Huo Yanxi's personal assistant Luo An left, and the assistant she brought with her was also blocked outside.

This is the first time for Nangong Yu to meet someone who doesn't act according to common sense.

However, she did not encounter the same embarrassing situation as yesterday, and she is now calm and composed.

 “Mr. Huo, we meet again.”

 “Well, sit down.”

Huo Yanxi didn't say anything more to her, but just pointed to the seat opposite and asked her to sit down.

 The next time, Huo Yanxi began to read every planning document carefully in front of her.

Nangong Yu has seen many people, but he can't figure him out.

Huo Yanxi has been dealing with official matters and it is not easy to interrupt him.

 Fortunately, Nangong Yu is a person with a very good personality. Even if she doesn't do anything but just sip tea, she can calm down.

Just like this, handsome men and beautiful women sit face to face in an elegant teahouse. Looking through the glass from a distance, it looks like a quiet and perfect painting.

I really want to take a photo and record it.

 There are many plans, but Huo Yanxi’s reading speed is much faster than ordinary people.

Nangong Yu sat across from him quietly, not making any strange noises during the process, and just watched quietly.

 She is observing.

  Observe every subtle movement of Huo Yanxi, and don’t even miss his expression.

The man had noticed it a long time ago, but he seemed to be deliberately indulging her.

Similarly, people like Huo Yanxi, except for deliberately showing their expressions, are calm at other times, and it is useless to look at them.

 So, Nangong Yu gave up.

 She drinks tea by herself and looks out the window when she is bored.

Since she was a child, she liked to sit quietly and read a book. When she was tired and rested to relax her eyes, she would stand by the window and look outside.

 The room in her home was in a good direction. When she looked up, she could see the blue sky and white clouds. The quiet and beautiful feeling often made her addicted.

 Even now.

She looked out the window. In addition to looking up at the clouds in the sky, she could also look at the potted plants on the windowsill.

 There are tiger-bearded calamus placed outside the teahouse.

She has seen a description of this plant in a book: Acorus calamus is also tolerant of semi-shade and exposure to sunlight. The green leaves are elegant and slender, but very tough.

The potted plants here grow very well. I think the people in the teahouse will take care of them and cultivate them properly.

 Huo Yanxi flipped through the pages for a long time and asked, "How likely does Miss Nangong think her plan book is to be selected?"

But there was no answer for a long time.

He looked up and saw Nangong Yu turning sideways, holding his chin with one hand and looking out the window, his eyes falling on the potted plant on the window sill.

 She seemed to have seen something treasured, and she observed it very carefully.

Huo Yanxi stopped turning pages involuntarily. At this moment, the tea room truly became quiet.

 It was the gentle and graceful woman who became the only beauty in the tea room.

Her profile is extremely beautiful, with skin as white as snow, naturally closed cherry-pink lips that are tender and glossy, a high bridge of nose with perfect curvature, and long eyelashes that blink like small fans.

If anyone sees such a scene, it will be difficult not to be moved.

 (End of this chapter)

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