My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1744: last night……

 Chapter 1744 Last night…

Hearing the sound of even breathing, Nangong Yu slowly opened his eyes again, and sure enough he saw that Huo Yanxi had fallen asleep.

Her gaze spread across Huo Yanxi’s delicate and flawless face, which seemed to paint a picture.

the next day

Huo Yanxi pressed her head and felt dizzy.

 I wanted to raise my hand, but felt something pressing on my arm.

 When he opened his eyes, he saw an incredible scene—

  Why did Nangong Yu fall asleep next to him?

 It can't be a dream...

Huo Yanxi didn't dare to move for a moment, for fear of disturbing the woman next to her, and even more afraid that she was just a dream and would disappear suddenly.

He stared at her again and again like a madman, and looked again and again.

 “What are you looking at again?” Suddenly, Nangong Yu opened his eyes.

Now Huo Yanxi really believed that this was not a dream...

 He woke up, and his expression suddenly returned to its normal and inscrutable look, "Why are you here?"

Nangong Yu saw the changes in his expression throughout the whole process, and felt as if he was feeling depressed. He didn't know what to say. This man was completely different from when he was drunk.

 “Have you forgotten what you did last night?”

"Last night?" These words frightened Huo Yanxi. She quickly looked down at herself and then at Nangong Yu, and found that both of them had changed into pajamas.

From what Nangong Yu said just now, it sounds like something indescribable happened to him after he was drunk yesterday, right?

It stands to reason that he took advantage, but why was he questioned like this by Nangong Yu instead?

no! He has to step up!

"I forgot about drinking yesterday, but you should tell me what I did last night?" A familiar evil smile appeared on Huo Yanxi's face.

When Nangong Yu thought of the way he acted coquettishly while holding her last night, he suddenly wasn't afraid of his expression anymore.

 “Last night, you said...”


“Forget it, you have forgotten it anyway, so let’s not mention it.” Nangong Yu sighed helplessly, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, leaving Huo Yanxi’s back.

 She finally got a win in front of Huo Yanxi. This feeling couldn't be more wonderful!

"It turns out you are not so difficult to deal with." After the drama last night, she seemed to have grasped Huo Yensi's weakness... That man didn't seem to be difficult to deal with.

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding due to poor communication between the two. She was timid, afraid of taking that step and only regretted not being able to control herself, so she had been restraining her feelings and refused to admit it.

  But after what happened last night, she had a certain degree of certainty about her position in Huo Yanxi's heart, so with her businessman nature, those twists and turns had already been sorted out.

 At least, she understood that Huo Yanxi cared about her.

Here, Nangong Yu has already figured out what he should do next.

 Outside, Huo Yanxi was sitting on the bed, already in an extremely entangled mode.

 What did he do last night? He actually let Nangong Yu sleep next to him and hold him in his arms? This is something he has failed to do despite all his tricks before!

 A drunkard actually did it?

Also, Nangong Yu's attitude towards him when he woke up just now was obviously very different from when he cried and said "I would rather never meet him" that night.

Does it mean that he still has some mysterious charm after being drunk and managed to get Nangong Yu?

 Think about it and don’t show weakness.

Huo Yanxi went to knock on the bathroom door, "Nangong Yu, are you okay?"

 (End of this chapter)

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