My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1745: She shouted: Yanxi...

Chapter 1745 She shouted: Yanxi...

“Well, okay.” Nangong Yu replied hesitantly, patted his face with water before going out.

 Huo Yanxi felt very strange. He remembered that it was the first time for Nangong Yu to come here. According to Nangong Yu's character, shouldn't he be very polite and reserved? How can I be so skilled that I feel like I'm at home...

But he liked Nangong Yu’s self-awareness of his family very much.

Thinking of this, I feel a lot better.

By the time he finished washing and went out, Nangong Yu had already put on a dress suitable for going out.

He remembered that he had hung the skirt in the closet himself and picked it out himself. He originally thought that he would not have the chance to give it to her, but he didn't expect that she would put it on herself?

Nangong Yu's series of actions made Huo Yanxi doubt herself.

 He wondered if he had lost his memory? Or traveled through time?

Now I am full of questions and I can’t figure it out, but I can’t find the courage to ask her.

By the time he was about to change clothes, Nangong Yu was already standing at the door, holding the door handle and saying to him: "After changing clothes, go downstairs and have breakfast."

This gentle voice and this behavior are really like the daily life of a loving couple.

Huo Yanxi rubbed his forehead, and then dressed faster, wanting to go downstairs quickly to see her.

Downstairs, Nangong Yu sat elegantly at the dining table, serving breakfast one after another.

Nangong Yu will thank them, and they will also call Nangong Yu "Madam" in response to politeness.

Huo Yanxi is now full of questions.

He finally couldn't help but ask Nangong Yu: "Have I lost my memory?"

Nangong Yu gave him an inexplicable look, "Why do you have such a strange problem?"

“…” Huo Yanxi hesitated and could only continue eating breakfast to cover up.

Before going out, Huo Yanxi stood at the door, not knowing if he was waiting for someone.

 Until Nangong Yu pulled up her hair and put on light makeup and came up from downstairs.

The servants couldn't help but look up and see how graceful and charming their lady was, as beautiful as the fairy in the painting.

Seeing Nangong Yu come down, Huo Yanxi walked out, as if to show that she was not "deliberately" waiting for her.

Nangong Yu walked slowly behind. When he saw Huo Yanxi getting into the car, he shouted: "Yanxi."

“!” This gentle voice was extremely aggressive and almost made Huo Yancy weak in the foot.

 “What did you just call me?”

"Yanxi, is there any problem?" She read his name again, still in such a gentle and affectionate tone.

Huo Yanxi felt like a fireball was gathering in his heart, about to explode.

 He ​​finally couldn't hold it back and asked the question he had been holding back all morning, "What happened to us last night? You treat me like this... I'm still not used to it."

Nangong Yu understood his inner activities at the moment very well, and said to him with a smile: "Then get used to it slowly. We will live together in the future anyway, right?"

 From now on... we will... be together...

 The impact of this sentence was not too great for Huo Yanxi.

He did not recover for a moment, but used actions to cover up his uncontrollable emotions, helped Nangong Yu open the car door, and stammered, "I, I will take you to work."


Nangong Yu naturally sat in the passenger seat.

The two of them didn’t say much along the way, they just had different thoughts in their minds.

Nangong Yu discovered that Huo Yanxi was probably a paper tiger.

It’s just that Huo Yensi doesn’t seem to believe that she will suddenly change her attitude?

 (End of this chapter)

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